Prosecutor faces political glare after President Biden report

Special Counsel Robert Hur placed a spotlight on US President Joe Biden’s biggest political weakness – his age – by describing him as “an elderly man with a poor memory” who had difficulty recalling key milestones in his own life.

On Friday, as the president’s team went on the offensive to attack Mr Hur’s report – the result of a year-long inquiry into Mr Biden’s handling of classified files – Vice-President Kamala Harris accused the special counsel of being “clearly politically motivated”.

A White House spokesman said the report was “inappropriate” and suggested legal experts held the same view.

Some former federal prosecutors and attorneys told the BBC that it was not typical for prosecutors to include highly personal details in these kinds of cases.

But others said Mr Hur – a Republican who was tapped for this role by Mr Biden’s own attorney general – was justified in commenting on the president’s memory and age in explaining his decision not to prosecute him for keeping classified documents.

Many emphasised the challenge for special counsels to both investigate sensitive issues and explain their ultimate conclusions to the public – a high bar made even harder when the subject is the sitting president on the verge of an election.

In his report, released on Thursday, Mr Hur found Mr Biden, 81, had “willfully” retained classified files after leaving the vice-presidency in 2017.

But he said he would struggle to secure a conviction because of how Mr Biden would come across to jurors given his age and demeanour.

In one passage, Mr Hur wrote that Mr Biden’s recall of certain events was “significantly limited”. In another, he provided a pointed example, writing that Mr Biden did not remember “even within several years when his son Beau died”.

Steven Tyrell, a corporate attorney and former chief of the US justice department’s fraud department, said he believed the level of detail Mr Hur included in his lengthy report was justified.

“It is very important for a special counsel to articulate the basis for any charging decision,” he said.

“If, as seems to be the case, the president’s mental state and acuity were considered important in determining his intent, then Special Counsel Hur is to be commended for including that.”

Unfortunately for Mr Biden, the precise details were at times damning for a political candidate already fighting criticism over his advanced age.

Some experts told the BBC that some of these details – especially the references to his son’s death – were not strictly necessary.

“Some of the examples were telling and justifiably included,” said Ty Cobb, former White House counsel under Donald Trump.

“But some of them gave me great pause.

“Mr Cobb, like many of the lawyers who spoke to the BBC, stressed he had great respect for Mr Hur.

“But I think it might have been better here to simply say that the president would have been a sympathetic defendant rather than go into the memory issues at the level that they did,” he said.

Former US assistant attorney Renato Mariotti went further, saying the amount of detail regarding Mr Biden’s memory represented “poor judgement”.

“Prosecutors are supposed to be fair in how they handle people they are investigating, and I don’t think he [Mr Hur] was here,” he said.

The experts who spoke to the BBC mostly agreed that special counsels are usually aware of the political reaction their report could ignite, though it should not change any findings.

That may have been no more true than for Mr Hur, who released the findings of this investigation just nine months before November’s presidential election. Mr Biden is running for a second term.

It is a stressful position, said Seth DuCharme, a former federal prosecutor who held senior posts at the justice department during the Trump administration.

“You look at it, and you probably breathe a heavy sigh, and you go: ‘No matter what I say, or even if I’ve done my best, the reality of the situation is that somebody’s gonna go nuts over this,'” he said.”

‘And it may have real collateral political consequences. But do I stand by what I’ve said?'”

House Republicans shocked as Hunter Biden arrives at House contempt hearing

Hunter Biden shocked Republicans on Wednesday, after unexpectedly arriving at a House hearing on the charges of contempt of Congress against him.

The Oversight Committee was meeting to consider a resolution to hold the president’s son in contempt for defying a House subpoena.

Cameras blazed as he strode into the room with his attorney, Abbe Lowell.Republicans appeared angered by the move, with Rep Nancy Mace accusing him of “white privilege”.

“I think that Hunter Biden should be arrested right here, right now, and go straight to jail,” the South Carolina congresswoman said.

“Our nation is founded on the rule of law and the premise that the law applies equally to everyone, no matter what your last name is.

“Mr Biden exited Congress without speaking at the hearing shortly after, leaving as right-wing Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene began to speak.

The Oversight Committee is planning to consider the contempt resolution on Wednesday morning. Its passage through that body is the first step toward it being considered by the wider House.

The 53-year-old’s lawyer, Mr Lowell, who accompanied him, reprimanded Republicans for using Mr Biden as a “surrogate to attack his father”, President Joe Biden.

Hunter Biden was subpoenaed to testify privately about his business dealings for the impeachment case against his father last year.

In November, he told House Republicans that he was willing to testify to the Oversight Committee, but only if it was a public hearing. His counsel, Mr Lowell, said it would “let the light shine” on the proceedings.

Republicans refused, and instead Mr Biden made a rare in-person statement outside the Capitol on the day he was to appear before Congress. He slammed Republicans, alleging they had “distorted the facts” and called for a public hearing.

The younger Biden is also facing charges for possession of a gun while being an admitted drug addict and for lying on a federal form.

He has previously said he would testify before the House but only in a public setting.

Chinese President, Jinping, arrives U.S for summit, meets Biden

Chinese President Xi Jinping has arrived in San Francisco, U.S., to attend a summit with President Joe Biden.

The Summit is also the 30th Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Economic Leaders’ Meeting that started on November 14 and will end on November 17.

In a statement on Wednesday, Chinese Ambassador to the U.S., Xie Feng, said that Xi arrived on Tuesday afternoon local time.

The statement said: “Xi was warmly greeted by many Chinese overseas, including Chinese students studying abroad, who waved both Chinese and American flags along routes from the airport to welcome the Chinese President.

“Cai Qi, member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China Central Committee, and Chinese Foreign Minister, Wang Yi, also a member of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee, arrived San Francisco in the same flight.

At San Francisco International Airport, Xi received warm reception from senior U.S. officials, including U.S. Secretary of the Treasury, Janet Yellen and California Governor Gavin Newsom.”

The highly-anticipated meeting between Xi and Biden, who are the leaders of the world’s two largest economies, is centered on calls for joint efforts from both sides to bring bilateral relations back on track.

The statement further said that China was expected to elaborate on its initiatives for regional peace and efforts for a sound China-U.S. relationship amid mounting global instability and uncertainty.

Biden approves new border wall in political U-turn

US President Joe Biden’s administration has approved border wall construction in southern Texas in an effort to stop illegal immigration.

Around 20 miles (32km) will be erected in Starr County, which is on the border with Mexico.

Border officials are currently seeing high levels of illegal crossings in the area.The move is considered a U-turn by the president, who promised to stop further construction of such barriers.

“There is presently an acute and immediate need to construct physical barriers and roads in the vicinity of the border of the United States in order to prevent unlawful entries,” Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas said in an announcement.

More than 245,000 illegal crossings have been made so far this year, according to government data.

Dozens of federal laws have been waived in order to approve construction of the wall, including the Clean Air Act and Safe Drinking Water Act.

The move has angered environmentalists, who say the structures will cut through the habitats of endangered plants and animals.

“It’s disheartening to see President Biden stoop to this level, casting aside our nation’s bedrock environmental laws to build ineffective wildlife-killing border walls,” said Laiken Jordahl, a conservation advocate at the Center for Biological Diversity.

According to a proposal by US Customs and Border Protection (CBP), the barriers will consist of large bollards embedded in a concrete base, as well as gates, cameras and CCTV equipment.

Homeland Security said it would draw on funding agreed when former President Donald Trump was in power to build them.

It is the first time the Biden administration has used its powers to approve the construction of new walls – something that was done often during Mr Trump’s time in office.

While on the campaign trail in 2020, Mr Biden promised there would be “not be another foot of wall constructed” if he was elected.

Speaking to Fox News on Wednesday, Mr Trump blamed the president for halting construction and causing a crisis at the southern border.

Mr Biden has been facing increasing criticism over his immigration policies in the wake of a recent surge of migrants crossing into the US.

US Border Patrol apprehended 181,059 people along the southern border in August compared with 132,648 in July, according to the latest data.

Some 10,000 people arrived at the border every day last week alone, according to Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador.

Biden’s dog Commander leaves White House after biting incidents

The Biden family’s dog, Commander, has been moved out of the White House after a series of biting incidents.

It is still being decided what will happen to the two-year-old German Shepherd, a spokeswoman for First Lady Jill Biden said.

Just last week, Commander bit a Secret Service agent who required medical treatment at the scene.

It was the 11th time the dog has bitten a guard at the White House complex or the family home in Delaware.

“The President and First Lady care deeply about the safety of those who work at the White House and those who protect them every day,” the spokeswoman, Elizabeth Alexander, said in a statement on Wednesday.

“They remain grateful for the patience and support of the US Secret Service and all involved, as they continue to work through solutions. Commander is not presently on the White House campus while next steps are evaluated.

“She did not say where the dog was currently living or if it would eventually return to the White House.

The statement was released shortly after CNN reported that Commander had been involved in more than the 11 biting incidents publicly acknowledged by the Secret Service.

It said the real number was higher, with one bite requiring hospital treatment and others needing medical attention from on-site staff.The White House press secretary has previously blamed the attacks on the stress of living at the residence.

“As you all know, the White House complex can be unique and very stressful,” Karine Jean-Pierre said in July.

“It is unique and it is stressful for all of us. So you can imagine what it’s like for a family pet or family pets, more broadly,” she added.

That same month, White House officials said they were attempting new training techniques on Commander following the biting incidents.

US govt imposes visa restrictions on Nigerians who undermined the 2023 general elections

The United States government has imposed visa restrictions on some Nigerians who undermined the democratic process during Nigeria’s 2023 elections.

The US Secretary of State, Anthony Blinken, disclosed this on Twitter on Monday afternoon, May 15.

He however did not mention the names of those affected.

His tweet reads;

‘’We have imposed visa restrictions on specific individuals who undermined the democratic process during Nigeria’s 2023 elections. We remain committed to supporting Nigerian aspirations to strengthen democracy and rule of law.”

Biden visits Ireland to mark Good Friday Agreement anniversary

U.S. President Joe Biden is set to fly to Belfast on Tuesday at the start of a visit to Northern Ireland and Ireland.

Mr Biden is expected to arrive in the Northern Irish capital on Tuesday evening to start his programme on Wednesday when he will meet British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak.

The U.S. president also plans to address a gathering of students.

The focus of the visit is to mark the 25th anniversary of the 1998 Good Friday Agreement that ended the conflict between the largely protestant supporters of continued union with Britain and the largely Catholic backers of a united Ireland.

Mr Biden will leave for Dublin on Wednesday to address parliament.The U.S. president, who is of Irish descent, also plans to visit the hometowns of his ancestors.

Nigerians should choose their president irrespective of religion, region- President Joe Biden

Statement from President Joe Biden on Nigeria’s Upcoming Election.

I commend yesterday’s peace accord in Nigeria, signed by the political parties and candidates running in Nigeria’s presidential election on February 25.

By signing this pledge, the parties and candidates have committed to accept the results of the election, as announced by the Independent National Electoral Commission, and to support a peaceful transition of power.

Elections are a fundamental part of a functioning democracy, and all Nigerians deserve this chance to choose their future — freely and fairly.

While the United States does not support any single candidate or party, we strongly support a peaceful and transparent process that reflects the will of the people of Nigeria.

On election day, I encourage all Nigerians — no matter their religion, region, or ethnicity —to exercise this fundamental freedom and make their voices heard — including young voters, many of whom may be heading to the ballot box for the first time.

The United States stands with the Nigerian people as they chart a path toward a more democratic, prosperous, and secure future. I appreciate President Buhari’s firm commitment that the will of the people will be respected.

And in the coming days, I encourage voters to remain peaceful and patient as their ballots are tallied, and urge the political parties and candidates to live up to their pledge.

The time is coming’ – Donald Trump drops hint of potential 2024 presidential run

Donald Trump has dropped a major hint about a potential 2024 presidential bid while blasting President Joe Biden’s withdrawal from Afghanistan. The former president told fellow Republicans ‘the time is coming’ for him to make a formal announcement about his next bid for the White House.

Trump said he believes ‘people are going to be very happy’ with his decision while noting that America has ‘lost everything’ under Biden’s leadership

The Republican also confirmed during his address at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) in Dallas, Texas last week, that he will be making his plans to run for office public in the near future. ‘It’s certainly not a very long period, the time is coming,’ Trump said Saturday when Fox News asked when Republicans could expect a formal announcement. ‘I think people are going to be very happy, our country has never been in a position like this, we’ve lost everything.’

He argued the nation was facing both domestic and foreign policy crises, stating America lost its ‘prestige’ when Biden withdrew US troops from Afghanistan last year.

He also claimed the US is a ‘nation that allowed Russia to devastate a country, Ukraine, killing hundreds of thousands of people, and it will only get worse.

Trump complained that Biden turned ‘the safest border in US history by far’ into ‘the worst border ever in history.’ ‘Just last month, an illegal alien here in Texas was indicted for the cold blooded murders of four elderly women throughout the state.

And he’s been linked to the deaths of at least 24 people,’ he said. ‘What we do in the next few months and the next few years will determine whether American civilization will collapse and fail or whether it will thrive, frankly like never before.’

Trump also commented on the 2020 election, which he continues to maintain was ‘rigged and stolen.’ ‘The election was rigged and stolen, and now our country is being systematically destroyed.

And everybody knows it. I ran twice and won twice,’ he declared. ‘America is on the edge of an abyss. And our movement is the only force on Earth that can save it.

We have to seize this opportunity to deal with the radical left socialists and fascists.’ His remarks came shortly after the CPAC unveiled a poll showing the former president as an ‘overwhelming favorite’ for the 2024 Republican nomination.

Trump captured nearly 70 percent of the ballots cast at the conference. DeSantis was a distant second at 23.7 percent.

Brittney Griner expected to be swapped with ‘Merchant of Death’ arms dealer within weeks after her 9-year sentence for smuggling cannabis vape

Brittney Griner is expected to be swapped by America for the ‘Merchant of Death’ arms dealer within weeks as President Joe Biden scrambles to get her back to US soil to undo her nine-year prison sentence for smuggling cannabis into the country Russia.Griner was on Thursday, August 4, sentenced to nine years in prison for smuggling a weed pen into Moscow in February.

The 31-year-old WNBA star claimed in court it was an ‘honest mistake’ and that she didn’t mean to bring the drugs in.It has been reported that the White House plans to negotiate a swap of Griner and Paul Whelan, another US citizen being held in Russian prison, in exchange for Viktor Bout, an arms dealer who was arrested in 2008 in Thailand at the request of the US authorities.

The Russians refused to agree on a deal before Griner’s sentence, citing the need for judicial process.Due to public pressure from Griner’s fans and several Hollywood stars, President Biden is rushing to have her released.

A source close to the ongoing negotiations told that a deal to swap Griner with Bout is now more likely than ever, and could be completed within a month if there are no delays to the process.

‘The US positioned has weakened now. They showed their hand and now their bargaining position has weakened,’ the source said.

Griner’s attorneys have ten days to file an appeal. After that, the matter would only take a few more weeks, they said. It is now uncertain that the deal would include Paul Whelan, an American who has been locked up on espionage charges since 2018.

The US had been pushing for a deal that would include both Griner and Whelan. Now that she has been sentenced in the Russian court of law, their leverage is weaker.’The Russians might think Whelan is too much now… after today, his place in the deal is not so certain,’ the source said.

Bout now has less time on his sentence now than Griner does.Bout was sentenced to 25 years in prison in 2012 for using multiple air transport companies to smuggle weapons out of eastern Europe to Africa and the Middle East.

He had already served four years and has since completed another ten. Bout technically has 11 years left on his sentence, and must serve only 85 percent of the total term under federal prison guidelines which makes him eligible for release in around five or six.

‘We will hunt you down, make you pay’, Joe Biden vows retaliation over Kabul airport attacks

The President of the United States, Joe Biden, has vowed that his country will retaliate Thursday’s attack at the Kabul airport where over 100 people, including US service men lost their lives, saying he will hunt down those responsible and make them pay.

Biden, in a speech from the White House on Friday morning, said the bombings were carried out by the Islamic State in Khorasan Province, ISKP (ISIS-K), ISIL’s affiliate in Afghanistan, and the perpetrators will pay the price.

“To those who carried out this attack, as well as anyone who wishes America harm, know this: We will not forgive; we will not forget,” Biden said.

We will hunt you down and make you pay. I will defend our interests in our people with every measure at my command.

“We will not be deterred by terrorists; we will not let them stop our mission. We will continue the evacuations,” he added.

Biden had postponed his engagements for the day, including a meeting with Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett, to focus on the situation in Afghanistan.

General Kenneth McKenzie, commander of the US Central Command, also confirmed that airlifts will not stop after the attack.

“Our mission is to evacuate US citizens, third-country nationals, Special Immigrant Visa holders, US embassy staff and Afghans at risk,” McKenzie said. “Despite this attack, we’re continuing the mission.”

The Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Mark Milley, the top US general, also said the American military remains “focused and steadfast on this mission”.

‘We will hunt you down,’ Biden warns Kabul attackers

Shame On Nigerians Who Supported Joe Biden, He Has Threatened Us With Gay Marriage”- Fani Kayode

For some months now, the United States senate have been fighting hard to either charge Donald Trump for mobilizing his supporters to riot in the Capitol, or to be acquitted which will enable him contest in 2024. Some hours ago, it was all celebration for Donald Trump’s supporters and followers as he was declared free from all charges in the US Senate.

Meanwhile, Nigerians have been very angry with Joe Biden administration for forcing the nation to accept the gay law. This will legalize homosexuality, same-sex marriage and other LGBT rights.

The former Aviation Minister, Femi Fani Kayode has blasted Nigerians who supported the 46th President of America, Joe Biden who swept Donald Trump off his feet during the November elections. Femi rejoiced because Trump has been acquitted and now granted the opportunity to run again in 2024. He also mocked Nigerians who supported Joe Biden, saying that he has now threatened us with the gay law.

Libya welcomes Biden’s lifting of Muslim travel ban.

The Libyan House of Representatives welcomed U.S. President Joe Biden’s decision to lift the travel ban on Libyan citizens and allowing them to enter the United States, a Libyan parliament member said Friday.

The travel ban was imposed by former U.S President Donald Trump at the beginning of his administration in 2016 and banned citizens from several Muslim countries, including Libya, from entering the American soil.
Libyan Parliament Member Ibrahim Al-Zgad said the harsh ban imposed on Libyans was a sign of Trump’s ”madness,” adding that the former U.S president had issued it in ”one of his crazy moments.”

He continued sarcastically saying that Trump seemed to be affected by the ”mad cow” disease and that his decision was issued as a “dance of the slaughtered rooster” and now his term is over.
Al-Zgad said the travel ban had nothing to do with the U.S. – Arab relation, which has always been ”excellent.”
Lifting the travel ban was one of the first 15 decrees signed by Biden on his first day at the White House.
Commenting on the new U.S president, Al-Zgad said Libya has little hope in Joe Biden, because he is from the Democratic Party.

The party, Al-Zgad said, is the one that contributed to the crisis in Libya in the past, headed by Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton, who supported the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt and Libya, and enabled them to rule.
Libya slid into chaos following the 2011 NATO-backed uprising that overthrew and killed the country’s longtime dictator Muammar Gaddafi.
The North African country is today divided into two rival administrations, each backed by an array of militias and foreign powers.
The administration backed by military commander Khalifa Hifter rules the east and south while the UN-supported government based in Tripoli, controls the west.

US Surgeon general, Jerome Adam resigns at Joe Biden’s request.

U.S. Surgeon General, Jerome Adams has resigned from his position at the request of President Joe Biden.
Adams, 46,  was nominated by former President Donald Trump and sworn into the job in September 2017.

In a lengthy post on Facebook, Adams wrote:
Thank you for the opportunity to serve this great Nation, as this has been the honor of my life. Three years and five months ago, I was confirmed as just the 20th United States Surgeon General – and only the second ever African American male to serve in that role.

My tenure started with three category 5 hurricanes barreling down on our citizens. I immediately deployed to witness the devastation first hand, and to lead our Public Health Service Officers as we helped with the response. I saw the best of our Nation coming together in the worse of times, to help those who’d lost everything.

I then turned my attention to the opioid epidemic, encouraging more people to carry Naloxone by issuing the first Surgeon General’s advisory in over a decade. Working across government and with amazing advocacy organizations on the ground- many led by parents who had lost their own children to opioid overdose- we were able to increase Naloxone availability nationwide by over 400%, and save countless lives. This is perhaps my proudest achievement, as my family has been personally impacted my substance misuse, and I firmly believe stigma remains one of our biggest killers and barriers to health.

Being a parent of school-age children myself, I saw the need to issue subsequent advisories warning of the dangers of youth e-cigarette and youth marijuana use- a combination which merged into the deadly EVALI outbreak our Nation faced. Despite any opinions about adult use of these products, I hope Americans can agree that we must all work together to prevent youth initiation and use.

In 2019, I issued the first Surgeon Generals report in over 30 years on smoking cessation, highlighting the groups still most impacted by smoking, and the science behind what we know works to help them quit. We have made tremendous progress, but far too many- including those with mental health issues, our tribal citizens, and the LGBTQ community, haven’t shared equally in cessation successes.

And of course, there was COVID19. In the face of a once in a century pandemic, I sought to communicate the rapidly evolving science on this deadly adversary, and arm people with the knowledge and tools they needed to stay safe. I wasn’t always right- because no one was, and this virus continues to humble all of us- but I was always sincere in my efforts to speak to everyday Americans, and address the terrible health inequities this virus exposed.

My team also put out historic Surgeon General’s Calls to Action on Hypertension Control, Maternal Health, and Suicide Prevention. We did this because even in midst of a deadly pandemic, hundreds of thousands of people are killed by these other health risks every year. For example, more people died from uncontrolled high blood pressure in 2020 than from Covid-19.
We mustn’t forget about all the other harms Americans face every day, or the many opportunities we have to improve health, and build more resilient communities. And we mustn’t forget that diseases and health risks rarely impact all communities equally. That’s why these Calls to Action specifically mention the groups disparately impacted, and talk about the need to study and address aggravating factors like bias.

Finally, I released a completely novel type of Surgeon Generals report- a report on Community Health and Economic Prosperity. It emphasizes the links between the health of our communities and the health of our economies. It is unique in that it makes the business case for why we all should care about and invest in the vital conditions that create opportunities and healthier communities.

During my tenure, I have visited with people from all across America. And despite all that you may read on social media or see on tv, I can assure you that from Alaska to Alabama, from Maine to Montana, and from California to the Carolinas, Americans mostly want the same thing. They want a fair shot at being their best and healthiest self, and to be able to support the health and well being of their families.

And speaking of families, I want to thank those of you who supported me and my family- my wife who is undergoing cancer treatment, my brother who is struggling to overcome addiction, my mother who suffered a stroke earlier this year, and my kids who sacrificed time with their dad so that he could serve this Nation. And thanks to those of you who have become part of my family- the United States Public Health Service Commissioned Corps, my dedicated support staff in the Office of the Surgeon General, the amazing colleagues and friends I’ve met across government, and the many people across this great Nation who constantly pray for my wife and kids, and ask about my dog Bella.

I hope in 2021 and beyond, we can focus more on what unites us, and rise above what divides us. Because Americans working together can overcome any obstacle or adversary. I stand at the ready to help in our mutual quest for recovery, resilience, and health, and thank you from the bottom of my heart, for the opportunity to serve.
Adams’ resignation came shortly after Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris took office.

Back in December, the Biden administration announced its nominee, Vivek Murthy for the role of the surgeon general. He previously served in the position under former President Barack Obama and he’s a close adviser to Biden.

When his nomination was revealed, Murthy said in a statement: “In this moment of crisis, I’m grateful for the opportunity to help end this pandemic, be a voice for science, and support our nation on its path to rebuilding and healing.”
Murthy’s nomination will still need to be confirmed by the U.S. Senate before he can begin work.

South Korea’s president congratulates Biden, says ‘America is back’.

South Korean President Moon Jae-in, who brokered the talks process between Donald Trump and the North’s leader Kim Jong Un, on Thursday congratulated Joe Biden on his inauguration as US president, tweeting: “America is back.”

The relationship between treaty allies Seoul and Washington was at times deeply strained under Trump, who repeatedly excoriated the South for not paying enough towards the US troop presence in the country, demanding billions of dollars more.

In his first year in power, Trump raised widespread alarm in the South by engaging in personal insults and threats of war with Kim — at one point accusing the pro-engagement Moon of “appeasement”.

Biden has repeatedly spoken of the need to rebuild the United States’ global standing and declared in his inauguration speech: “We will repair our alliances and engage with the world once again.”

The centre-left Moon welcomed Biden’s swearing-in on his verified Twitter account, writing: “America is back. America’s new beginning will make democracy even greater.
“Together with the Korean people, I stand by your journey toward ‘America United’”, he added. “We go together!”

The US led the UN coalition forces that backed the South and fought North Korean and Chinese troops to a standstill in the 1950-53 Korean War, and Washington still stations around 28,500 of its forces in the South to defend it against its neighbour.

Moon seized on his hosting of the 2018 Winter Olympics to broker a dialogue between Trump and Kim that saw them hold an unprecedented summit in a blaze of publicity in Singapore.

At the time, they signed a vaguely worded statement on the denuclearisation of the Korean peninsula, but a second summit in Hanoi in early 2019 collapsed over sanctions relief and what the North would be willing to give up in return.

The process has been stalled ever since, despite a third encounter in the Demilitarized Zone that divides the peninsula.

Lady Gaga to Perform National Anthem at Biden-Harris Inauguration.

Lady Gaga speaks in support of Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden during a drive-in campaign rally at Heinz Field on Nov. 2, 2020 in Pittsburgh, Penn. She’ll join Justin Timberlake and Tom Hanks at next Wednesday’s (Jan. 20) event.

Lady Gaga has joined the increasingly star-studded list of artists who will perform at next Wednesday’s (Jan. 20) inauguration of Joe Biden and Sen. Kamala Harris. The Biden-Harris inauguration committee announced the news on Thursday (Jan. 14), revealing that Gaga will sing the National Anthem during the inauguration in Washington, D.C.

Gaga previously tackled “The Star-Spangled Banner” at 2016’s Super Bowl 50, and according to the Presidential Inaugural Committee she’ll have plenty of A-list company at the primetime Celebrating America special, which will be hosted by Tom Hanks and feature performances from Jennifer Lopez, Jon Bon Jovi, Justin Timberlake, Demi Lovato and Ant Clemons, with more artists expected to join the 90-minute (8:30-10 p.m. ET) special that will be aired on NBC, ABC, CBS, CNN and MSNBC, as well as on the Committee’s social media feeds, Amazon Prime Video, Twitch and Fox’s NewsNOW.

T.I., John Legend, Common, Lady Gaga & More Encourage Georgians to Vote in Run-Off Election.

Timberlake revealed on Wednesday that he and Clemons wrote a new song, “Better Days,” several months ago, describing it as their way of “doing what little we could to encourage everyone to stay hopeful and to keep working towards a better future.”

The special, which the PIC says is the “capstone” to the day’s events, was developed in part because the COVID-19 pandemic is forcing many traditional inauguration events — such as live concerts, the inaugural parade and the raft of galas and balls — to be canceled. As a result, the organization is turning to less traditional ways to engage with Americans for the inauguration, including a public art display in Washington, and a memorial to lives lost due to the disease.

“This inauguration presents a unique opportunity to spotlight the resilience and spirit of an America united,” said PIC CEO Tony Allen in a statement. “We have witnessed countless heroes this past year step up to the frontlines and serve their fellow Americans, so we are telling their stories, spreading their collective light, and celebrating the best of our country and its people with this prime-time program. Our first priority is safety — so while many of us will be watching safely from our homes, we are creating real moments of connection that highlight a new inclusive American era of leadership that works for and represents all Americans.”

Tom Hanks Hosting ‘Celebrating America’ Inaugural Special With Performances From Demi Lovato & More

The emerging list of superstars performers for the inauguration special already stands in stark contrast to the modest line-up for one-term president Donald Trump’s 2012 pre-COVID inauguration. Though the former reality star boasted that he would have “the biggest celebrities in the world” marking his coronation, the final line-up was a mix of country stars, cover bands and mostly unknown acts, including Toby Keith, 3 Doors Down, The Piano Guys, Lee Greenwood, DJ RaviDrum, The Frontmen of Country, Big & Rich, Cowboy Troy, Tony Orlando, America’s Got Talent runner-up Jackie Evancho singing the National Anthem, standards cover act Tim Rushlow & His Big Band, Sam and Dave’s Sam Moore, the Rockettes, The Silhouettes, Circus 1903, Cache Olson and Pelican 212 performing at a variety of inaugural balls.

Justin Timberlake, Demi Lovato and More Stars Set to Perform at Joe Biden’s Inauguration.

Justin Timberlake and Demi Lovato are among the superstars who will perform on Jan. 20 at the inauguration of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris.

Joe Biden is getting ready to dance, dance, dance at his upcoming presidential inauguration. 

Justin Timberlake, Demi Lovato, Jon Bon Jovi and R&B singer Ant Clemons will perform as part of the inauguration festivities for President-elect Biden and Vice President-elect Kamala Harris on Jan. 20, the Presidential Inaugural Committee (PIC) announced on Wednesday, Jan. 13. 

The music superstars will participate in “Celebrating America,” a live 90-minute prime-time special hosted by Tom Hanks that will air at 8:30 p.m. ET/PT. The event, which will include more performers yet to be announced, will cap off a day of celebration that will see Biden sworn in as the 46th President of the United States. 

This special will feature remarks from both Biden and Harris, in addition to spotlighting American heroes who stepped up during the ongoing pandemic. It will follow the other events of this historic day, including the official Inaugural Ceremonies, a wreath-laying on Arlington National Cemetery and a “Parade Across America.”
The program will air live on ABC, CBS, CNN, NBC and MSNBC, along with streaming live on the PIC’s YouTube, Facebook, Twitter and Twitch channels. Additionally, it will be carried live on Amazon Prime Video, Microsoft Bing, NewsNOW from Fox, and AT&T DirecTV and U-verse.

“This inauguration presents a unique opportunity to spotlight the resilience and spirit of an America united,” PIC CEO Tony Allen said in a statement. “We have witnessed countless heroes this past year step up to the frontlines and serve their fellow Americans, so we are telling their stories, spreading their collective light and celebrating the best of our country and its people with this prime-time program. Our first priority is safety—so while many of us will be watching safely from our homes, we are creating real moments of connection that highlight a new inclusive American era of leadership that works for and represents all Americans.”

Inaugural events are certainly known for landing top-level talent. Barack Obama’s second inauguration set a high bar in 2013, counting Beyoncé, Kelly Clarkson and James Taylor among that year’s performers.

President Donald Trump Has Been Refused Entry Into Scotland Until Joe Biden Is Sworn-In.

Yesterday, both President Donald Trump and Joe Biden were in Georgia to rally behind their two chosen candidates respectively for their Senatorial contests. But as it is known President Trump actually had another motive besides the electioneering campaign.

The grudging President also wants his two candidates to win the Senatorial election so that he might later use them against swearing-in Joe Biden on the 20th of this month.

Also in furtherance of his efforts at not having Joe Biden sworn-in on the aforementioned day, he has reportedly made plans to jet-o ff to Scotland for a Gulf course. In addition to the reports from the official Twitter handle of Independent news platform the First Minister of Scotland, Nicola Sturgeon, has swiftly refused his entry there.

Warding him off, according to @Independent , the Scottish Madame, however hinted that now is not the right time to play gulf as they are presently preparing for a new lockdown measure in Scotland.

See the original Twitter posts below:

Well, I think this is simply a polite way to allow him entry into Scotland; hence they are not in support of what he is been up to.

2023: I will become President like Joe Biden – Pastor Tunde Bakare

Pastor Tunde Bakare, the General Overseer of the Citadel Global Church, has expressed hope of becoming Nigeria’s President.

Bakare said just as Joe Biden emerged as the United States, US, President-Elect, he would also become president.

The clergyman, who has never hidden his aspiration to become president, disclosed this in an interview with journalists, on Tuesday in Lagos State.

Speaking with a group of journalists in Lagos, Bakare said in clear terms that he will succeed President Muhammadu Buhari come 2023.

According to Bakare: “There is something called destiny. I am not one to hide under the umbrella of one finger and make ambition look like vision, I do not camouflage.

“It is not a matter of life and death, but you can write it down. As the Lord lives, and as I am given the opportunity, the day will come, like Joe Biden, that I will be the President of Nigeria.”

#covidvaccine : U.S. President-elect Joe Biden has hailed Monday’s announcement of an effective COVID-19 vaccine by pharmaceutical giant, Pfizer Inc., and its German partner, BioNTech.

The vaccine, according to the firms, has a 90-per-cent success rate having been tested on 43,500 people in six countries with no safety concerns.

In a statement on Monday, Biden described the announcement as excellent news and congratulated the manufacturers for giving the world “cause for hope”.

However, Biden warned against complacency, noting that the end of the battle against the pandemic was still months away.

He said even if a vaccine was approved by the end of November as forecasted by industry players, widespread vaccination would take many more months.

The president-elect emphasised the need for people to remain precautious, especially with the use of masks, which he said remained a “more potent weapon against the virus than the vaccine”.

“Today’s news does not change this urgent reality.Americans will have to rely on masking, distancing, contact tracing, hand washing and other measures to keep themselves well safe into New Year,” he said.

Earlier, Biden and the Vice President-elect Kamala Harris, named their transition COVID-19 advisory board as promised by the president -elect in his victory speech on Saturday.

The 12-member board of leading scientists and experts is charged with producing a policy from the duo’s corona virus plan. Dealing with the corona virus pandemic is one of the most important battles our administration will face, and I will be informed by science and by experts.

“The advisory board will help shape my approach to managing the surge in reported infections; ensuring vaccines are safe, effective, and distributed efficiently, equitably, and free; and protecting at-risk populations,” Biden said.