Unknown gunmen invade police station, kill 4 officers and burn vehicles in Imo state

Four Nigerian Police Officers were killed on Friday night, August 5, when unknown gunmen attacked the Agwa Divisional Police headquarters in Oguta Local Government Area, Imo State. The assailants invaded the area shooting sporadically before gaining access into the station.

According to a police source, the incident has triggered tension in the entire local government.

He said the gunmen burnt some vehicles in the station and destroyed other valuable items. “There was an attack in the station and we learnt that about four officers were killed. The total damage cannot be ascertained at the moment,” he said.

It’s only in heaven that there are no security issues. Nigeria is on earth — Minister of State for Labour Festus Keyamo speaks on insecurity in Nigeria

The Nigerian Minister of State for Labour and Employment, Mr Festus Keyamo, said the rising insecurity in Nigeria is not enough grounds to say that President Muhammadu Buhari’s administration has failed.

Keyamo, the spokesperson for the presidential campaign organization of the ruling All Progressives Congress (APC) for the 2023 general elections, said this on Friday, August 5, while appearing on Channels Television.

He said there is insecurity all over the world, including in the United States of America, so Nigeria’s case is no different.

He added that the APC didn’t promise Nigerians that there would never be security breaches, but that when such happens there would be an adequate response.

He said, “Last week those who were gathering around bushes of Abuja, they were raided and flushed out and killed; that is what we promised. We promised response. We did not promise that it will not happen. We promised response and we responded last week. We killed them and Abuja is safe now.

There will be no incident of such around the bushes of Abuja again. We promised response and we have delivered response. People should not engage in scaremongering. Let me tell you about the psychology of bandits -they want to scare people. Their oxygen is fear, scaremongering. They want to create panic. That is the oxygen of the terrorists.

“When you don’t give them that oxygen of fear, of panic or publicity, they will filter a way, and so when you heard there is one security breach around the areas of Abuja, and the press will blow it the next day. It is only in heaven that there will be no security breach at all and we have not arrived in heaven. We are on earth so there must be security breaches. So I’m telling you that we have responded well.”

Why reality show winners struggle for expression — Singer

Geoffrey Oki, the winner of MTN Project Fame (Season seven), has lamented that talent show winners usually struggle to find expression in the industry after winning reality shows.

In an interview with Saturday Beats, the singer said, “I feel this is something reality show organisers should look at. If you notice, most of the winners of reality shows struggle when it comes to finding expression in the industry.

“Probably because of the one or two years’ contract they have after the show, they don’t get to have prospective investors that will work with them.

”Geoffrey also urged organisers of such shows to ‘soften’ the contracts given to winners, so that other people can work with them. He added, “I feel they should look at how they can soften the contracts a little bit, so that other people can have access to them.

“For someone like me, I went through a lot after winning the show. It has been crazy. There were days I had no money to eat, and I couldn’t pay to transport myself around. I have even been suicidal. God has been the one helping me.”

The singer, however, stated that though there were challenges, participating in Project Fame has been a blessing not a curse to his career. He said,

“It has been more of a blessing for me because if I did not participate in that show, I won’t be where I am today. I feel it was a fast track for me to come into the industry.

“I won’t use the word ‘curse’ but it has been challenging. It could be tough when a lot is placed on one’s shoulder, because to whom much is given, much is expected.

Many people were expecting me to do certain things, but at the end of the day, I feel like I did not meet up to expectations. Financially, I did not have sponsors to invest in my career. I had to do everything myself, coupled with the fact that I had family members to take care of.

”The singer also noted that he is currently working with a new management team in a bid to put his career back on track.

Lady narrates how her mother allegedly chopped off her hand and slashed her face with a machete

Glory Smart Emenuwe, a young woman from Ezhionum community in Delta State has narrated how she was allegedly brutalized by her mother.

The lady said she was almost killed by her mother in 2013, who allegedly chopped off her two hands and slashed her face with a machete.

She said; “What happened to me could be likened to an accident because I never expected it. However, it was my mother that chopped off my hands and slashed my face.

“On that fateful day, while I was still very young, I woke up one night wanting to urinate, so my father asked my mother to lead me with a torchlight to the back of our house where I could urinate.

“While I squatted to urinate, I didn’t know my mother had a machete in her hand. The next thing I remember was that she descended on me with the machete and I fell down.

“While I was down, she continued to cut me all over my body and I was screaming. It was then that my father rushed out and collected the machete from her and raised an alarm, which attracted the neighbours.

Unfortunately, by the time my father rushed out, my mother had already accomplished her intention. My father wanted to use the machete on her too but was stopped by the neighbours.

“Afterwards, my father got my mother arrested by the police. However, she’s late now. The incident happened in Edo State in 2013.”

The victim appealed to the government and Nigerians for help, saying;

“I’ll like to go into trading and I don’t have start-up capital. I stopped my education at the primary level but if I can get a sponsor, I will like to further my education.

“I came from a poor family and I have no helper. This is why I have nothing to do, so your assistance will be of great relief.”

Man jailed for raping and impregnating his 18-year-old daughter in Yobe

A Magistrate court in Damaturu, Yobe State has sentenced one Umar Alhaji Mustapha to 25 years in imprisonment for committing rape and incest with his 18-year-old daughter, Fatima.

The presiding Magistrate, Mohammed Bilyaminu ruled that all the ingredients of section 390 and 283 of the penal code were proved by the prosecution.

The Nation reports that while reading the testimony of the witness, the judge narrated that PW 1, a police inspector, during his testimony established the convict had several sexual intercourse with his daughter against her consent resulting to pregnancy. The child however died upon delivery.

The court stated that the prosecution was able to establish that the accused after impregnating the daughter, gave her N25,000 to abort the pregnancy which she refused.

The same evidence was collaborated by Fatima, the victim under cross examination, who also testified that her father became very angry with her after realising that she was pregnant and did not obey his instruction to abort the pregnancy and started threatening her.

The Chief Magistrate, Mohammed Bilyaminu, pronounced the accused guilty of incest and rape under section 390 and 283 of the penal code.

He sentenced him to five years with a compulsory fine of N5,000 for the offence of incest and 20 years for the offence of rape with a fine of 10,000.respectively.

Before the pronouncement of the judgement, the accused was given the chance to plead for mercy, which he did requesting the court to temper justice with mercy.

“I have an aged mother and other dependent to take care off,”

the accused said. The convict by the pronouncement of the judge has 30 days to appeal against the judgement.

20 Ghanaian fishermen jailed for trafficking marijuana to Nigeria.

20 Ghanaian fishermen have been sentenced to one-year imprisonment each for transporting 13.670 kilogrammes of marijuana, aka cannabis Sativa, from Ghana to Nigeria.

Justice Nicholas Oweibo on Thursday, August 4, convicted and sentenced them after finding them guilty of the charges of conspiracy and unlawful transportation of the drug during a hearing at the Federal High Court in Lagos State.

The convicted fishermen include Francis Teye, Kweke Komel, Gad Adjah, Theophilus Tetteh, Kwesi Aboagye, Ekon Fynn, Kwamena Baah, Kwabina Adjei, Micheal Okutu, Isaac Kofi, Kweku Moko, Kwezi Adzi and Kweku Mensah.

Others are Micheal Kofi, Ekon Bentum, Kwesi Amissah, Joshua Huago, Otu Otipeseku, Isaac Yorsson and Nana Kodwo.

The convicts were arrested with the drug conveyed from their country into the Nigerian territorial waters on January 14, 2022.They were arraigned on two counts of conspiracy and unlawful transportation of the substance.

The prosecutor, Mr. Fingere Owen, told the court that the offences were contrary to and punishable under sections 11(b) and 14(b) of the National Drug Law Enforcement Agency Act Cap. N30, Laws of the Federation of Nigeria 2004.

The defendants pleaded guilty to the charges.Following their guilty pleas, the prosecutor reviewed the facts of the case.Owen also tendered some exhibits and urged the court to convict and sentence them in accordance with the sections they were charged with.

However, lawyers for the convicts, Mr. Uche Okoronkwo, who led Calistus Onyewueke, both of Minerva Legal Practice, told the court that all the defendants were first time offenders without previous criminal records.

Justice Oweibo sentenced them to one-year imprisonment each.The judge also ordered that the sentence should commence from the date of their arrest.

He, however, ordered the convicts to pay the sum of N50,000 each in lieu of the sentence and ordered that the boat used in smuggling the banned substance be forfeited to the Federal Government.

10-year-old girl rescued after she ran away from her alleged abusive mistress in Ebonyi

A 10-year-old girl who identified herself as Ebube Ezaka, has been rescued after she was found roaming the streets of Abakaliki, Ebonyi State on Friday, August 4.

The chairman of Human Rights Defenders (HURIDE), Sampson Oko Nweke, who disclosed this on Facebook said the girl ran away from her mistress due to alleged constant abuse.

According to the minor, she was constantly abused, starved and forced to sleep outside the house by the woman identified simply as Mrs Chimuanya.

Kuje attack: NSCDC gives N2.8m to family of slain officer

The Nigeria Security and Civil Defence Corps (NSCDC) has presented a cheque of N2.8 million to the family of late Inspector of Corps (IC) Ilyasu Abraham, the personnel who died in the attack on Kuje Medium Custodial Centre.

Presenting a cheque of N2.5 million and the sum of N300,000 in cash to Mrs. Elizabeth Abraham and daughter, Abimiku Blessing at the Corps National Headquarters in Abuja on Thursday, August 4, the Commandant General, Dr. Ahmed Abubakar Audi consoled the family over the loss of their bread winner and encouraged them that the officer would be remembered as a hero, who died in active service.

He explained that the money given to the family was in fulfilment of his promise to ensure that necessary compensation is given to the family in due time, stressing that, it is an intervention from government and the Corps to assist the deceased family in ameliorating some burial expenses. He pledged his administration’s support to the family of the slain personnel and reiterate his commitment to the welfare of all officers and men of the Corps.

The CG assured the daughter of late Inspector Iliya of employment into the Corps as soon as the Federal Government gives approval for recruitment into the service.

Audi seized the opportunity to call on Zonal Commanders, State Commandants, Area Commanders, CG’s Special Intelligence Squad, CG’s Special Anti-vandal Squad and Components Commanders etc, to continue to develop new strategies as they work in synergy with other security agencies in confronting all forms of security challenges affecting our dear country, Nigeria. The CG renewed his call on all citizens to continue to assist security agencies with useful and timely information to nip criminal activities in the bud, noting with optimism that all challenges of insecurity affecting Nigeria are surmountable.

Photos of Uduak Akpan trying to flee court after he was sentenced to death by hanging for raping and killing job seeker, Idiubong Umoren

Pictures of convicted rapist and murderer, Uduak Akpan, trying to flee the High court after he was sentenced to death by hanging has been shared online. Uduak was convicted by Justice Bassey Nkanang of the Akwa Ibom State High Court today August 4, for raping and killing Iniubong Umoren.Umoren, a graduate of Philosophy, University of Uyo, was killed in April 2021 by Akpan. The deceased was job hunting while awaiting mobilization for the compulsory National Youth Service Corps (NYSC) scheme when she encountered Akpan who feigned he had a job for her.

On getting to his apartment, Akpan raped her, and then killed her. Shortly after he was sentenced to death by hanging, Uduak attempted to flee the court room.

Man who raped and killed Akwa Ibom job seeker, Iniubong Umoren, sentenced for death by hanging

Justice Bassey Nkanang of the Akwa Ibom State High Court today August 4 sentenced Uduak Akpan to death by hanging for the murder of Iniubong Umoren.

Umoren, a graduate of Philosophy, University of Uyo, was killed in April 2021 by Akpan.

The deceased was job hunting while awaiting mobilization for the compulsory National Youth Service Corps (NYSC) scheme when she encountered Akpan who feigned he had a job for her. On getting to his apartment, Akpan raped her and then killed her.

During the trial, Akpan confessed to committing the crime. “I first used condom to have s*x with Iniubong Umoren and later removed the condom because I did not enjoy the s*x.

She became infuriated and I reached out to a stabilizer and a box iron and used it to hit her abdominal part and started to bled. I hit her again and she screamed. I used her jean trousers and strangled her and she became lifeless.”he said

While delivering judgment, the presiding judge said the prosecution has proved beyond doubt the case of rape and murder against Akpan and found him guilty.

The judge, however, discharged and acquitted the father and sister of Mr Akpan, who were the 2nd and the 3rd defendants in the case. After the judge read out the judgment, the convicted rapist attempted to escape from the courtroom but was overpowered by security officials.

Late Umoren went missing on April 29 2021, after she was lured out of her home in Uyo with a fake job interview by Uduak Akpan.

Umoren had told her friend, Uduak Umoh, of the job interview. Uduak who raised alarm after failing to establish contact with Umoren said she heard her scream for help when she last spoke to her on the phone.

“She sent me a 1sec audio record on WhatsApp and I had to call her back to know if she wanted to say something to me but immediately I called her, I heard her screaming,” Ms Umoh had tweeted during the search for Umoren Investigation by the police led to the recovery of late Umoren’s body in Akpan’s family compound on April 30, 2021, a day after she was raped and killed by Akpan.

Before her gruesome murder, Umoren was a fresh Philosophy graduate of the University of Uyo. She was waiting for her deployment for the mandatory National Youth Service Corp (NYSC) Programme before her life was cut short by Akpan.

Police top boss Dolapo Badmos celebrates birthday releases captivating pictures

Police top boss, Dolapo Badmos, has released captivating pictures as she turns a year older today August 4.

Mentioning CSP Dolapo Badmos rings a bell both home and abroad, thanks to her global publicity as police image maker sometimes back.

The fanionista cum security operative added another age and she dazzles us with stunning photo images.

The former police PRO is now in charge of Administrative arm of police disciplinary arm called Force Provost Marshal.

Ask Niger Republic to immediately refund N1.4 billion and use it to offset ASUU funding – SERAP tells Buhari administration

SERAP has asked the Buhari administration to demand a refund of the N1.4billion it gave to Niger Republic authorities and use the refund to offset ASUU funding.

The Nigerian government on Wednesday, August 3, confirmed that President Muhammadu Buhari approved the purchase and donation of vehicles, worth N1.4 billion, to neighbouring Niger Republic.

This revelation sparked outrage and the Minister of Finance, Budget and National Planning, Zainab Ahmed, said that the donation was to help Niger address its security concerns. Reacting, civil society group, Socio-Economic Rights and Accountability Project (SERAP) tweeted:

“The Buhari administration must immediately ask Niger Republic authorities to refund the N1.4 billion approved for them to buy vehicles, and use the money to offset the funding for ASUU, so that poor children can go back to school.”

Sanwo-Olu restates commitment to affordable housing

The Lagos State Governor, Mr Babajide Sanwo-Olu, has restated his commitment to providing affordable housing for different strata of citizens in the state.Sanwo-Olu said this on Tuesday during the inauguration of the Channel Point Apartments project executed by the Lagos State Development and Property Corporation and Brook Assets and Resources Limited on Victoria Island.

He said,

“In the housing industry, this is the 16th housing project that we have handed over to our citizens and I want to assure you that there are still a whole lot more. For instance, before the end of the year, I am sure the Ministry of Housing has about four major projects to hand over hundreds of flats to citizens.

We are not just building; we are ensuring that we build affordable housing for different strata of our citizens – from the low budget to the middle budget to beautiful apartments like this in the heart of Victoria Island and we are also building in Ikorodu, Badagry, Epe, Ilupeju, Surulere, and Ikota.

As we pursue this housing agenda, we are also rigorously pursuing a comprehensive urban renewal.”The Managing Director of LSDPC, Ayodeji Joseph, disclosed that its partnership with the private sector will lead to more projects in the next 18 months.

“We are glad that through this joint venture with Brooks Assets and resources Limited, we have been able to deliver 38 family residential units of commensurable value and quality, and the flats have modern facilities,” he stated.

Man laments after returning to Nigeria to find that his wife has sold his house for just N10m and absconded with the money

A man has cried out after his wife sold his house for 10 million Naira. The husband said he bought the land for 9.5 million Naira then spent more millions to build the house, which contains four flats. He also spent a lot of money to pay the community for development fees as well as other fees.

When the house was completed, he said he traveled and, upon his return, he discovered his wife had sold the house for just NGN10 million and absconded with the money.

He also questioned why a buyer will purchase a house of such magnitude for just 10 million Naira without getting suspicious.

Attempts to secure lawyer, Inihebe Effiong’s release through sustained engagement has been unsuccessful – NBA President, Olumide Akpata

The President of the Nigerian Bar Association NBA, Olumide Akpata, has said that various attempts employed by the association towards the release of a popular lawyer, Inihebe Effiong, have been unsuccessful.

On July 27, Effiong raised an alarm on social media after an Akwa Ibom Chief Judge, Justice Ekaette Obot, sent him to jail for one month following his alleged contemptuous conduct while in court. He alleged that he was sentenced to one month in prison after he asked the Chief Judge to remove the armed policemen in the courtroom. He shared photos of himself in the prison van after he was escorted out of the court premises. Read here.

In an update given this morning on social media, Akpata said efforts to get the matter resolved and get Effiong released from prison have been unsuccessful. According to him, the Chief Judge indicates that she is ”unwilling or unable to further entertain the matter.’ Akpata says findings by the NBA show the court did not follow due process in the committal proceedings.

He said Effiong was not given a ‘fair hearing in court and an opportunity to recant or purge himself.’ He added that the NBA will now explore the option of appealing the decision of the judge.

Read his statement below…

”Last week, I provided an update on the efforts being made by the Nigerian Bar Association (NBA) towards securing the release of our colleague, Mr. Inibehe Effiong, who was remanded in custody on the order of the Chief Judge of Akwa Ibom State on account of alleged contemptuous conduct in Her Lordship’s court.

Unfortunately, attempts to secure Mr. Effiong’s release through sustained engagements at different levels have been unsuccessful with the Chief Judge indicating that she was unwilling or unable to further entertain the matter.In the circumstance, the NBA is left with no choice but to work on an appeal against the decision of Her Lordship, and I have instructed the NBA team to work with Mr. Effiong on an immediate appeal.

This is not the outcome that we had expected because there is a high chance that Mr. Effiong would serve out his one-month custodial term before the end of the appeal.

Regardless of the conduct of Mr. Effiong in the courtroom on the date of the proceedings that led to his committal, one thing that has come out from the various accounts that the NBA has so far received is that Hon. Justice Ekaette Obot did not follow due process in the committal proceedings.

Mr. Effiong was not put in the dock, told what his wrong or contempt was, given fair hearing or even an opportunity to recant or purge himself (a courtesy that the Bench should, at the minimum, extend to counsel where counsel’s conduct is said to be contemptuous).

This on its face not only runs afoul of known practice and procedure in such cases but is also unconstitutional. In view of the foregoing and depending on the outcome of our ongoing investigations, the NBA may be forced to take this matter up with the National Judicial Council.”

Governor Tambuwal receives investigation report, considers reopening college where Deborah Samuel was murdered

Sokoto State Governor, Aminu Waziri Tambuwal, has received the report from a committee set up by the state government to investigate 12 May students unrest at the Shehu Shagari College of Education (SSCOE). Recall that a student of SSCOE, Deborah Samuel, was stoned to death by a mob in the college premises over alleged blasphemy.

In the same breath, the governor said having received the recommendation of the committee and heard from the several stakeholders and leaders in the state on the need for the college to reopen, his administration will look into the possibility of doing so. He directed the Governing Council of the SSCOE to convene a meeting with a view to reopening the college soonest.

The Governor also assured the people of the state that the government will implement the recommendations of the committee, reiterating his belief that doing so will prevent future reoccurrence not only in affected college but in all tertiary institutions in the state. Meanwhile, the governor appealed to the federal government and the Academic Staff Union of Universities (ASUU) to find a common ground towards ending the prolonged strike embarked upon by the union.

No issues are beyond resolution. We must, in the interest of our children and our country, find a common ground,” he advised.

He observed that there is give and take in negotiations, stating that ASUU and the federal government should shift positions and accommodate each other so that students could return to school.

The governor appealed to the local chapter of the ASUU of Sokoto state University who are in solidarity with the national body to reconsider their position as the state is making efforts to meet all the demands of the union as reasonably as possible, just as the state government has been paying the varsity staff salary regularly.

“You should not be in solidarity with the national body of ASUU since you are not affected by their demands. By expressing solidarity with them you are harming your own students and that solidarity is a very negative one. Please call it off and go back to work,” Tambuwal added.

In his address, the chairman of the 12-man investigation committee of SSCOE crisis, Engineer Abdullah I Bakale said the committee has done thorough investigation of the matter which led them to write a comprehensive report on it.

Man collapses after allegedly losing a N200k loan at a betting shop

A man who collapsed after allegedly losing a N200k loan at a betting shop has gone viral online. Eyewitness claim the incident occurred at a betting shop in Ekpan, Delta state. It was also gathered that the man borrowed the N200k from loan shark operators for his house rent, but took it to the betting shop, hoping he would double it.

He however lost all the money to a virtual game a.k.a baby.

Impeachment threat against Buhari bipartisan – Senator Bassey

Impeachment threat against Buhari bipartisan ?

Senator BasseyLawmaker representing the Cross River South Senatorial District, Senator Gershom Bassey has said that the impeachment threat against President Muhammadu Buhari is bipartisan. Speaking on why lawmakers asked President Buhari to resolve the insecurity issue in the country within six weeks or face impeachment, Bassey told Punch; The point of our actions is to ensure safety and security in our country. That is the whole point of our actions. The point of our action is not impeachment.

It is to ensure safety and security in Nigeria. And that is why we have given a six-week threshold within which we want the executive, particularly Mr. President, to do something about security in our country.Now, our hope, our best hope, is that the President will respond to what we are saying and to what we’re doing. And at the end of six weeks, everything would have been sorted out, the security situation, to a large extent, resolved. And that is the point of our action. So it is part one that should be the focus, not so much part two.

Part two happens when we fail to achieve part one. In other words, if there is insecurity, continued insecurity, without the type of response that we expect within six weeks, then we move to part two. So it appears that the focus has been on parts one and two, the impeachment notice. Yes, that one is real. We are serious about that. But we will only get there if part one, which is the action against the situation in our country

For instance, why are there people still in captivity from the Kaduna train attack?Why has nobody been arrested, or has nobody been held accountable for what happened in Kuje prison?

These are actions that can immediately be taken by the executive by Mr. President to show that he’s in tandem with us. There are a number of actions that need to be taken to show that yes, we are doing something about this situation. And we are going to resolve this situation. And that is what we are talking about. Also revealing that the impeachment threat was bipartisan, he added; It’s not just the opposition, and I think a number of our leaders have made that point. That point was made again today (last Thursday). It’s about the Senate. Not just because we are the ones speaking. We (the opposition) are the ones at the forefront. But it’s not just about us. It is about the entire National Assembly.

Our hope is that we won’t get to that. That is our hope; our hope is that the executive will act and will take steps just as I have said. People are dying every day. People are insecure; I don’t know how you feel. But a lot of people feel insecure wherever they are in Nigeria. That is the essence of the action. It is to reduce and, to a large extent, if possible, even go towards eliminating insecurity. That is the whole point of the actual. So yes, I know that it’s nice to talk about the impeachment. And so yes, we are serious about that. But our hope is that we do not get to that, that the President and this government finally respond to all notices, and to all the cooperation and all the support that we at the National Assembly have given to this government, and that they finally do the needful and restore security to our nation. That is the essence of the action. On if he feels the President will resolve the insecurity issue in six weeks, the lawyer added;

Do you feel secure in Nigeria? So how can it be political?

We’re not talking politics here. We’re talking security. Security is not politics. And security should not be politicised. Like I’ve said to you, this is a bipartisan effort to ensure that the executive is up and doing. Six weeks is the last stroll.

We’ve been giving these recommendations, we’ve been giving motions, and we’ve been giving budgetary support since 2018. We began talking about the insecurity issues in Nigeria in 2017.And so it’s not as if it’s just happened in the last six weeks. It’s been happening. We’ve been talking about it; we’ve been passing resolutions; we’ve been moving motions; we’ve been urging the executive; we have given all that they’ve asked; they’ve said, “Oh, we don’t have money; we’ve given the money.” They brought a supplementary budget, we’ve passed the supplementary budget, and we’ve given cooperation that we can every single piece of advice, you name it, and we’ve done it. So six weeks is just the last stroll.

16 dead, five injured in Lagos auto crash

A crash involving two vehicles in the early hours of Tuesday along Alaro City, Epe area of Lagos State claimed 16 lives and injured five.Twenty-three male adults were involved in the crash; while 16 died, five were critically injured, and two suffered no injuries.Confirming the accident, the Federal Road Safety Corps, Lagos Command, noted that the crash occurred at 03:00 am and was caused by impaired visibility due to reckless driving.A statement by the FRSC Public Education Officer of the command, Olabisi Sonusi, revealed that the five injured victims have been hospitalised.It partly read, “The vehicles involved in the crash were a white bus with Registration number KTN 262YJ and an Articulated truck (Registration Number unknown).

FRSC operatives and other emergency management agencies are on ground, ensuring prompt recovery and evacuation of all crashed vehicles.“The Sector Commander Federal Road Safety Corps Lagos Sector Command Corps Commander Olusegun Ogungbemide, therefore, advised motorists to always avoid night journey because of impaired visibility at that hour.

He also admonished the motoring public always to observe construction signage and speed limits at such zones.“Ogungbemide is also using this medium to commiserate with the families of the deceased, while wishing the injured quick recovery.”

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