Nigerian-born Artist, Ibe-Russell, Exhibits Work In Paris

Nigerian-born artist, Chinwe Ive-Russell, is exhibiting her art in Paris.

According to her brother and former Imo Speaker, Ike Ibe, the artist is showing some of her pieces including Ikenga and Onugotu at a four-day exhibition holding in the city.Ibe-Russell, who runs her gallery out of Doncaster, UK, is showing her work at the Focus Art Fair at Carrousel Du Louvre, Paris.

Reno Omokri to lead protest to ”harrass” Buhari out of Paris

Former presidential aide, Reno Omokri is set to lead a protest in Paris, France, to ‘harass’ President Muhammadu Buhari back to Nigeria.

He urged Nigerians in Paris to convene at the Temporary Exhibition Centre, in front of the Eiffel Tower on Tuesday for a peaceful protest.

The author and communications specialist earlier conducted a poll on his Facebook page soliciting the idea of Nigerians particularly the youths to ascertain whether to protest or allow President Buhari remain in France.

At the end of the poll, he concluded to embark on the protest after majority of his supporters opted in for the #harassBuhariOutOfParis.

Omokri made his decision known in a post on his official Facebook page.

“Do you love Nigeria? Are you based in Paris? Join us for the #HarassBuhariOutOfParis peaceful protest tomorrow, 12 noon, Paris Time, at the Temporary Exhibition Centre, in front of the Eiffel Tower.

“Muhammadu Buhari can’t be globetrotting, while Nigeria is drifting. Go back and fix Nigeria!

“Please do this for the love of Nigeria”, he wrote.

Recall that Omokri had initiated a protest in Abuja House, London, over a month ago during the president’s medical trip to the United Kingdom.

US formally withdraws from Paris Agreement on climate change

The United States has formally withdrawn from the Paris Agreement on climate change.

BBC reports that America becomes the first in the world to do so.

President Donald Trump announced the pull-out in June 2017.

But in line with United Nations (UN) regulations, the exit takes effect today, November 4.

A country can only give notice to withdraw after three years from the date of ratification. Such member must also issue a 12-month notice period to the UN.

The 2015 agreement seeks to strengthen the global response to the threat of climate change.

The deal wants global temperature below 2C above pre-industrial levels.

During the electioneering campaign, Democratic candidate, Joe Biden promised that America would re-join the accord if he is elected President.

Andrew Light, a climate change official in the Obama administration, opposed Trump’s decision.

“Being out formally obviously hurts the US reputation. This will be the second time that the United States has been the primary force behind negotiating a new climate deal. With the Kyoto Protocol we never ratified it, in the case of the Paris Agreement, we left it”, he said.

Carlos Fuller, lead negotiator for the Alliance of Small Island States in the UN talks, described the withdrawal as a big blow to the agreement.

“We actually worked very hard to ensure that every country in the world could accede to this new agreement. And so, by losing one, we feel that basically we have failed”, he declared.

But former UN climate chief, Yvo De Boer, placed the blame on former President, Barack Obama.

“What Obama did at the end of his second term was fundamentally undemocratic; to sign up to a Paris Agreement without going to the Senate and the Congress and instead doing it via executive order. In a way, you’re setting yourself up for what has happened now”, he said.


Terror inquiry after teacher beheaded near Paris

Police at the scene Conflans-Sainte-Honorine
Police Vehicle at the scene

A teacher has been beheaded in a suburb north-west of the French capital Paris, reports say, with the attacker shot dead by police.

The victim in Conflans-Sainte-Honorine was a teacher who is said to have shown caricatures of the Prophet Muhammad to his students.

The anti-terrorism prosecutor has been called in to lead an investigation into the attack.

The incident occurred at about 17:00 local time (15:00 GMT) near a school.

French President Emmanuel Macron is to visit Conflans-Sainte-Honorine later on Friday evening.

Interior Minister Gerald Darmanin, travelling to Morocco, is returning urgently to Paris.

France’s AFP news agency, quoting police and prosecutors, said the victim had been decapitated.

A man wielding a large knife is reported to have attacked the teacher in a street, cutting off his head. The attacker then ran off, but local police alerted by the public were quickly at the scene in the nearby area of Éragny.

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When they shouted at him to give himself up, he is said to have threatened them. The officers shot him and he died a short time after,

The scene is now sealed off, as the investigation continues.

In a tweet (in French), police urged members of the public to avoid the area.

A trial is under way in Paris of alleged accomplices in the deadly 2015 attack on the satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo, which had published cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad.