Buckingham Palace releases official portraits from King Charles’ coronation

Buckingham Palace has released official portraits from King Charles’ Coronation.

King Charles and Queen Camilla were pictured posing with working members of the Royal Family at Buckingham Palace to mark last weekend’s historic occasion.

The King is pictured in full regalia, wearing the Imperial State Crown along with his regal purple tunic and Robe of Estate.

He stood alongside Camilla, who was wearing Queen Mary’s Crown, with the train of her lengthy embroidered Robe of Estate spread in front of her.

To their immediate left are the Prince and Princess of Wales, who wore her Alexandra McQueen dress and leaf embroidery headpiece by Jess Collett x Alexander McQueen.

On the other side of Charles was his sister the Princess Royal in military dress.

The Duke and Duchess of Edinburgh are also pictured on either side of Princess Alexandra, the late Queen Elizabeth’s cousin.

The Duke of Kent and the Gloucesters are also included in the image by Hugo Burnand.

A royal expert told MailOnline that Anne, the Princess Royal, being positioned next to her brother King Charles is ‘most significant’ and ‘shows much he appreciates her and will be relying on her’. Richard Fitzwilliams said Princess Anne’s proximity to the King ‘is no accident’, adding that the fact she is ‘experienced and hard-working’ will have been noticed by Charles.

He said: ‘Princess Anne’s proximity to the sovereign, that’s no accident. She’s experienced and hard-working.

‘Anne’s been at it a long long time, she knows the ropes. The King knows how popular she is, so it’s no accident his sister is next door to him.’It shows much how much he appreciates her and how much he will be relying on her, she is extremely popular and has a high profile. People know who she is and respect her, that’s very important.’

Mr. Fitzwilliams said the portrait of the working royals signified ‘the people who the King can depend on’, adding: ‘The absentees, everyone knows the reasons for that’.

Of the King’s solo portrait, he said: ‘This one is a strong forceful portrait of a monarch who knows his own mind and is very experienced’.

Queen Camilla looked ‘more relaxed and comfortable’ wearing the crown in her solo portrait than she did in Westminster Abbey, he added.

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle may not appear on Buckingham Balcony during King Charles Coronation

Report Royal insiders have claimed that the Duke and Duchess of Sussex, Prince Harry and Meghan Markle, are unlikely to join the rest of the family to appear on the Buckingham Palace balcony on the day of King Charles III coronation.

According to UK Daily Mail on Sunday, this comes as royal insiders claimed last night that Prince Harry and wife Meghan Markle are ‘unlikely’ to appear on the Buckingham Palace balcony, should they attend the event at all following the fallout of the Duke’s bombshell memoir, Spare.

The celebrations, which is said to reflect Charles’ desire to be the ‘people’s King’ will also give representatives from the Commonwealth and NHS workers a chance to shine, before members of the public are encouraged to spend time volunteering on the nation’s extra Bank Holiday.

The coronation of King Charles III is scheduled to take place on May 6, followed by a huge concert at Windsor Castle the day after which will focus on showcasing Charles’ vision for the Commonwealth.

”I told King Charles III don’t have a house in the UK” – President Buhari

President Buhari met with His Royal Majesty, King Charles III in Buckingham Palace on Wednesday, November 9.

In an interview with newsmen after the meeting the British monarch, President Buhari said King Charles III asked him whether he has a house in the UK or not.

“He (King Charles III) asked me whether I have a house here (in the UK), I said no. I live in Nigeria alone, the only house I have are those I have before I got into government and I am not very much interested in having houses all over the place. I feel much freer when I have nothing” the President said.

On the purpose of his visit to the revered monarch, President Buhari said Nigeria is a large market and it is only wise for the business relationship between the two countries to be nurtured.

“Firstly, we are to meet with the king in Kigali but unfortunately, the meeting was postponed. He is interested very much in Nigeria, maybe because of Nigeria’s relationship with Britain for long, our economic strength, I think we are still of great attachment to them” he said

Rishi Sunak officially becomes UK PM after meeting King Charles

Rishi Sunak officially becomes UK PM after meeting King CharlesRishi Sunak on Tuesday, October 25, became the UK’s prime minister following a meeting with King Charles III.

The tradition sees the monarch invite the leader of the party with the highest number of MPs to form a government, which since the 2019 general election has been the Conservatives. In a speech outside 10 Downing Street after the meeting, Sunak said:

“Our country is facing a profound economic crisis. The aftermath of Covid still lingers, Putin’s war in Ukraine has destabilized energy markets and supply chains the world over.”

He paid tribute to his predecessor Liz Truss, who he said was “not wrong” to want to improve U.K. growth. He said, “some mistakes were made,” not “borne of ill will or bad intentions” but “mistakes nonetheless” and he had been elected “in part to fix them.”

He added:

“I will place economic stability and confidence at the heart of the government’s agenda. This will mean difficult decisions to come. But you saw me during Covid doing everything I could to protect people and businesses with schemes like furlough.

There are always limits, more so than ever, but I promise you this. I will bring that same compassion to the challenges we face today.”

Sunak is now expected to begin appointing new cabinet figures in yet another reshuffle at the top of British politics.

He was elected party leader by fellow Conservative lawmakers on Monday, October 24, following the resignation of Truss on Thursday, October 20.

Sunak is the third prime minister the UK will have in one year.

Prince William is now his father’s landlord and will get £700K a year from King Charles’ beloved Highgrove home

40-year-old Prince William is now King Charles’ new landlord and will be collecting hundreds of thousands of pounds in rent from his father.

The Sun reported that Prince William has taken over Duchy of Cornwall and its £345million property portfolio including King Charles’s beloved Highgrove home.

The 128,000 acres of land which netted a £21million income last year, was passed from Charles to his son when he became king.

This means the 73-year-old King must pay up to £700,000 a year to honour a long lease he signed on his favourite home.

The Duchy bought Highgrove, in Gloucestershire, in 1980 and it has been since been transformed into a family home by the new King.

The property portfolio passed down to the new Prince of Wales also includes HMP Dartmoor as well as the Oval cricket ground in South London.

A source told the publication “The King has a long lease and pays rent on Highgrove House and surrounding land.”

The King retreated to Highgrove for a day after his mother died last month. It is considered Charles’s favourite home and is a short drive from Queen Consort Camilla’s private house in Wiltshire.

King Charles’ PR team faces axe in Buckingham Palace as up to 100 staff are warned of redundancy

King Charles’ entire press office at Clarence House have reportedly been told their jobs are at risk as a result of his move to Buckingham Palace.

According to Mail Online, they are among up to 100 distraught staff including those in research and finance sent letters in the past few days warning them of redundancy as a result of the former Prince of Wales’s accession to the throne.

The report said that they have previously been told that only a process of consultation would legally have to begin as a result of the Queen’s death.

Now dozens have been specifically told their jobs are under threat as the process of merging the King’s former household at Clarence House with the existing team at Buckingham Palace begins.

The move has left many employees, some of whom have worked for the royals for several decades, upset and concerned.

Palace sources said the potential redundancies were ‘sadly inevitable’ as a result of the change in reign.

Buckingham Palace, which employs more than 1,000 staff, is not affected as employees work for the sovereign.

The new Prince of Wales – Prince William – already has his own team in place at Kensington Palace, leaving the loyal Clarence House team caught between ‘a rock and a hard place’.

‘Unfortunately, the process of integration means that the roles at Clarence House, the household of the former Prince of Wales, are no longer required,’ a royal aide explained.

Senior officials say they are trying to find as many employees as they can new roles at Buckingham Palace, although they say they are ‘mindful of the head count’ at the tax payer-funded institution, and clearly not everyone can be accommodated.

Prince Harry snubbed dinner with Charles and William after Meghan was banned from joining family on day the Queen died

Prince Harry reportedly snubbed dinner with Charles and William at Balmoral after Meghan was banned from joining the family on the day Queen Elizabeth died.

The Sun exclusively reported that Harry, 38, had insisted his wife be there on September 8, but Charles phoned to say it was “not appropriate”.

This made him miss an RAF flight to Scotland with brother William and uncles Andrew and Edward.

After being told to make his own travel arrangement, Harry eventually landed at Aberdeen without Meghan at 6.35pm, minutes after the Queen’s death was announced to the world.

It was also reported that after he was driven into Balmoral 90 minutes later, he declined dinner at Birkhall, Charles’s home on the estate, with the new king, Queen Consort Camilla and William.

He went on to mourn with Edward, Sophie Wessex and Andrew, seven miles away at Balmoral Castle. A source told the publication;

“Harry was so busy trying to get Meghan to Balmoral and rowing with his family that he missed the flight.

“Charles has an open invitation for Harry to dine with him whenever he is in the country.

“But Harry was so furious that he refused to eat with his father and brother.“It was a massive snub. And he got out of Balmoral at the earliest opportunity to catch the first commercial flight back to London.

At 8am the next day Harry was seen being driven to a British Airways jet which set off for Heathrow at 9.45am.

He was then reunited with Meghan at Frogmore Cottage, Windsor.

Harry and Meghan flew home to California on Tuesday September 20, 24 hours after the family laid the Queen to rest.

Protesters heard booing King Charles as they call for monarchy to be abolished

Anti-monarchists booed King Charles and one held up a sign saying “f*** imperialism, abolish the monarchy” in Edinburgh.

On Sunday, September 11, crowds had gathered in the capital city to hear the Lord Lyon King of Arms, who is responsible for overseeing state ceremonial in Scotland, formally announce King Charles as the Queen’s successor.

His Majesty’s State Trumpeters sounded a fanfare at the famous Edinburgh Castle and the Lord Lyon King of Arms read a proclamation for the King, prompting jeers and boos from other members of the crowd.

As the Lord Lyon King of Arms Joseph Morrow ended his proclamation by saying “God Save the King”, there were audible boos from people in the crowd while others called for a republic at King Charles’ proclamation in Edinburgh.

One protester was at Mercat Cross in the Scottish capital when police arrived and they took her away.

One man shouted: “Let her go! It’s free speech!” Other said: “Have some respect.” Police have confirmed that a 22-year-old woman was arrested “in connection with a breach of the peace”.

A spokeswoman for Police Scotland said: “A 22-year-old woman was arrested outside St Giles’ Cathedral, Edinburgh, on Sunday 11 September, 2022 in connection with a breach of the peace.”

CNN’s Amanpour demands King Charles III move away from his mum’s shadow of ‘colonial legacy’ and address reparations and justice for countries colonized by UK

Days after Queen Elizabeth II’s death, CNN TV host, Christiane Amanpour has asked the new monarch, King Charles III, to step away from Britain’s ‘colonial legacy’ and possibly offer reparations to countries colonized by the UK.

Amanpour was in London over the weekend analyzing Charles III’s first public address as king and the conversation came around to how “different demographics” were listening to it for different reasons.

During his first televised address as king after he inherited the crown from the late Queen Elizabeth II, Charles III addressed the increasingly diverse state of the U.K.

“In the course of the last seventy years we have seen our society become one of many cultures and many faiths.

The institutions of the State have changed in turn,” he noted. “But, through all changes and challenges, our nation and the wider family of Realms – of whose talents, traditions and achievements I am so inexpressibly proud – have prospered and flourished.

Our values have remained, and must remain, constant.” Reacting to the king’s remarks, Amanpour spoke of British colonialism;

“I really do believe that we have to have this conversation right now, even at this moment,” “And look, what he said, ‘In the 70 years of her being on the throne, many cultures and faiths have flourished in these past seven decades,’” she paraphrased.

Amanpour appeared to suggest that this flourishing was overblown, “particularly in the wake of Black Lives Matter and particularly in the protests that erupted all over the world after what happened in Minnesota, in London, in France and other parts of these nations that had colonial servants, let’s face it.”

She recounted further that Britain, specifically, has a controversial imperial history, saying, “People were in service to this empire. The wealth of this empire was derived on the back of the people of their empire.”

“What we’re saying is that there is the generation of multicultural and diverse Britons who want this answered, who want to see their monarch finally talk about what it means and, you know, potentially the idea of reparations, definitely justice, right? Justice,” she said, warning that the citizenry of Britain has diversified and is looking to the King to address modern cultural issues with new policies.

She added that “Prince William who’s the heir and the next king, has talked about it, having been criticized for a trip he made in the Caribbean – again, colonial legacy – that we must have this discussion, and it must be up to those countries. But it also has to be had in this country [England] as well.”

Prince Charles III Proclaimed Britain’s New King

Charles III has officially been proclaimed king in a historic ceremony in St James’s Palace on Saturday.

The ceremony comes days after Queen Elizabeth II died on Thursday aged 96 at Balmoral Castle in Scotland.

He pledged to emulate his late mother Queen Elizabeth II and serve for the rest of his life.

He said, “I am deeply aware of this great inheritance and of the duties and heavy responsibilities of sovereignty, which have now passed to me,” in a speech before swearing the oath.

UK Prime Minister Liz Truss and senior members of her government have also taken oaths of loyalty to King Charles III in the House of Commons.

Charles is king and head of state not only of the United Kingdom but of 14 other realms including Australia, Canada, Jamaica, New Zealand and Papua New Guinea.

King Charles III Makes First Address As Monarch

British monarch, King Charles III, has made his first public address as a sovereign.

Charles became king on Thursday upon the death of his mother, Queen Elizabeth II.

He paid tribute to his late mother and made it clear Prince Harry and Meghan will continue their lives overseas.