“Dad I’m Gone, Don’t Bother Looking For Me, These Were The Last Words From Our Son” Parents Narrate

A family in Kirinyaga county is in tears after their son left home without informing them. It has been twelve years since he left and they have never set their eyes on him.

According to the father, his son would complain while studying and despite all the complains he always encouraged his son to continue with education and he always took him to a school of his choice.

The father claims his son by the name kinuthia tried to run away from home but he managed to stop him and they returned back home where he later went back to Nairobi and joined a university.

The last time his mother set her eyes on him was when she escorted him to the bus station and booked a bus for him since he was going back to Kampala where he had been schooling.

The father claims, Kinuthia left home in Kampala since they had been living with his son and thought he had gone to school but when he went to his bedroom, Kinuthia had left a note claiming that he was gone and no one should bother looking for him.

His parents have been in all places looking for him but they have never been successful to find him but they are hopeful that their son is still alive and he will one day return back home.

Kinuthia’s parents claims they already forgave him and they love him soo much and he should return back home to wipe their tears since they have not been in peace since he left home.

Two young sisters allegedly abandoned by relatives after the brutal murder of their parents, brother and 2-year-old niece in Edo

Edo civil society group, Talakawa’s Parliament (TP), has enrolled two young orphans in school and provided an accomodation for them.

Human rights advocate and Speaker of TP, Kola Edokpayi, who confirmed this on Thursday March 4, said the girls, Princess and Faith, were allegedly abandoned by their relatives after the brutal murder of their parents, only brother and 2-year-old niece in 2019.

It was gathered that unknown gunmen killed their family members because their father allegedly refused to give his land to the Community Development Association in the village.

The incident happened at their residence in Uhunmwode Local Government Area of Edo State. Princess and Faith, who were in the room when the gunmen opened fire narrowly escaped death.

According to Edokpayi, the girls are doing well accademically post their trauamatic experience. 

“These two little orphans (Faith and Princess ) Father, Mother, only Brother and 2 years old niece were murdered in cold blood at their residence at Iguovbiobo Community, Uhumwonde Local Government Area of Edo State on the 6th day of January, 2019 by unknown gunmen. They were allegedly abandoned by their father’s family,” he said.

“We took them from the street to school and rented a befitting apartment for them. I am extremely ecstatic that they are performing excellently well academically and other wise.
We have some many orphans in our scheme that we pay their tuition fees because we believe that education is a veritable weapon for the emancipation of man from mental and physical slavery

It is better to invest in people like Princess and Faith than to spend your hard earned money on nincompoops that never see anything from your end. Let’s remove the children and destitute from the streets so that they can be responsible tomorrow.” 

A Lady Shows Credit Alert She Got From Her Boyfriends’ Parent To Breakup With Their Son

There are lots of different reasons why people may choose to end their relationship. Occasionally, it could be as a result of parents who don’t agree with their children’s choice of partner. Sometimes, when it comes to making certain relationship choices, parents especially mothers are usually not-in-doubt about the kind of woman their children should bring home, some even go as far as marrying a wife for their children.

A young lady in love has gotten mixed feelings about her relationship after she was made a mouth-watering offer by the parents of her boyfriend for her to quit her relationship with their son as she shows the credit alert she already got.

According to the Lady whose name is simply given as @Orla_mide, on Twitter, her boyfriend’s parents sent her about 600k and promised to buy for her the latest apple iPhone (iPhone 13, which is set to be released soon), if she breaks up with her boyfriend (their son), whom she probably is together with because they are both in love. 

The lady has mixed feelings about this and asked her followers on Twitter to advise her on what to do. This is because the offer made by the boyfriend’s parents seems tempting, while on second thought, she also loves their son. 

She also shared screenshot of the bank alert of the “promised” money she had already received probably to speed up the break up. However, people are reacting, some people took to the comments to advise her to follow her heart, while some shared their opinions.