Boko Haram Insurgents Burn Army Base In Yobe, Kill Three Soldiers, 171 Others Missing.

Boko Haram insurgents have launched a major attack on the base of the special forces of the 27 Task Force Brigade, located in Ngomari in Buni Yadi and Kumuya in the Buni Gari area of Yobe State, killing three soldiers while about 171 others reportedly fled the base or are missing in action.

Military sources told SaharaReporters that the insurgents destroyed heavy military equipment and shared photographs of gun trucks razed by the insurgents.

“The terrorists attacked us on Friday morning. They attacked the military base and burnt it down. Three soldiers were killed, one injured, while about 171 are missing. The base is deserted but we have called in for reinforcements,” a military source said.

“One Camel MRAP was burnt, one 105MMPH Artillery gun burnt, one Conqueror and one T72 tank were also burnt. The terrorists also set the camp ablaze,” another source revealed.

SaharaReporters learnt that the terrorists were aided by local informants and sympathisers before attacking the military base.

During the attack, the terrorists used heavy weapons in destroying military equipment and patrolled the community to prevent the reinforcement of soldiers.

It was learnt that the insurgents withdrew when reinforcements from the Nigerian troops came to the base.

The Nigerian troops have presently also restricted movement along Damaturu-Damboa-Biu Road following the attacks by the insurgents.

Insurgency’ll soon end in Nigeria —Adeboye

The General Overseer of the Redeemed Christian Church of God, Pastor Enoch Adeboye, on Friday, expressed optimism that insurgency would soon come to an end in Nigeria.

He spoke at the virtual February 2021 Holy Ghost Service of the church with the theme, ‘God Bless You (2)’.

He said “I don’t know the kind of crisis you have because if anybody had a crisis, Job had one. Physically, he had a crisis. Materially, he had a crisis. Maritally, he had a crisis, even the wife said curse God and die. And when it comes to his friends, everyone of his friends tried to put a blame on him –this problem can only come on you because you must have sinned against God because you have some secret things that God is trying to punish but all these crises ended in one day.

“That gives me hope for my nation Nigeria because terrorism has a beginning and if anything has a beginning, it must have an end.

“For example, in 1 Samuel 17:1-51, the Bible tells us that Goliath terrorised the nation of Israel for 40 days but one day the terror that started with one man ended when the man lost his head.

“So, with all confidence, I can say that sooner than later, terrorism will be forgotten in Nigeria and in all other nations of the world where there are terrorists, I want you to have hope because this thing did not start at the very beginning of the nations. It had a beginning, so, it must have an ending.”

According to him, every force laying siege on Nigeria would be ousted.

MNJTF seeks UK support in fight against insurgency

The Multinational Joint Task Force (MNJTF) on Saturday said it was looking at possible areas the United Kingdom (UK) Government could support its insurgency fight in the Lake Chad region.

The Chief of Military Public Information for MNJTF, Col. Muhammad Dole, disclosed this in N’Djamena, Chad.

He said that during a recent meeting with the First Secretary Political for Lake Chad Basin, Dr Katharine Brooks and the Deputy Defence Advisor at the British High Commission in Nigeria, Lt.-Col. Bobby GilBrooks, in Maiduguri, possible areas of interventions by the UK Government in furtherance of MNJTF efforts at ending terrorism in the region were considered.

Dole added that the MNJTF commander also used the opportunity provided by the meeting to give insight on the successes and challenges of MNJTF.

On the critical areas the UK Government could support MNJTF, he said Civil-Military Cooperation (CIMIC), Information Operations as well as Counter Improvised Explosive Device (IED) capabilities, were considered.

He said, “A follow-up meeting was held in N’Djamena on Friday between the commander and the Commander, Operation TURUS and British Military Assistance Training Team West Africa, Col. Nick Abram.

“The meeting was a build-up on earlier discussions in Maiduguri with emphasis on areas for direct operational support.

“The UK Government had supported the MNJTF in 2015 through the provision of vehicles, rough terrain motorcycles, power generating set of different capacities, dental equipment and communication equipment, among other items.”

Farmers Killed By Boko Haram Didn’t Have Military Permission To Farm- Garba Shehu

Garba Shehu, the Senior Special Assistant to President Muhammadu Buhari on Media and Publicity has disclosed that the farmers slaughtered by Boko Haram terrorists on Saturday didn’t have military clearance to be on the farm.

This he stated on Monday during an interview with the BBC where he spoke about the unfortunate incident in which terrorists on Saturday, mercilessly killed not less than 43 farmers in the Zabarmari area of Borno State, about 20km away from Maiduguri the state capital.

Shehu in a reaction to the sad incident noted that while most of the area has been liberated from the insurgents, the military needs to give clearance/approval before farmers can return to their farms or locals resettle in the area.
He however noted that the farmers killed on Saturday didn’t have military clearance to be on the farms.

Asked if it was not a case of blaming the farmers for their own death, the presidential spokesperson said the victims are not been blamed but the truth must be said.

In his words, “The government is sad that this tragic incident has happened. 43 or thereabout of innocent farm workers, most of them had their throats slit by a heartless band of terrorists. People need to know what it is like in the Lake Chad Basin area.

Mallam Garba Shehu, the Senior Special Assistant to President Muhammadu Buhari on Media and Publicity has disclosed that the farmers slaughtered by Boko Haram terrorists on Saturday didn’t have military clearance to be on the farm.

This he stated on Monday during an interview with the BBC where he spoke about the unfortunate incident in which terrorists on Saturday, mercilessly killed not less than 43 farmers in the Zabarmari area of Borno State, about 20km away from Maiduguri the state capital.

Shehu in a reaction to the sad incident noted that while most of the area has been liberated from the insurgents, the military needs to give clearance/approval before farmers can return to their farms or locals resettle in the area.

“Much of those areas have been liberated from Boko Haram terrorists but there are a number of spaces that have not been cleared for the return of villagers who have been displaced. So, ideally, all of these places ought to pass the test of military clearances before farmers or settlers resume activities on those fields.”

He added that before the people can return to such places, lots of military clearance needs to be done to make it habitable again for civilians.
The military is not present in every inch of space in that area. Even if the people are willing to go back, a lot of those areas have been mined and mine clearance needs to be carried out and those areas must be cast as being ok for human habitation or agricultural activity,” he said.

Meanwhile, Nigerians have renewed their calls for President Buhari to sack the current service chiefs and bring in fresh hands to tackle the growing insecurity in the country.