Checkout what a mother did to her daughter after she broke some household utensils and hid it

A lady has caused a lot of Reactions on social media by what she did to her daughter who allegedly broke some eggs and also some kitchen utensils and then hide them behind their couch, then finally blamed their dog. The mother, imitating American Prison inmates processing, took a mugshot of her daughter and posted it online.

The image was hilarious for some but very thought-provoking for others who claimed that it may have a long-term effect on the child who may now see herself as a prisoner for doing little things that everyone, during their childhood days did.

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I Got Pregnant At The Age Of 17 And People Mocked Me But Today They Wish They Never Did – Amina

Recently, a lady has got the whole of Nigerian twitter community confused and talking about her after she took to her twitter page to share a picture of her and her grown up daughter. Apparently, in the picture, it will take you a long time to differentiate and figure out who the mother and daughter is as they both look young in the photo she shared.

However, I was more interested in finding out how she could be so young that one could find it hard to know she’s the mother rather than a sister and here is what I’ve found out about the young Nigerian mother who got the attention of everyone on twitter.

Meet Amina, the young mom who looks super young that people hardly know the difference from she and her daughter in pictures. Her story is one that is interesting and will inspire one.

Amina is a young mother who lived most of her life in London, England and looking into her life, she was raised by a Nigerian mother. While telling her life story on her YouTube channel, Amina revealed how she got pregnant at the age of 17 , how people mocked her and later wish they never did because of how things later turned out in her life.

Telling her story, she revealed it all started when she was 16 years old and starting college, there was a specific group of bad influence people she hanged out with which includes her cousin. Against her mother’s rules, she continued going out and hanging out with them even after her mother warned her to stop.

Amina continued hanging out with them and one day at her cousin’s house, she saw a guy who later turned out to be her baby daddy. She was the first to notice him because he was handsome and she started asking her cousin who he was and later on they exchanged contact and that was how everything started.

They ended in having a relationship real quick and she was so much in love with him that she lost her virginity for him at him age of 16. They continued sleeping together and soon enough, he got her pregnant at the age of 17. According to her, when she broke the pregnancy news to him, he was happy and never wanted it to be terminated as he always wanted to be a very young father.

Amina revealed that she couldn’t tell her Nigerian mother she was pregnant but her baby daddy’s family was aware and one day, they all decided to drag her and let her mother know. When they broke the news to her mom, out of fear of what she might do, she packed out and started living with the family of her boyfriend but at the end when the pregnancy was due, her mother accepted the pregnancy and showed support for her till she gave birth to her baby girl, Natasha.

According to Amina, people who mocked her for getting pregnant wished they never did now as she’s and her daughter gets one of the big deals for commercials and beauty brand influencing. They have made a lot of money out of their story and daughter and mother combinations.

Amina and her daughter, Natasha are quite adorable together, check out some lovely photos of her and her daughter who is currently 17 years old, she was born on the 6th of October.

The Mother Found Out Her Baby Was Born With a Hole In His Heart, Read What Later Happened To Him

Some of the beautiful people we have known are those who have experience defeat, struggle and loss. Kindly read this touching story to the end, it definitely won’t leave you indifferent.

This Woman, Ruth gave birth to a little boy some months ago and was exceedingly excited as she was blessed with the fruit of the womb. Her husband, Venost who had revealed the happy news to his friends and family was also preparing to celebrate. Their cheerful moment changed when they discovered something unusual about the health and well-being of their baby boy.

The baby was not normal as he was supposed to be. Nevertheless, The journey all began when the baby was born just like other normal children, the doctors realised that the baby turned out to experience some complicated health problems. The baby has never weep since he was born up till this moment and this surprised everyone.

I noticed that my child showed no signs of tears, I also realised that there was a something wrong with the baby. I reported the issue to the medical center but I was told to be rest assured that nothing would go wrong with the baby, Ruth said.

The couple was indeed excited after they welcomed their first child, they were showered with love and blessings from friends and relatives. 

Days passed and the baby still hadn’t cried a bit, this was getting serious, the mother already lost hope and was terrified about the issue because it was abnormal for a newly born baby to neither cry nor shed tears since he was born.

The mother, Ruth attempted several kinds of ideas probably the baby might cry, she tried starving the child by feeding him late perhaps the hunger might force the little boy to shed some tears but the situation was still the same. The child refused to cry. 

Once, The baby woke up one night was breathing heavily, the mother noticed that her baby was having difficulties and struggling to breathe. The couple had no clue of what to do, there was no means of transportation in their actual location due to the fact that the hospital was far away. They had to stay up late till morning to make any decision.

The following day, the baby was hurriedly rushed to the medical center for a check-up in Rwanda. The baby’s condition got worse as he was taken to a more qualified hospital. After their arrival at the hospital, the child was put on an oxygen support to aid his breathing. 

Ruth and her husband spent some days in the hospital waiting for the reports from their baby’s condition. The medical personnels examined the child’s body and finally they had to revealed the truth about their baby’s condition. The boy was diagnosed with a hole in his heart which led to some blockages in the part of the arteries which transports blood to the lungs.

The life of the baby could only be saved by a surgical operation which is obviously impossible and very expensive for the family to afford. The surgery was said to be undergone in an advanced hospital in countries like India.

The couple were extremely poor and this made them reluctant to proceed with the preparations of the surgical operation. There was no way they could pay that huge amount of money required for their baby’s surgery. 

The mother had no other choice but to return home with her child who could die if an urgent decision is not taken. She took her baby back home and the doctors prescribed some drugs to help the baby a bit. The medical practitioners advised her to take good care of the sick child due to the fact that his Health condition is not stabilize.

Now the family only hope is Prayer since they are not financially capable, they can only pray for God’s miracles to save their dying child.

Kindly say something and drop a prayer for this couple and their dying child. Like, share and follow for more updates.