Passenger plane crashes into Lake Victoria in Tanzania

An airplane belonging to Tanzania’s Precision Air crashed into Lake Victoria on Sunday, November 6, 2022.

According to Tanzania Broadcasting Corporation (TBC), the plane was about to land at Bukoba Airport in Northwestern Tanzania but due to the poor weather conditions, it crash-landed into the lake.

The passenger plane had departed Dar es Salaam to Bukoba, a two-hour flight according to Precision Air social media handles.

TBC said 15 people had been rescued so far from the Precision Air jet but it was unknown how many passengers were on board or whether there were any fatalities.

The news reports show photos of the plane mostly submerged in the lake and say rescue operation is underway.

Bukoba Airport is on the shores of Lake Victoria, Africa’s largest lake.

One dead, nine missing after plane crash in Washington state

One person has died and 9 people are missing, including a child, after a floatplane crashed in Puget Sound in Washington state, the U.S. Coast Guard said.

The agency said in a press release the plane was flying from Friday Harbor, a popular tourist destination in the San Juan Islands, to Renton, a southern suburb of Seattle, on Sunday afternoon, September 4.

The Coast Guard said it received a report of the crash around 3:11 pm (2211 GMT) and dispatched helicopters and boats to scour the area. Local search and rescue officials were also on the scene.

“One deceased individual was recovered by crews on scene. Nine individuals remain unaccounted for, and a safety zone has been put into effect to help facilitate search efforts,” the coast guard said in a statement. The cause of the crash was unknown, authorities said.

The plane went down in Mutiny Bay off Whidbey Island, roughly 30 miles northwest of downtown Seattle and about halfway between Friday Harbor and Renton.

The National Transportation Safety Board said the plane was a de Havilland DHC-3 Otter, a single-engine propeller plane.

Chief of Army staff, Ibrahim Attahiru dies in plane crash

Nigeria’s Chief of Army Staff, General Ibrahim Attahiru, has died in a plane crash.

A military Beachcraft 350 aircraft crashed at the Kaduna International Airport on Friday, claiming all eight souls onboard including the Army chief.

Commissioner and Chief Executive Officer of the Accident Investigation Bureau, Nigeria, Akin Olateru, told The Punch that the eight souls died onboard.

Also, the Nigerian Army spokesman, Yerima Mohammed confirmed the development to BBC.

Attahiru was appointed Chief of Army Staff on January 26, 2021.

Ghastly plane crash in South Sudan leaves 10 people dead

At least ten people, including the two pilots, died when a plane crashed at an airstrip in South Sudan’s Jonglei state, the region’s governor and the airline said.

It was reported that the commercial plane crashed late afternoon Tuesday, March 2, when it took off from the airstrip at Pieri on a return flight to Juba.

According to aviation authorities, all aboard the commercial plane lost their lives.

It could not give a specific death toll, saying up to 24 people could have been on the flight.

“It was with great shock and horror to receive the news of the plane crash (HK-4274) of South Sudan Supreme Airline,” Governor Denay Jock Chagor said in a statement sent to AFP Wednesday.

Ten people including the two pilots lost their lives,” he added.

Ayii Duang Ayii, director of South Supreme Airlines, told AFP Wednesday that it was “not clear how many people” were on board the flight.

“But the first information communicated to us was that there were 11 people on board,” the director said.

“We are still working to send a team… to establish for us the facts. All onboard died,” he said.

“The plane left to Pieri well, landed well and when it was taking off back to Juba that was when it crashed,” Ayii Duang Ayii added.

Haruna Gazman, the pilot that died in the recent plane crash in Abuja

The pilot that died in the recent plane crash that happened today have surfaced online. The pilot identified Haruna Gazman has gained reactions from people since the report of the plane crash. However, the pictures were shared by a Twitter user identified as Mimi Love.

While sharing the photos, Mimi love expressed sympathy over the death of Haruna Gazman. She stated that the pilot died as a hero, adding that he should rest in peace.

People are celebrating Haruna Gazman because of the role he played when the plane was about to crash. It was gathered that Haruna Gazman prevented the aircraft from crashing in a residential area.

Haruna Gazman manoeuvred the aircraft into a free-land to crash-land where it went into flames immediately. Assuming the plane crashed in a residential area, it would have been more disastrous. 

What Haruna Gazman did is a brave one, and it shows he has the interest of people at heart despite the situation he found himself in at that moment. Haruna Gazman deserved to be a hero and should be celebrated by people regardless. 

RIP: Before The Plane Crashed, See The Message A Woman Posted On Her Instagram Account

Rathi Windania, her daughter and her nephew didn’t survive the plane crash that reportedly happened in Indonesia. Shortly before the plane crashed, this woman posted a sad and final message on her Instagram account. According to THE SUN, the Boeing 737 took off from an airport in Indonesia capital, it reached an altitude of 10,900 fts and then disappeared from the radar screens. It was later confirmed that the aircraft carrying 62 passengers crashed into a sea minutes after take off, no one survived the crash.

Rathi, her daughter and her nephew were among the 62 passengers who lost their lives in the plane crash. Shortly before the crash, she posted the picture of herself, her daughter and her nephew sitting side by side in the plane, she also wrote a message that touched the heart of many. Here is the photo that she posted below

Here is the message that she posted on her Instagram account shortly before the crash.

According to the sun, she posted the picture and wrote “BYE BYE FAMILY, WE ARE HEADING HOME FOR NOW.”

It was minutes after she posted this that the plane she boarded fell from 10,900 fts in under 60 seconds, crashing into sea and killing 62 people. May their souls rest in peace.

Blast At Yemen Airport Kills 25, 110 wounded.

Yemen’s internationally recognised government said Iran-backed Houthi rebels fired four ballistic missiles at the airport. No one on the government plane was hurt.

A large explosion rocked the airport in the southern Yemeni city of Aden on Wednesday, shortly after a plane carrying the newly formed cabinet landed there, killing at least 25 people, AFP reports.

Yemen’s internationally recognised government said Iran-backed Houthi rebels fired four ballistic missiles at the airport. No one on the government plane was hurt.

Officials later reported another explosion close to a palace in the city where the cabinet members were transferred following the airport attack. The Saudi-led coalition later shot down a bomb-laden drone that attempted to target the palace.

The cabinet reshuffle was seen as a major step toward closing a dangerous rift between the government of embattled Yemeni President, Abed Rabbo Mansour Hadi, and southern separatists backed by the United Arab Emirates. Hadi’s government and the separatists are nominal allies in Yemen’s years-long civil war that pits the Saudi-led, US-backed military coalition against the Houthis, who control most of northern Yemen as well as the country’s capital, Sanaa.

A footage from the scene at the airport showed members of the government delegation disembarking as the blast shook the grounds. Many ministers rushed back inside the plane or ran down the stairs, seeking shelter.

Thick smoke rose into the air from near the terminal building. Officials at the scene said they saw bodies lying on the tarmac and elsewhere at the airport.

Yemeni Communication Minister, Naguib al-Awg, who was on the plane, said he heard two explosions, suggesting they were drone attacks. Prime Minister, Maeen Abdulmalik Saeed, and the others were quickly whisked away from the airport to the Mashiq Palace.

Military and security forces sealed off the area around the palace.

“It would have been a disaster if the plane was bombed,” al-Awg said, insisting the plane was the target of the attack as it was supposed to land earlier.

Prime Minister Saeed tweeted that he and his cabinet were safe and unhurt. He called the explosions a “cowardly terrorist act” that was part of the war on “the Yemeni state and our great people.”

Foreign Minister, Ahmed Awad Bin Mubarak, blamed the Houthis for the attacks. His ministry said in a statement later that the rebels fired four ballistic missiles at the airport, and launched drone attacks at the palace, the cabinet’s headquarters. They did not provide evidence.

Health Minister, Qasem Buhaibuh, said in a tweet the attacks at the airport killed at least 25 people and wounded 110 others, suggesting the death toll could increase further because some of the wounds were serious.

Images shared on social media from the scene showed rubble and broken glass strewn about near the airport building and at least two lifeless bodies, one of them charred, lying on the ground. In another image, a man tries to help another man whose clothes were torn to get up from the ground.

The International Committee of the Red Cross said three of its workers were killed in the airport blast.