MURIC urges Police authorities to promote Corporal with Ph.D

The Muslim Rights Convern (MURIC) has lept to the defence of a Police Corporal, Dr Nnaji Ebenezer Chibueze, who has been stuck in the same rank despite bagging a Ph.D degree while in service.

This was contained in a statement issued on Sunday by the MURIC Director, Ishaq Akintola, who railed against the Police authorities for refusing to regularize the academic qualifications of Dr. Chibueze in tandem with the commensurate rank.

Akintola also detailed the academic qualifications of the said policeman while appealing to the IGP, Usman Baba, to ensure justice was done in order to encourage the brightest brains to join the Police Force.

MURIC said, “Dr. Nnaji Ebenezer Chibueze, a native of Umuezibuoko Umualu in Isiuzor local government area of Enugu State, has remained in the same rank as a police corporal three years after bagging his doctorate degree. It is our humble opinion that something is wrong here unless police authorities have a cassu belli for refusing to regularize his rank in accordance with his educational qualification.

“From our findings, Ebenezer’s educational background has been the normal routine. From Odorbia Primary School in Umuezibuoko, Umualu (1994-1999) to Community Secondary School, Umualu and Community Secondary School, Ihaohuala in Ihamufu Isiuzor local government area Enugu State where he obtained his Junior School Certificate and the West Africa Senior School Certificate in 2005.

He got his Bachelor of Science Education in Political Science, Administration and Supervision in the year 2010 at Enugu State University of Science and Technology (ESUT) and his masters degree in the same field at the Abia State University in 2016. He topped his degrees with a PhD in the same field in 2019. It is interesting that Ebenezer’s cumulative grade point average in his first, second and doctorate degrees were 4.40, 4.35 and 4.3 respectively.

Although Dr. Nnaji Ebenezer Chibueze was enlisted into the Nigeria Police Force in the year 2012 after his university education, his first degree was not considered. But he had to join the force to make ends meet as no other job opportunity was available.

“It is common knowledge that any interested person with Masters or PhD who wishes to lecture in the Nigeria Police Academy, stands a good chance. But Ebenezer is yet to receive a response to his application dated 15th January, 2020.

“MURIC appeals to the IGP, Usman Alkali Baba, to use his good office to intervene in the plight of Dr. Nnaji Ebenezer Chibueze. The reward of academic brilliance should be a commensurate rank or position.

We cannot afford to continue to waste our intellectuals. Besides, the best police officers have often been the most highly educated perhaps because of their exposure to different civilisations and cultures. Our police personnel are doing a tremendous job for this country. They deserve attention.”

Eschew ‘do-or-die’ politics, MURIC implores politicians

The Muslim Rights Concern (MURIC) on Tuesday urged Nigerian politicians to ‘eschew do-or-die politics’ for the stability of the country.

This was contained in the Maolud message signed by the MURIC Director, Ishaq Akintola, who noted that a Nigerian political space devoid of acrimony and bad blood was needed to encourage better participation that would foster growth.

Akintola also berated the violence entrenched within the political landscape due to the attitude of the politicians,

“We seize the opportunity of this august occasion to appeal to Nigerian politicians to eschew ‘do-or-die’ politics.

“The body language of our politicians in recent time is not encouraging, particularly after the recent party congresses held all over the country.

“Desperation, greed, and avarice are still boldly written on the foreheads of our politicians.

“They cut across the political parties. Parallel congresses are held in almost all of the states and in almost all the parties. The exercise so far manifests gross desertification of the spirit of sportsmanship, statesmanship, patriotism and sacrifice.

“Why are ex-governors breathing down the necks of sitting governors? Where is the spirit of living and letting live? What did the ex-governors forget in the State Houses? Whatever achievement or failure registered during the tenure of a former governor is his own story and scorecard.

“Worse still, gunmen are hired to disrupt political gatherings. The fact that our politicians still believe in hooliganism as a means of settling scores and achieving their political ambitions indicates that we are still playing Stone Age politics.

“Nigerian politicians should learn from Prophet Muhammad the arts of persuasion and dialogue. Though he lived as a fugitive in Makkah for several years, he returned to liberate the city from the clutches of his oppressors without a single sword leaving the scabbard.

“Though a complete alien in Madinah, its inhabitants welcomed him with pomp and pageantry. Nigerian politicians will disarm their opponents without firing a single shot if only they will emulate this great man, Muhammad,” MURIC said.

MURIC wants ‘no mercy’ for bandits

The Muslim Rights Concern (MURIC) has stated that no excuse should be made for the actions of bandits and kidnappers in the country.

According to the group, “Banditry has become a hydra-headed monster threatening to swallow up the social order. It must therefore be met with every necessary force to nip its threat in the bud.”

This was contained in a statement issued on Saturday by the MURIC Director, Ishaq Akintola.
The statement also criticised governors, saying they have neglected their responsibilities which had led to the increase in insecurity and banditry across the country.

MURIC calls on all bandits to surrender to the state governments wherever they are operating. There can be no talks or any form of negotiation with bandits before surrendering. State governments should monitor the situation thereafter for a period no less than twelve months. The authorities can only start considering how to engage them in some productive ventures if no violent attack is reported within the period,” Akintola said.

The governors must ensure that they spend their security vote on equipping their states’ security outfits in such a way that they can adequately and sufficiently meet the current security challenges, he also noted.

The statement reads, “Nothing can extenuate the crimes committed by bandits. We should not look for excuses for them. Rather we should educate the Nigerian public on the position of the Shariah regarding banditry.

“We should also let the bandits know the gravity of their crimes and the ‘kabiirah’ status of their sins,” he said.

Banditry is categorised as ‘hiraabah’ in Islam. ‘Hiraabah’ is a technical term in Shariah that means waging unprovoked war against the people. The Glorious Qur’an even ranked it as waging war against Allah and His messenger (i.e. Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him).

“It says, ‘The punishment of those who wage war against Allah and His Messenger by spreading evil and committing atrocities in the land is either execution or crucifixion or cutting off their hands and legs from opposite sides or sending them into exile. That is their disgrace in this world and a heavy punishment awaits them in the Hereafter (Qur’an 5:33).

“Thus we see that the Qur’an does not treat banditry with kid gloves. Note should be taken of the promise of ‘heavy punishment’ for bandits even after death. It is for this reason that we are calling on all Islamic scholars in the country to boldly rise to the task and interpret the Shariah in a befitting manner”.

MURIC backs Tinubu for president, says he’s a candidate with ‘impeccable pedigree’

The Muslim Rights Concern (MURIC) has thrown its weight behind Bola Tinubu for the 2023 presidency, stating that the former Lagos State governor has ‘impeccable pedigree’.

This was contained in a statement issued on Monday night by the Director, MURIC, Ishaq Akintola, who said that Yoruba do not have to search too far as the leader of the ruling party has shown interest.

Akintola further added that the best thing Yoruba people can do for the region is to rally behind Tinubu and ensure that he clinches power in 2023.

According to Akintola, the South-West has a big opportunity of gaining political power in the year 2023.

He said; “Fortunately the Yoruba do not have to search too far as a former governor of Lagos State and leader of the ruling party has shown interest. Here is a candidate that brandishes impeccable pedigree.

“Nobody can deny his political dexterity. He is known to have fought and won several political battles. The best the Yoruba people can do for the region is to rally behind this candidate and ensure that he clinches power in 2023,” Akintola added.

He further noted in the statement that any tribe seeking to rule in the year 2023 must be seen to be accommodating, tolerant and resilient.

“Power shift to the South has become mandatory as President Muhammadu Buhari would have spent eight complete years by 2023 and all eyes are presently on the South-West.

“Therefore the region cannot afford to lose the opportunity due to restlessness, recklessness, unnecessary protests, issuance of quit notices to other ethnicities and a general lack of stability”, he added.

MURIC counsels Nigerian govt on best way to resolve farmers, herders’ clashes

The Muslim Rights Concern, MURIC, has urged the federal government to engage in dialogue and consultation to end clashes between farmers and herdsmen.

MURIC made the call in a statement issued on Saturday by its Director, Professor Ishaq Akintola who was reacting to the quit notice issued to herdsmen in Oyo State by an activist, Sunday Igboho.

According to Akintola, those who make the mistake of profiling people of certain tribes will end up hurting decent elements within that tribe and this is against the law of natural justice.

He also added that government should also seek advice from other African countries where the same crisis has been on the front burner at one time or the other, since such conflict is not restricted to Nigeria alone.

Akintola said; “The Igangan incident must be condemned by all lovers of peace. But at the same time, we cannot close our eyes to the pain and suffering of farmers and indigenes of the area whom criminals see as soft targets for kidnapping, armed robbery, etc. It is however crystal clear that it is not a religious matter, though some have been misled into labeling it an Hausa-Fulani affair. Our focus must be the criminals, not any tribe.

“While we do not endorse violence, we opine that people whose farms have been destroyed have the right to express indignation. In the same manner, those whose relations or friends have fallen victims to criminal activities like kidnapping and armed robbery are justified to speak up. The only difference here is that no single tribe should be held responsible for all the crimes.

“This is because criminals abound in all faiths and tribes everywhere in the world, not only in Nigeria. We should therefore address crime and criminals. We should target kidnappers and armed robbers, not any particular ethnicity. Those who make the mistake of profiling people of certain tribes will end up hurting decent elements within that tribe and this is against the law of natural justice.

“With particular reference to the Oyo and Ondo State incidents and the quit notices, MURIC reminds people of the South West that the crisis cuts across ethnicities. The same herdsmen are involved in several states. Benue, Kaduna, Adamawa, Taraba, Enugu, Onitsha, PortHarcourt, etc, are facing the same problem of herdsmen versus farmers. In essence, the phenomenon is general and not targeted at the Yoruba per se.

“Almost all the northern states face the herdsmen versus farmers conflict, banditry and kidnapping. People of the South West must consider the fate of thousands of their kinsmen from Ogbomosho, Offa, Iwo, Ibadan, etc who have resided in the North for more than a hundred years before insisting on a general expulsion of Northerners.

“Truth is bitter, but the earlier we say it the better. Herdsmen have no right to destroy crops. This is where people have genuine grievances against herdsmen. But indigenes should not label all herdsmen as kidnappers because there are law abiding citizens among them. Yet the most disturbing thing is that many of the criminals are foreigners. Our suggestion is that it is these criminals and foreigners that the security agencies (including amotekun) should go after.

“Instead of applying the big stick, MURIC advises the Federal Government to consult widely with elders from all the states of the federation concerning the issue of herdsmen versus farmers with a view to finding a comprehensive solution. FG should also seek advice from other African countries where the same crisis has been on the front burner at one time or the other since this conflict is not restricted to Nigeria alone. It is national, continental and universal in dimension.

“To douse tension immediately, both FG and the Oyo State government should undertake to speedily and adequately compensate victims of the latest conflict in Igangan, Oyo State. FG in particular should take greater responsibility because it is the nationwide lacuna in security matters that has been responsible for the breakdown in law and order.

“Instead of issuing threats and counter-threats, we appeal to the various ethnicities in the country to understand the nature of the conflict. Herders and farmers crisis is not a Nigerian problem alone, it is universal. Nigeria needs to seek an enduring panacea to its own peculiar problems instead of aggravating the conflict. We must learn from the war in Rwanda, Liberia, Sierra Leone, Sudan, etc and the attendant humanitarian disasters. This is still avoidable in Nigeria.

“MURIC’s avowed motto is ‘Dialogue, Not Violence’. We therefore advocate wide scale dialogue in the present circumstances. MURIC advises the FG to apply caution in handling the fragile situation. FG should take responsibility, compensate victims of the attack in Oyo State and engage all stakeholders in dialogue. We call on governors in affected states to consult traditional rulers on the best solution to the crisis. All forms of confrontation and muscle-flexing should stop in the interest of peace,” the statement concluded.

MURIC calls Kukah a Muslim hater, says his initiative NPC has lost credibility

Muslim Rights Concern (MURIC) has described Bishop of Sokoto Diocese, Matthew Hassan Kukah as a Muslim hater and said that the National Peace Committee (NPC) being an initive by the cleric had lost credibility among Nigerians.

A statement on Friday by the Nigerian Islamic human rights organization director, Professor Ishaq Akintola, said the group spoke following a revelation by the Christian Association of Nigeria (CAN) that the NPC is a personal initiative of Kukah.

“We received the information supplied yesterday by the Vice Chairman (Northern Region) of the Christian Association of Nigeria (CAN), Rev. John Hayab, with great relief. The CAN Vice Chairman revealed that the National Peace Committee (NPC) is a non-governmental group convened by Bishop Kukah himself.

“This information is hidden from the public as NPC website merely says, ‘The National Peace Committee is an initiative conceptualized in 2014 in response to emerging threats occasioned by the 2015 general elections. It is an initiative made up of eminent elder statesmen who undertake efforts to support free, fair and credible elections as well as intervene in critical issues of national concern through high-level mediated and alternative dispute resolution mechanisms…

“The fact that the author of the ‘initiative’ is hidden from the public in its website here shows lack of transparency and possession of a hidden agenda. The joker card is in Kukah’s pocket. This can be gleaned from the composition of the membership of the committee which has fifteen (15) members.

“They are: Abdul Salami Abubakar, Mathew Hassan Kukah, Okoh Ebute Ukiwe, Dame Priscilla Kuye, HRH Sa’d Abubakar III the Sultan of Sokoto, Alhaji Aliko Dangote GCON, Archbishop Nicholas Okoh, Mr. Brown Ade, Mr. Sam Amuka, Professor Mahmood Yakubu, Professor Amezi Gobadiya, Professor Ibrahim Gambari, Cardinal John Onaiyekan, Dr. Supo Ayokunle (CAN President), Justice Rose Ikeji

“These are eminent personalities whom we respect. But that should not be all. We must look further and ask, ‘How ‘national’ is the National Peace Committee? This must be done particularly because the brain behind it is also a social critic. A man who interrogates others must know that his actions will equally be interrogated. So how ‘national’ is the National Peace Committee?

“From the above list of members of Kuka’s committee we can see ten (10) Christians and five (5) Muslims only. There are also nine Southerners as against six (6) Northerners only. Can you now see what we mean? A man who always complains about marginalization and accuses others of nepotism cannot even raise a committee of fifteen without falling foul of his own allegations against others,” the statement reads.

Continuing Akintola said, “Bishop Kukah, sir, permit us to borrow a question for you from your Bible: ‘Why do you see the speck that is in your brother’s eye, but do not notice the log that is in your own eye?…’ (Mathew 7:3-5).

“Bishop Kukah turned a personal initiative to ‘national’ and Nigerians fell for it. With due respect to the distinguished leaders who are members of the committee. We believe that they merely keyed into the scheme as patriotic citizens without any intention to deceive Nigerians. But not Kukah. He was playing a card and he knew what he was doing all along.

“Pity Rev. Hayab let the cat out of the bag. Hear him: ‘How on earth will you say a man should be removed from the house he builds?’ Did you hear that? So NPC is a house built by Kukah. Sounds interesting. Too discourteous, overzealous perhaps? It happens sometimes. Kukah will have to forgive his brother in the Lord for being less tactical.

“But why call the NPC ‘national’ if it is just a single man’s initiative. What is national about it? Is it the ratio 10:5 Christian-Muslim membership or the 9:6 Southern-Northern margin? By Nigerian standard and practice, anything ‘national’ is established by the government. So why dub a committee started by a single man ‘national’?

“This presupposes that there was, ab initio, an intention to pull the wool over the face of Nigerians. NPC was to be used against somebody (a political foe?) or a group of people (most likely Muslims?) in the near future. It is highly deceitful, misleading and perfidious. Had it been christened Kukah Peace Committee had been good. But now the wind has blown. We have seen the ruff of the hen. Kukah elected to call his committee ‘National’ to hoodwink Nigerians. We reject this nomenclature. It is bogus, mischievous and opportunistic.

“For the avoidance of doubts, we did not ask the Federal Government (FG) to expel Bishop Kukah from the NPC, we knew all along that NPC is an NGO. What we cautioned FG about was the obsession of successive governments in appointing Kukah into mediation committees.

“It is our humble opinion that a Muslim hater like Kukah should not be allowed to sit in judgement or in mediation on issues affecting Muslims or matters affecting the North. FG is free to appoint him as minister and give him six portfolios at a time if it so desires but never again as a mediator. Appoint him to any federal post but not to committees and councils that will mediate between the North and the South or between Christians and Muslims. He can never be fair or objective. His mind is fixated on one thing and we already know what that thing is.”