Back in high school, I dreamt of this day” – Secondary school mates get married after 17 years of friendship

A couple whose love story dates back to their time in secondary school, have become husband and wife after 17 years of friendship.

The bride known as Funke Okunrinboye shared their story via her Instagram page as she narrated how she dreamt of marrying her Urhobo husband right from when they were in school.

Funke, a chemical engineer and biochemist, also recalled how she told her school friends that she had a dream where she was dressed as a Delta bride.

The woman explained that she and her heartthrob became friends in 2004, when they were in JSS2. They dated for one year, were engaged for a year and got married in October 2021, 17 years after they became friends.

She went on to share photos they both took in 2009 while graduating from secondary school, alongside recent photos taken at their traditional wedding as she narrated their love story.

Funke wrote; “Congratulations on being stuck with me forever. #thedavidz Urhobo Migwo!! Several years ago, back in high school I dreamt of this day and I told my HS sisters (@awoyinkaitunu and @undisputedjewel back then I saw myself dressed in beads as a delta bride.

It was all jokes at the time lol. Funny how dreams work. I laughed it off as a silly dream or as me just liking the delta female attires. To think we were even friends back then  (better put I was your bully-friend). I never imagined. But you’ve stayed true. Loving me ever since we finished high school.”

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