Seven students storm the streets of Ibadan to protest over ASUU strike

No less than seven Nigerian students on Tuesday, staged a protest in Ibadan, Oyo state against the persistent strike embarked upon by the Academic Staff Union of Universities, ASUU.

The students who were holding placards, assembled in front of the University of Ibadan and demanded that schools be reopened.

It was gathered that security was beefed up at the main gate of the University to forestall the breakdown of law and order.

The inscriptions on the placards read: ‘No to Commercialization of Education,’ ‘We align with ASUU in its demands’, ‘Our future is in jeopardy’ ‘No resumption of academic activity, no 2023 general election’.

A spokesman for the protesting students said; “We have given the parties involved in the crisis enough time to resolve their differences Enough is enough.

“The Federal government and its relevant agencies are toying with our careers and future.

With the prolonged ASUU strike, we have stayed beyond the duration of years that we are supposed to spend. A 4-year course duration has been extended to 7 years.

We are tired of staying at home. The Federal government should do the needful by shifting grounds, and critically looks into and grants the request of ASUU.”