Nigerian Army warns soldiers not to snatch ballot boxes for politicians

The General Officer Commanding 6 Division Nigerian Army, Maj.-Gen. Olufemi Oluyede, has charged troops to be professional in performing their duties during the forthcoming general elections.

He said this while addressing troops of 2 Brigade Nigerian Army at Ibagwa Barracks in Abak, Akwa Ibom on Tuesday.

The GOC warned them not to involve in any act that would bring disrepute to the Nigerian Army and the country.

He also tasked the soldiers to remain apolitical throughout the elections.

Mr Oluyede, who is also the Commander Operation Delta Safe, urged the officers and men that their duty was to assist the police to avert breakdown of law and order during and after the elections.

“Nigeria belongs to all of us, especially for those of us who are soldiers, if we damage our country there is no where we shall go.

“As your GOC, my duty is to beg you to do what is right. What do I mean by that? You are not supposed to support anybody, you are not supposed to disgrace the army by collecting money, you are not supposed to carry ballot box for anybody.

“That is not your work, everything is clearly stated in the pamphlet distributed to you, which I will implore you to read it. The Chief of Army staff has made it very clear that the Army is nonpartisan. Let the people choose whom they want.

“Your duty during the elections is to assist the police to ensure that there is no break down of law and order. The duty of a soldier is not to help anybody and carry ballot box,” Oluyede warned.

The GOC cautioned that any soldier found wanting will be dealt with decisively, adding that civilians would continue to respect soldiers when they do what is right.

He urged the troops to be security conscious anywhere they were deployed to avoid any casualty, adding that the army would do everything to ensure their safety.

“Let me tell you, no civilian can face you and even point fingers at you when you do the right thing. The Chief of Army Staff has advised us to do our job professionally and never to take side.

“I want to repeat myself, that the only time civilians can insult you is when you do the wrong thing. Please, don’t go and spoil the name of the Army and if I find you wanting, you will be penalized. It is an appeal and warning at the same time.

“Remember that you have your family to take care of. Please, face your work, do it as instructed and do it well.

“I want to advise you that as soldiers this is an abnormal times, you must be vigilant at all times. Be alert. Don’t go and waste your life anywhere you are being deployed,” he said.

The 2 Brigade Nigerian Army had earlier joint other security agencies in the state for “operation show of force” to ensure citizens of adequate security during the elections.

Nigerian Army denies involvement in oil theft

The Defence Headquarters has denied claims that some military personnel and security agencies are involved in oil theft and illegal oil bunkering in the Niger Delta region.

Fielding questions from journalists on the operations of the military, Jimmy Akpor, director of defence information, said the allegations were unfounded.

Akpor said the major stakeholders in the oil and gas industry have an understanding of the workings of the industry, adding that it is unfair to drag the military into the activities of the criminals.

He said the armed forces and other security agencies have continued to do their best to safeguard the nation’s economic assets in the region.

In August, Mele Kyari, group chief executive officer, Nigerian National Petroleum Company (NNPC) Limited, alleged that churches, mosques, and security agencies as well as host communities were involved in crude oil theft.

Providing updates at the briefing on Thursday, Musa Danmadami, director of defence media operations, said oil thieves have been denied N1.2 billion by the military within two weeks of its clearance operations.

He said the navy seized N664.8 million worth of crude oil, N546.7 million worth of diesel; N12.2 million worth of Kerosene; and N11.8 million worth of petroleum products.

He said troops of Operation Delta Safe in collaboration with the Department of State Service (DSS) have continued to deny criminal elements freedom of action.

“Also, troops of Operation Delta Safe discovered and destroyed 67 illegal refining sites, 11 wooden boats, 218 storage tanks, 168 cooking ovens, and 61 dugout pits within the period under review,” he said.

Troops also recovered 2.07 million litres of crude oil, 706,000 litres of automotive gas oil, 15,500 litres of dual purpose kerosene and 67,000 litres of premium motor spirit.Eight trucks, three pumping machines, three outboard engines and three generators were also recovered, while five pipeline vandals were also arrested.

All recovered items were handed over to the relevant authority for further action.”he said

Army gifts soldiers motorcycles

The General Officer Commanding 82 Division Nigerian Army, Major General Taoreed Lagbaja, has honoured four soldiers serving in the Division for their diligence while performing their duties.

The honoured soldiers are Staff Seargent Amodu Simon, Seargeant Oyinbo Emmanuel, Corporal Mbanaso Isaac, and Private Ibrahim Lawal.A statement on Wednesday by the Deputy Director Army Public Relations, Col Abubakar Abdullahi, said they were honoured during an event held on Tuesday at Abakpa Cantonment Enugu, where each received a brand new motorcycle, in addition to letters of commendation from the GOC.

While making the presentation to the soldiers, Maj Gen Lagbaja described their conduct as commendable and exemplary and noted that the soldiers’ assiduousness in ensuring the hygiene of the various portions of the cantonment assigned to them was impressive. He charged other Division soldiers to emulate the honourees’ exemplary conduct.The General Officer Commanding disclosed that the four motorcycles presented to the soldiers were a symbol of appreciation for their outstanding conduct.

He, therefore, enjoined them not to relent in their duties even if they thought nobody was observing.Each of the four awarded soldiers was drawn from various units of the Division and was picked after carefully observing their conduct over a period.

Recruitment: Nigerian Army fixes June 28 to July 11 for screening

The Nigerian Army has announced the dates for the recruitment screening exercise for applicants of the 83 Regular Intake 2022 for Non-Tradesmen and Women.

In a public announcement contained in a series of tweets posted to its verified Twitter page late Tuesday, @HQNigerianArmy, the Nigerian Army says, “The state recruitment screening exercise is scheduled to commence from 28 June – 11 July 2022 in all the 36 states and Federal Capital Territory Abuja.”

It also directs applicants to visit its recruitment portal at

“The Nigerian Army wishes to inform the general public & all applicants that applied for 83 Regular Recruits Intake 2022 for Non-Tradesmen & Women to visit the Nigerian Army Recruitment Portal to check the list of shortlisted candidates.

“The state recruitment screening exercise is scheduled to commence from 28 June – 11 July 2022 in all the 36 states and Federal Capital Territory Abuja.

“A high standard of discipline is expected from all candidates. Candidates who violate any instruction during the Recruitment Screening Exercise would be disqualified,” the tweet stated.

Army claims it killed 12 terrorists who attacked Kaduna airport

The Nigerian Army has said that no fewer than 12 of the terrorists that attacked the Kaduna international airport on Saturday were killed in an air strike.

Brigadier-General and Garrison Commander of the Kaduna Division 1, Uriah Opuene, disclosed this during a briefing with journalists on Monday.

He also denounced reports making the rounds that the gunmen took over the airport.

He said: “People just took advantage of that to pass a message that bandits have attacked the airport.

What people don’t know is that there are several layers of security at the airport. This is the first layer and even this first layer was not breached, because from the moment of hearing that shot, our men got there immediately from the next layer of security.

By the time we would arrive, the bandits were already running away, so we instantly engaged them through the use of ground forces.

“We called for an air strike and a helicopter was deployed and from the air report, about 12 of the bandits were killed. As you can see from the distance, the insinuation that the terrorists took over the airport is not correct”, the commander added.

Nigerian Army condemns assault of corps member, to punish erring soldier for misconduct

The Nigerian Army on Friday described as gross misconduct, the alleged assault of a member of the National Youth Service Corps (NYSC) by one of its personnel in Calabar, Cross River State.

In a video that surfaced on social media earlier on Friday, an army officer, Lt. Chika Anele, was seen pouring dirty water scooped from a bucket on the corps member, Ifenyinwa Ezeiruaku, at the 13 Brigade headquarters in Calabar.

Anele was also seen hitting the corps member, who knelt down with uniform, on the head with the back of the bowl.

The Director of Army Public Relations, Brig. Gen. Onyema Nwachukwu, who reacted to the incident in a statement in Abuja, said the army officer would undergo regimental trial in line with the extant provisions of the Armed Forces Act.

Nwachukwu said: “The Nigerian Army has taken cognizance of a video clip currently making the rounds on social media, where a female officer was seen dehumanising a member of the National Youth Service Corps in Calabar, Cross River State. This act is not only condemnable but unprofessional and against established precepts of discipline in the Nigerian Army.

The Nigerian Army, therefore, condemns in strong terms, this act of gross misconduct. Undoubtedly, the officer’s actions have caused the Nigerian Army monumental embarrassment and it’s highly regrettable. This unfortunate act of indiscipline does not in any way represent the Nigerian Army and will not be condoned in its entirety.

“For the records, the ugly incident happened in 13 Brigade, Calabar. The brigade commander immediately instituted an investigation and the officer involved has been identified and sanctioned in the interim and would be made to undergo regimental orders (trial) in line with the extant provisions of the Armed Forces Act.”

The army spokesman also dismissed the insinuation that the Brigade headquarters tried to cover up the incident.

He, however, asked the victim, her family, friends, the NYSC, and Nigerians to forgive the Nigerian Army over the incident.

Your husband died in military operation,’ Nigerian Army tells Sakaba’s widow

The Nigerian Army has dismissed claims that one of its officers, Col. Ibrahim Sakaba, was assassinated for refusing to loot funds meant to prosecute the fight against the Boko Haram sect.

The late Sakaba’s widow, Oluwaseun, had accused the Nigerian Army of assassinating her husband for refusing to be part of an alleged plot to loot funds meant for the counter-insurgency operation in the North East.

The woman’s statement came a few days after the army claimed that 1,081 Boko Haram terrorists had surrendered to troops in Bama, Borno State and begged for forgiveness from Nigerians.

The Director of Army Public Relations, Onyema Nwachukwu, who reacted to Mrs. Sakaba’s claim in a statement issued on Thursday in Abuja, said the officer was not assassinated neither was there any plot to loot military funds.

He said the late soldier died during a military operation.

The statement read: “The Nigerian Army has been notified of an article making the rounds online in which an allegation credited to Mrs. Oluwaseun Sakaba, the widow of late Col Ibrahim Sakaba alleged that the late senior officer was assassinated for refusing to loot funds meant for fighting the Boko Haram insurgency.

The late senior officer’s widow was quoted to have made several uncomplimentary comments about the institution of the Nigerian Army, making reference to unfounded and baseless claims devoid of any fact.

While the Nigerian Army is not interested in joining issues with anyone with respect to the enormous sacrifices made daily by our gallant troops, it is however expedient to address the weighty allegations credited to the widow.

The Nigerian Army acknowledges the emotional agony associated with losing loved ones and that cannot be quantified by any unit of measure.

“The demise of late Col. Ibrahim Sakaba, like those of other officers and soldiers who paid the supreme price in the war against terrorism in the North-East, is one that is painful to the Nigerian Army. These men and women died serving our nation, fighting to restore peace and stability in the North East.

This is in tandem with the constitutional mandate of the Armed Forces of Nigeria. Therefore, it will be totally mischief and an assault on the psyche of our troops, who are relentlessly fighting, to begin to insinuate any plot against one of our own. And what is the plot here? That troops were led by their commander for an operational engagement is not a plot, as anyone may want to insinuate. Rather, it was a clear military mission with a clear objective.”

Nigerian Army, police storm Enugu church, arrest members over allegations of being IPOB members (Video)

Men of the Nigerian Army and Police Force stormed a Church in Enugu state on Sunday and arrested over 50 congregants on suspicion of being members of the Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB), according to SaharaReporters.

The members were worshipping in the church on Owerri Road, when service was interrupted by the uniformed men.

A video circulating on social media shows policemen and soldiers giving orders while male members of the church marched out of the church with their hands in the air.

A source told SaharaReporters: “The Nigeria police and military have just stormed a church in Owerri Road, Enugu State, molesting over 50 men, both old and young while matching them to an unknown destination.

“We are bringing this to the attention of the world. The lives of these men should not be wasted for no crime committed. They were only at a place of worship today being Sunday the 30th of May 2021 and no arms were found with them.”

Watch the video below:

Nigerian Army dismisses reports on troops’ alleged desertion of Borno towns after Boko Haram attack

The Nigerian Army on Thursday dismissed reports on the alleged disappearance of 100 Nigerian troops from Marte and Dikwa after the Boko Haram insurgents attacked the towns.

The Director of Army Public Relations, Brig-Gen. Mohammed Yerima, in a statement issued in Abuja, described the reports as false, unfounded, and designed to malign the image and character of the force.

He said the Nigerian Army discovered that a good number of the affected soldiers had rejoined their respective units and are currently part of the ongoing clearance operations in the North-East.

The statement read: “Members of the general public are advised to disregard the story as the subversive intent of the promoters are targeted at dampening the morale and fighting efficiency of our troops. We continually solicit especially the much-needed public support in the fight against Boko Haram.

“The Nigerian Army wishes to reassure the general public that troops are in high spirit and currently clearing areas infiltrated by Boko Haram terrorists/ISWAP.

“It is on record that the troops fought to defend the Internally Displaced Persons Camp and United Nations Humanitarian Hub in Dikwa. It is pertinent to also note that normalcy has returned to Dikwa and its environs.”

Nigerian Army deploys 300 female soldiers to Kaduna-Abuja highway

In a renewed effort at checking the activities of armed bandits and kidnappers in the Northern part of the country, the Nigerian Army on Tuesday deployed 300 female soldiers to the Kaduna- Abuja highway to protect road users and residents of the surrounding communities.

The Kaduna State governor, Nasir El-Rufai, who received the first batch of 100 female soldiers on Wednesday, expressed optimism that the additional deployment of soldiers to the highway would help to consolidate the successes recorded by the troops on ground.

The governor later handed over the soldiers’ residential accommodation to the Nigerian Army.

This is the first time the Nigerian Army will deploy female soldiers for internal security operations in the country.

The female officers have been drafted into the Operation Thunder Strike of the Nigerian Army currently conducting a special operation in the state.

Aisha Yesufu, Femi Fani-Kayode carpet Nigerian Army for deploying soldiers to Imo community

Human rights activist and co-convener of the #BringBackOurGirls movement, Aisha Yesufu and former Minister of Aviation, Femi Fani-Kayode, have slammed the Nigerian Army for deploying soldiers to Orlu local government area of Imo State where five people were reportedly killed in a clash between the soldiers and members of the Eastern Security Network (ESN).

Yesufu who took to her Twitter handle on Monday to condemn the invasion, said “it was worrisome how the army unleashed its men on harmless citizens,” and the resultant violence and killing of innocent residents.

According to the Media and Publicity Secretary of the Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB), Emma Powerful, in a statement on Tuesday, the soldiers drawn from 34 Artillery Battalion in Obinze had invaded the Orlu community on Friday in a bid to flush out the ESN operatives from the bushes they are operating from and in the process, killed five residents.

Tweeting on the invasion, Yesufu said:

“The ease with which the Nigerian Army is deployed against civilians should worry us all. What is wrong is wrong irrespective of who is doing it. If someone cries of marginalisation, don’t shut it down, listen.”

On his part, Fani-Kayode who also took to his handle to condemn the invasion, said:

“Unleashing your Army on ESN was not smart. No matter how many you kill, more will rise up. Tread with caution. Do not bite off more than you can chew. Violence begets violence. Both East and West are kegs of gunpowder. Do not light the fuse. Seek peace, not war.

“The clash between soldiers and members of ESN in Orlu, Imo State, has resulted in some deaths and this is unfortunate. I call for restraint on both sides. The soldiers ought to be deployed against killer herdsmen and not ESN. When will Buhari learn? Please stay safe.”

Nigerian Army Reduces Academic Requirement To Attract More Citizens To Join The Military Unit.

The Nigerian Army has reduced the academic requirement needed to join the military unit.

This is to allow more citizens join the army and make more soldiers available to execute the war against terrorism in the North-East region of the country, documents sighted by SaharaReporters have revealed.

As part of the basic requirement for enlistment into the Nigerian Army, interested applicants must now possess “a minimum of four passes in not more than two sittings in WASSCE, GCE, NECO or NABTEB at O’ Level including English Language”, the document said.

In the internal memo dated August 20 and signed by Lieutenant General L. O. Adeosun on behalf of the Chief of Army Staff, he lamented that soldiers were reluctant to dedicate themselves to the fight against insurgency and banditry in the country.

He said that soldiers preferred to take less risky jobs or further their education in order to avoid being enlisted into battle zones.

Adeosun therefore directed that the academic requirement for enlistment into the Nigerian Army be lowered to encourage more members of the public to join the army.

The memo reads, “It has however been observed that a sizeable number of enlisted men and women are reluctant to dedicate themselves to the ongoing Nigerian Army operations against insurgents and bandits.”

They prefer instead to pursue other less risky endeavours or further their education in view of possessing their requisite educational qualification to gain admission into tertiary institutions.

This is all in a bid to avoid participating in Nigerian Army operations which ought to be a priority. This undesirable trend could be attributed to the emphasis placed on educational qualifications at the expense of passion and commitment to what a soldier stands for.

Consequently, I am directed to convey that henceforth, the minimum educational qualification for enlistment into the Nigerian Army shall be the SSCE or its equivalent with minimum of passes including English Language.

“This review would ensure that more willing and committed young Nigerians are given the opportunity to serve in the Nigerian Army without laying emphasis on educational qualifications.”

Last part the memo signed by Lieutenant General L. O. Adeosun

This reduction in academic qualification has now been put in place and effected by the Nigerian Army.

We will defend Nigeria at all cost – Army

Following the heightening protests against police brutality across the country, the Nigerian Army has warned it is prepared to protect the country’s democracy at all cost.

Apparently referring to the #EndSARS protesters, the Nigerian Army in a statement by the Acting Director Army Public Relations, Colonel Sagir Musa, assured it is committed to the “sustenance of peace, security and defence of democracy in Nigeria”

According to the statement: “The Nigerian Army (NA) wishes to reassure law abiding citizens that it is highly committed to the sustenance of peace, security and defence of democracy in  Nigeria.

“As a responsible and law abiding organisation,  the NA reaffirms its unalloyed loyalty and commitment to the President, Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces of the Federal Republic of Nigeria President Muhammadu Buhari and the Constitution of the Country.

 “The NA hereby warns all subversive elements and trouble makers to desist from such  acts as it remains highly committed to defend the country and her democracy at all cost.

“The NA is ready to fully support the civil authority in whatever capacity to maintain law and order and deal with any situation decisively.

“All officers  and men are directed never to be distracted by anti democratic forces and agents of disunity”.

Apparently referring to the #EndSARS protesters, the Nigerian Army in a statement by the Acting Director Army Public Relations, Colonel Sagir Musa, assured it is committed to the “sustenance of peace, security and defence of democracy in Nigeria”

According to the statement: “The Nigerian Army (NA) wishes to reassure law abiding citizens that it is highly committed to the sustenance of peace, security and defence of democracy in Nigeria.

“As a responsible and law abiding organisation, the NA reaffirms its unalloyed loyalty and commitment to the President, Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces of the Federal Republic of Nigeria President Muhammadu Buhari and the Constitution of the Country.

“The NA hereby warns all subversive elements and trouble makers to desist from such acts as it remains highly committed to defend the country and her democracy at all cost.

“The NA is ready to fully support the civil authority in whatever capacity to maintain law and order and deal with any situation decisively.

“All officers and men are directed never to be distracted by anti democratic forces and agents of disunity”.