Pentagon denies Trump’s request for military farewell parade

The outgoing President of the United States of America, Donald Trump has been denied a grand spectacle of a US Armed Forces Farewell- a custom dating back to the end of Ronald Reagan’s presidential term in 1989.

Trump wanted a military-style farewell parade as he exits office on Wednesday, to include a massive crowd of his supporters but two senior Defense offices insist that the Pentagon will not participate in any such event.

US defence and national security website Defense One broke the news there will be no grand military spectacle, no 21-gun salute for the 45th president of the US, as his request was rejected by the Pentagon.

“Two senior defence officials confirmed to Defense One on Thursday [January 14] that no military farewell is being planned for the commander in chief,” the website wrote on Sunday.

Further reports say Trump, in a show of bitterness, will also not engage in any hand-off rituals that incumbents typically do to welcome newly elected Presidents – such as leaving a letter of advice to the new president or hosting a one-on-one conversation.