United Nations celebrates Mandela’s human rights legacy

The United Nations on Thursday celebrated the life and legacy of the first black president of post-apartheid South Africa, Nelson Mandela, who died in 2013.

The commemoration of Nelson Mandela International Day, celebrated on July 18, pays tribute to his fight for freedom and equality across the world.

Mr Mandela, affectionately known as Madiba, spent nearly three decades in jail for standing up to human rights abuses and severe injustices against black South Africans.

He was released in 1990 and elected president four years later in the country’s first-ever multiracial elections.

At a ceremony held at UN headquarters in New York, UN top officials extolled Mr Mandela’s heroic virtues.

Csaba Kőrösi, president of the UN General Assembly, said Mr Mandela’s remarkable journey served as an example of transformation through forgiveness as he bequeathed a multiracial, democratic South Africa vastly different from the racist state he was born into.

“Madiba’s lifelong commitment to human rights embodies a founding principle of this organisation: We cannot leave anyone behind,” he added.

UN secretary general Antonio Guterres called Mr Mandela one of humanity’s greatest heroes.“Nelson Mandela was a colossus of courage and conviction,” he said.

How do we pay tribute to such a giant? Through words of respect, certainly. But we best honour Madiba through action.”

Mr Guterres called for action against racism, discrimination, and hate to “extinguish the legacies of colonialism,” appealing that equality, human rights “and above all, justice” should be promoted.

The UN chief said the COVID-19 pandemic had exposed global inequalities and “three years on, the need to bridge the global justice gap is more urgent than ever.”

He pointed to injustice at the heart of the international financial system rooted in colonialism. He said that Africa is still underrepresented in global financial architecture, and the continent lacks a permanent seat on the UN Security Council.

He recalled that Mr Mandela addressed these issues in a speech to the UN nearly 30 years ago, arguing against the uneven distribution of resources and decision-making power.“The world is still waiting for change,” Mr Guterres said.

“Ultimately, we need fundamental reform of the international financial system. But we must also support developing economies with concrete steps we can take today.”