There will be efforts to taint my hard-earned image, but Nigerians must remain peaceful and law abiding – Peter Obi

Ahead of the inauguration of Bola Tinubu as the 16th President of Nigeria, Labour Party Presidential candidate, Peter Obi, who is challenging the All Progressives Congress candidate’s victory in the presidential poll in court, has again appealed to Nigerians to remain peaceful and law-abiding.

In the lengthy statement he released today, Obi noted that Nigeria remains our only patrimony and it is a patrimony we must protect, rather than violate.

He also that while there are efforts to taint his hard-earned image, he expects that the Nigerian judiciary will use the election cases to reaffirm its independence and integrity.

The statement reads;

“For all Nigerians, this is a time for deep reflection. It is also a time to re-examine our assumptions, even as we reaffirm our hopes. Let us calmly review our aspirations, in order to recalibrate our expectations and pin down the causes of our missed opportunities and disappointments. We stand at that critical moment in time when, as a people, we must collectively come to grips with the reality of our injured destiny as well as the reasons for that injury.

“It is for us to reassess our plight as a young democracy and identify clear pathways to a better and greater future for us all. As we await the verdict of the election tribunal, I urge all Nigerians to use this opportunity to renew their commitment to the Nigerian ideal. That ideal remains noble and worth every sacrifice we can make.

“Nigeria remains our only patrimony and it is a patrimony we must protect, rather than violate. We have no other nation but this, so let us remain committed to rescuing and rebuilding it.

“The judiciary is part of the democratic enterprise and a critical governance tool for determining the propriety of the decisions and actions of every citizen and every institution of state. To that extent, and for that reason, I urge everyone to treat it with the respect and dignity it deserves. We expect that the Nigerian judiciary will use the election cases now before it to reaffirm its independence and integrity. It has to do so, for all our sakes and for itself.

“Nigerians must, therefore, remain peaceful and law abiding. No matter the depth of anyone’s reservations about what is going on in the polity today, no matter the real and imagined provocations, and no matter the disagreement out there, we should remember that this will not last forever. I remain committed, and untiring, in my determination to work with like-minded fellow Nigerians to end the curse of missed opportunities and squandered hope that has become our lot here.

“I will never shrink from that original commitment, because I firmly believe that we must change from the present politics of criminality, and corruption, in order to make a new Nigeria possible. I call on fellow Nigerians, especially the youths to remain steadfast, calm, patient, and peaceful. Our journey may be long and difficult but it is worth it in every way. Victory is assured.

“We have to work together to move our beautiful country from corruption and criminality to a center of productivity rather than aimless consumption. I am aware of some evil designs being hatched against me and my supporters in the coming months. Efforts will be made to taint my image. Campaigns of calumny are being perfected to defame my character and diminish my hard-earned integrity.

“These schemes will aim at degrading our support base and confusing the public. But, no evil campaign will alter the substance of my character; nor diminish my patriotic commitment to a better Nigeria. It is about the future of our youths. it is about ending the Years of Locust. In all of this, I thank Nigerians, our great party (LP) and the media. The latter, as the Fourth Estate of the realm, has remained a trusted ally.

“This Estate must continue to guide our people on the immense promise of a future in a new Nigeria. God bless Nigeria and protect the troops keeping us safe in this season of vaulting insecurity. Long live the Federal Republic of Nigeria. -PO”

DSS warns against unruly behaviours and non-adherence to protocols during inauguration activities

The Department of State Services, DSS, has warned against any attempt to disrupt the May 29 inauguration of the President-Elect, Bola Ahmed Tinubu.

DSS spokesperson, Peter Afunanya, in a statement on Thursday, May 25, 2023, said any attempt to disrupt the swearing-in will be akin to undermining Nigeria’s security agencies.

“It would be recalled that the Secretary to the Government of the Federation and Chairman of the Presidential Transition Council (PTC) on 18th May, 2023 held a World Press Conference during which he announced activities for the Presidential inauguration,” the statement read.

“The major highlight of the activities is the swearing-in of the President on 29th May, 2023 in Abuja. On the same date, new Governors will also be inaugurated in most of the States.

“The Service is, however, aware of plans by subversive elements to disrupt the programmes in parts of the country. The aim is to undermine security agencies’ efforts at ensuring peaceful ceremonies as well as creating panic and fear among members of the public.

“Based on these, citizens, the media and Civil Society Organisations are advised to adhere strictly to security and civil protocols during the events. They are also urged to shun fake news, false alarms, skewed reportage/narratives and sensationalism that may likely inflame division, tension and violence prior to and after the exercises.

This is more so that such undesirable acts will serve no purpose other than destroying national unity and cohesion.

Additionally, all unauthorised (and unaccredited) persons are warned to stay away from restricted and certain designated areas at the event venues.

“The Service reiterates its earlier call for the populace to remain calm and law abiding. Meanwhile, it will continue to sustain collaboration with sister agencies to ensure successful inaugurations.”

Gunfire near Niger Presidential Palace days before inauguration

Two days before the swearing-in of president-elect Mohamed Bazoum, heavy gunfire was heard near Niger Republic’s Presidential Palace in the capital early Wednesday for about twenty minutes.

A few soldiers were reportedly arrested, according to a security source, as calm returned to the capital, Niamey.

“Heavy gunfire was heard for half-an-hour in the presidential palace area. The presidential guard repelled the attack and the situation seems to be back under control,” France 24 reported.

Witnesses who spoke to a news agency in Niamey said the heavy gunfire early Wednesday lasted between 15 to 20 minutes.

“It was around 3am, we heard shots from heavy and light weapons and it lasted 15 minutes before stopping, followed by shots from light weapons,” one resident said.

“The gunfire lasted about 20 minutes,” another resident said.

The US Embassy in Niamey put out a security alert saying it would be closed on Wednesday “due to gunshots heard near our neighbourhood.”

Amanda Gorman becomes youngest inaugural poet in US history.

Award-winning poet Amanda Gorman became the youngest known inaugural poet in U.S. history on Wednesday, with the 22-year-old reciting her poem, “The Hill We Climb,” after Joe Biden and Kamala Harris were sworn in as the country’s next president and vice president.

“When day comes, we ask ourselves, where can we find light in this never-ending shade,” Gorman orated. “The loss we carry, a sea we must wade, we’ve braved the belly of the beast. We’ve learned that quiet isn’t always peace, and the norms and notions of what just is isn’t always justice.”

“And yet, the dawn is ours.”

In total, Gorman spoke for roughly six minutes, following Biden’s nearly 20-minute address. Gorman and her poem are now in rarified air, joining the works of Maya Angelou and Robert Frost to be performed at a presidential inauguration.
Gorman’s poem and Biden’s speech shared similar themes, with Biden urging the country to come together and strive for a better tomorrow, despite a pandemic that has ravaged the nation.

“Without unity, there is no peace, only bitterness and fury,” Biden said. “No progress, only exhausting outrage. No nation, only a state of chaos. This is our historic moment of crisis and challenge.”

Gorman became the country’s first National Youth Poet Laureate in 2017 and published her first book of poetry, “The One for Whom Food Is Not Enough,” two years earlier in 2015.

The Associated Press reported last week that the Biden inaugural committee had initially reached out to Gorman in late December upon the recommendation of now-first lady Jill Biden.

What President Biden Will Do On First Day In Office.

In a statement on Wednesday, he said he would sign 15 orders after he is sworn in.

Mr Joe Biden, set to be sworn in as the 46th President of the US, has set out a flurry of executive orders.

In a statement on Wednesday, he said he would sign 15 orders after he is sworn in. They will reverse Mr Donald Trump’s withdrawal of the US from the Paris climate accord;

Revoke the presidential permit granted to the Keystone XL Pipeline, which is opposed by environmentalists and Native American groups;

Revoke Trump policies on immigration enforcement and the emergency declaration that helped fund the construction of a Mexican border wall;

Bring about a mask and distancing mandate for federal employees and in federal buildings, and a new White House office on coronavirus;

End a travel ban on visitors from some, mainly Muslim nations;

Other orders will cover race and gender equality, along with climate issues.

Mr Biden’s vice-president, Kamala Harris, will swear in three new Democratic senators on Wednesday, leaving the upper chamber of Congress evenly split between the two main parties. This will allow the vice-president to act as a tie-breaker in key votes.

According to the BBC, Mr Biden’s legislative ambitions could be tempered by the slender majorities he holds in both the Senate and House of Representatives.

Donald Trump Departs White House, As His Tenure As President Comes To An End.

The helicopter which conveyed the President took him around the premises of the White House to give him a final view before arriving at Joint Base Andrews.

Outgoing US President Donald Trump has left the White House today, January 20, 2021.Trump took off from the lawn of the White House in company with his wife, Melania.

The helicopter which conveyed the President took him around the premises of the White House to give him a final view before arriving at Joint Base Andrews.

The event took place ahead of the inauguration of incoming President Joe Biden and incoming Vice President Kamala Harris.

Biden who defeated Trump at the US presidential election of November 3, 2020, will be sworn in today at 17:00 GMT. The event will not be attended by Trump who continues to maintain his claim that the election was stolen from him.

The inauguration will, however, be graced by the outgoing Vice President Mike Pence, Senate Majority leader Mitch McConnell and other GOP leaders.

“We will be back in some form,” Trump told a modest crowd of supporters who gathered to see him off at Joint Base Andrews. “So have a good life. We will see you soon.”

According to CNN, Air Force One lifted off for a final time with Trump aboard, Frank Sinatra’s “My Way” blared in the background.

He departed a city under militarised fortification meant to prevent a repeat of the riot he incited earlier this month. He leaves office with more than 400,000 Americans dead from a virus he chose to downplay or ignore.

For his opponents, Trump’s departure amounts to a blissful lifting of a four-year pall on American life and the end to a tortured stretch of misconduct and indignities. Even many of Trump’s onetime supporters are sighing with relief that the White House, and the psychology of its occupant, may no longer rest at the center of the national conversation.

At least some of the 74 million Americans who voted for Trump in November are sad to see him go. Scores of them attempted an insurrection at the US Capitol this month to prevent it from happening at all. The less violent view him as a transformative President whose arrival heralded an end to political correctness and whose exit marks a return to special treatment for immigrants, gays and minorities.

He emerged for a final time on Wednesday, discarding tradition and boycotting his successor’s inauguration. Aides said he did not like the thought of leaving Washington an ex-president, nor did he relish the thought of requesting use of the presidential aircraft from Biden.

The ceremony was modest in scope, though it did include a red carpet, cordons of troops and a 21-gun salute. Before departing the White House, he offered a wave from his Marine One helicopter.

In a subdued, discursive speech on a windy tarmac, Trump made glancing references to his accomplishments in office but seemed bitter at his loss.

“I hope they don’t raise your taxes, but if they do, I told you so,” he said.

Aides had prepared a speech for the President that included references to the incoming administration and more gracious language about a peaceful transition, according to a person familiar with the matter.

But Trump discarded the speech, and teleprompters were removed from the stage before he arrived at Joint Base Andrews.

A person familiar with the matter said the decision was made after Trump read the remarks this morning at the White House.

“I wish the new administration good luck and great success,” Trump said. “I think they will have great success.”

He is expected to be ensconced in his South Florida club when he officially becomes an ex-president at noon.

Before he left, Trump did write the traditional handoff letter to Biden of the same type his predecessors wrote the men who replaced them. And he greeted residence staff at the White House who saw him off.

Trump is the first president in 150 years to stage such a boycott. While Vice President Mike Pence will attend Biden’s swearing-in, other members of Trump’s family, including wife Melania and daughter Ivanka, will be absent. The decision is emblematic of a presidency animated by Trump’s highly fragile ego and run by officials whose chief concern was managing Trump’s feelings.

Freshly impeached for a second time, this time with support from a few Republicans, Trump ends his term with the lowest approval rating of his tenure. Republicans remain divided on whether he represents the future of their party. He’s been shunned by senior leaders in Congress, who were left aghast at his incitement of a mob that sent them running for safety inside the Capitol.

Watch below as Donald Trump leaves the white house:

Inauguration Day 2021: Schedule of events as US move from Trump to Biden

President-elect, Joe Biden will be sworn in on Wednesday as the 46th president of the United States alongside Kamala Harris who will be sworn in as the country’s first female vice-president.

The inauguration theme, “America United,” according to the Presidential Inauguration Committee (PIC) “reflects the beginning of a new national journey that restores the soul of America, brings the country together, and creates a path to a brighter future.”

However, due to COVID-19 restrictions and security concerns over the January 6 riots at the U.S. Capitol building, the inauguration will be much different from those held in past years with it being mostly virtual, while the crowd will be kept to a bare minimum as 20,000 National Guard troops have been deployed around Washington, D.C.

The PIC has installed a public art display called “Field of Flags,” at the National Mall to represent the people unable to travel to the city for the ceremonies.

Here is a schedule of what has been planned for the inauguration:

8:00 a.m.: Outgoing President Donald Trump has planned a sendoff at an airfield at Joint Base Andrews in Maryland, where he is expected to make remarks, then board Air Force One for the last time as he heads to his Mar-a-Lago resort in Palm Beach, Fla.

10:00 a.m.-12:30 p.m.: The livestream event “Our White House: An Inaugural Celebration for Young Americans” will be hosted by actress Keke Palmer.

The event will act as an explainer for young Americans before and during the ceremony. It will feature incoming first lady Jill Biden and historians Doris Kearns Goodwin and Erica Armstrong Dunbar.

The event will also include a trivia portion with questions produced by the Library of Congress and a segment on presidential pets produced by Nickelodeon.

11:00 a.m.: The inauguration ceremony begins.

12:00 p.m.: Biden and Harris will be sworn in at the US Capitol building. US Supreme Court Chief, Justice John Roberts, will administer the oath of office to Biden.

Then, US Supreme Court Justice, Sonia Sotomayor, will swear in Harris.

Biden will deliver his inaugural address. He is expected to discuss the pandemic and the unification of the nation.

Other participants will include:

Invocation: Father Leo J. O’Donovan, a Jesuit priest and spiritual mentor to Biden.

Pledge of Allegiance: Capt. Andrea Hall, the City of South Fulton, Ga. fire captain.

National Anthem: Lady Gaga

Poetry Reading: Amanda Gorman, the first Youth Poet Laureate of Los Angeles and the country’s first National Youth Poet Laureate.

Musical Performances: Jennifer Lopez and Garth Brooks

Benediction: Rev. Dr. Silvester Beaman, the Pastor of Bethel African Methodist Episcopal Church in Wilmington, Del.

12:30 p.m.: Biden, Harris and their spouses, Dr. Jill Biden and Douglas Emhoff who will be addressed as Second Gentleman, will participate in a Pass in Review with every branch of the military.

Afterward, all four will lay a wreath at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier.

3:15 p.m.: The two couples will receive a presidential escort to the White House, accompanied by the military and the drumlines from Biden and Harris’s alma maters.

The televised event, “Parade Across America,” will be hosted by Tony Goldwyn and will feature performances by Earth, Wind and Fire, TikTok star Nathan Apodaca, and comedian Jon Stewart.

8:30 p.m.: Another televised event, “Celebrating America” hosted by Tom Hanks, will include appearances from Biden, Harris, Kerry Washington, and Eva Longoria. Featured performances by Ant Clemons, Jon Bon Jovi, Demi Lovato, and Justin Timberlake are planned.