Nigerian security agents disguise as gunmen in South-East – IPOB

The Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB) on Wednesday accused the Nigerian security operatives of carrying out the attacks in the South-East.

In a statement issued by its Media and Publicity Secretary, Emma Powerful, the group cautioned those behind the killing of innocent people in Okporo and Umutanze Orlu in Imo State to “stop the ethnic cleansing or brace up for mass resistance by the people.”

IPOB also accused the security agents of burning houses in the South-East and blaming their actions on unknown gunmen.

It challenged the Nigerian Police Force to immediately release the people they arrested and tagged as Eastern Security Network (ESN) operatives or charge them to court.

The statement read: “The Nigerian Police should stop parading innocent people and tag them ESN personnel because there is nobody looking or missing in IPOB; parading innocent people and tagging them ESN shows that Nigeria Police and Army have failed and don’t know their job.

“Since Nigeria abandoned their duty and focused on dishing false information to the public, we are out to expose them. Those you paraded to the public are not ESN members. Nigeria must stop ridiculing itself in the world because everyone is watching their activities.

If this secret genocide is not halted, both the perpetrators and their sponsors will be dealt with in no distant future.

“It is regrettable that some shameless politicians would connive with the oppressors to kill their own who committed no crime other than demanding their freedom from the Nigeria contraption.

“These Efulefus and evil politicians decided to sponsor Nigeria Army and Police to attack innocent Biafrans in Orlu and other places in Biafra land to implicate IPOB and ESN.

“We are warning politicians and traitors amongst us supporting this evil agenda to call it quit or brace up for the wrath of the people.

“It is ridiculous to think that IPOB which has been operating for many years now will suddenly start killing.”