Meet The Nigerian Police Officers Awaiting Execution For Killing Innocent People

Nothing is more depressing in life that being on a death row. You are like a lifeless human living a life without purpose, every day is exactly like the last and the next. Waiting for the day you take your last breath.

In March 2017, two Nigerian Police officers, Ezekiel Achejene and Emmanuel Baba were sentenced to death by hanging for murdering two of the Apo- six Igbo traders who were shot dead in 2005.

The police claimed that the Igbo traders were armed robbers that had opened fire first on the officers when accosted at the checkpoint.

(The 406 peoguet of the Igbo traders shattered by bullets)

A judicial panel of inquiry set up by former President Olusegun Obasanjo found the police account to be false. Six officers were trialed for extra-judicial killings but only two, Ezekiel Acheneje, Baba Emmanuel were sentenced to death.

On the 3rd of November 2020, the Federal government disbursed the sum of N135 million to the families and relatives of the victims of the unfortunate incident.But I believe no amount of money can erase such pain.

Today, the two policemen, Ezekiel Achejene and Emmanuel Baba are currently behind bars. They are hopelessly awaiting their turn in the execution room. Until that day comes, perpetual misery and regrets is the condition in their lives.

( The Igbo traders)