Over dozen of Nigerian pilgrims die in Saudi Arabia

The National Hajj Commission of Nigeria (NAHCON) has revealed that 14 Nigerian pilgrims died in Saudi Arabia during the 2023 hajj operations.

Usman Galadima, chief of operations and head of the NAHCON National Medical Team, disclosed this during a post-Arafat meeting with stakeholders on Sunday in Makkah, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

Mr Galadima explained that seven pilgrims died before Arafat, six died during the five-day Mashair (core Hajj period), and another one died after Arafat.

“We had six reported death at Mashair, four died in Arafat, and the other two died in Mina. Already we lost seven pilgrims before Arafat and just now I have just been informed that we lost another pilgrim. This brings the total of deaths recorded to 14,” the NAHCON official explained.

He added,

“The mortality rate is similar to that of 2019.”

The Hajj official also revealed that the medical team recorded three cases of chickenpox during the core hajj period, and the affected pilgrims were immediately moved out of the area as a preventive measure to avoid the spread of the disease.

Mr Galadima also mentioned that the team recorded two deliveries during the Hajj ritual in Mina, Arafat and Muzdalifah, adding that one of the pregnant women was delivered of a baby on the road, while the second one was brought to the clinic and delivered safely.

He emphasised the need for a thorough pre-hajj medical screening with the issuance of a certificate of medical fitness, stressing that elderly pilgrims and those critically sick should be discouraged from participating in the symbolic devil stoning at Jamrat because of the stress involved.

NAHCON’s aviation head, Goni Sanda, disclosed that the transport of pilgrims back to Nigeria would begin on Tuesday.

He said the policy of first in, first out would strictly be applied in the evacuation of the pilgrims back to Nigeria and that the Saudi authorities have a policy that in the first two weeks, the air carriers would not operate fully due to the volume of traffic and a large number of aircraft involved in the evacuation of pilgrims from different countries, as well as the fact that virtually all planes will take off from one airport, the King Abdulaziz International Airport, Jeddah.

Saudi authority unveils roadmap for 2024 Hajj

The Saudi Arabian Ministry for Hajj and Umrah has unveiled a roadmap for the 2024 Hajj.

The Saudi Minister of Hajj and Umrah, Tawfiq Al Rabiah, unveiled the roadmap at a ceremony attended by the Heads and Representatives of Hajj Missions in the Kingdom on Friday.

The meeting was to mark the end of the 2023 Hajj exercise.

Mr Al Rabiah said preparations for the 2024 Hajj will begin immediately with letters to each participating country.

He added that letters confirming the number of pilgrims slots for the Hajj would also be issued to the countries.

Mr Al Rabiah listed the highlights of the 2014 hajj roadmap, including holding preparatory meetings from September 16 to November 4 and organising an international symposium and exhibition on January 8, 2024.

“Conclusion of accommodation and Masha’er contracts: February 25, 2024; commencement of visa issuance on March, 1st, 2024; closing of visa issuance on April 29, 2024, and the arrival of 1st set of 2024 pilgrims into Saudi Arabia on May 9, 2024.”

Mr Al Rabiah stated that the first Hajj mission to conclude all preparations would have the opportunity to choose its preferred locations at the Masha’er (Mina, Arafat and Muzdalifah) for the 2024 Hajj.

The minister thanked all agencies and hajj missions for their roles in the 2023 exercise and reaffirmed the kingdom’s commitment to serving the guests of Allah in the best manner possible by obtaining feedback from hajj missions and improving on its services.

The high points of the event were the announcement of winners for the 2023 Labbaikum Hajj Services award, in which Iraq emerged as the overall best hajj mission for the 2023 Hajj.

Other countries like Malaysia, Gambia, Bahrain, Singapore, South Africa and Azerbaijan were recognised for excellence in various aspects of the hajj operations.

95,000 Nigerians airlifted to Saudi to perform hajj

The Companion, a group of Muslim men in various endeavours, has lauded the National Hajj Commission of Nigeria (NACHON) for completing the airlift of all pilgrims registered through the commission to perform the 1444 AH (2023) hajj before the closure of Saudi Arabia airspace.

In a statement signed Sunday evening by its national amir, Kamil Olalekan and the public affairs secretary, Muideen Adeleke, the group hailed NAHCON Zikrullah Hassan and his team for a job well done.

It said NAHCON’s airlift of 95,000 prospective Nigerian pilgrims was remarkable, despite challenges encountered during the operations.

The Muslim group commended the NAHCON boss for his proactive instincts and commitment towards beating the Sunday deadline to complete the airlift of outbound pilgrims ahead of the closure of the Saudi Arabia air space.

It said Mr Hassan had taken the hajj administration in Nigeria to a desirable level, stressing that this was due to adequate preparation and a sacrifice from the headship of the commission down to the board, the staff and other stakeholders.

The group added that the association was proud of the NAHCON chairman, an illustrious member of the group, as the reforms he brought to bear on hajj management were yielding dividends, thereby making Nigeria a role model in the industry.

“As members of the Companion, we are proud of the feat recorded by one of our exemplary members with the successful completion of outbound flights despite the seemingly insurmountable challenges that threatened the exercise along the line,” stated the Companion.

The group urged Nigerian pilgrims to be good ambassadors throughout their stay in the holy land and intensify prayers for the commission and the country as they join their counterparts from across the world in moving to Mina, the suburb of Makkah, for the major hajj rites.

NAHCON transported 43,817 pilgrims for 2023 Hajj- Official

The National Hajj Commission of Nigeria (NAHCON) has transported at least 43,817 prospective pilgrims to Saudi Arabia in 104 flight operations.

Ibrahim Mahmud, the commission’s coordinator of Madinah, disclosed this in an interview in Saudi Arabia on Monday.

Mr Mahmud called on all Nigerian pilgrims to be law abiding and avoid anything capable of tarnishing the image of Nigeria while in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

He revealed that the commission, in collaboration with states pilgrims boards and agencies, had mobilised Islamic clerics to educate and guide pilgrims on what was expected of them at every stage.

According to him, at every stage of the Hajj rites, clerics are well stationed to ensure that pilgrims perform their religious obligation under the teachings and traditions of Prophet Muhammad.

“Similarly, when we go to Makkah, we have a committee called the Trajuddiyya, who will guide pilgrims throughout the period of core Hajj rituals.

“The committee will make sure that no pilgrim is left in Munah on the day of Arafat, and after the Arafat, they will ensure that all pilgrims move to Muzdalifah and from there, they will guide pilgrims on how to go to Jamrat and do the symbolic devil stoning.

“Similarly, the committee will also guide the pilgrims on how to do their Hadaya and all other aspects of Hajj rituals,” Mr Mahmud said.

NAHCON to revoke operational licences of states that distort Hajj fares

The National Hajj Commission of Nigeria (NAHCON) has cautioned States’ Muslim Pilgrims’ Welfare Boards, Agencies and Commissions against distortion of the jointly agreed fares for the 2023 Hajj.

The commission also said it will not hesitate to sanction erring states by revoking their operational licences.

Deputy Director, Information and Publication of NAHCON, Mousa Ubandawaki, issued the warning in a statement on Tuesday in Abuja.

“It has come to the attention of National Hajj Commission of Nigeria (NAHCON) that there are a lot of distortions floating around in the wake of the announcement of the 2023 final Hajj fare by the Commission.

“Some states are announcing fares different from the ones jointly agreed by the States and NAHCON and as approved by the government.

“Therefore, we hasten to hereby reiterate that the total hajj fare remains the ones announced by the commission on April 7, 2023 which is less than N3 million inclusive of local charges for all categories of pilgrims under the state pilgrims welfare agencies.”

Mr Ubandawaki appealed to all stakeholders to work with NAHCON as a team in harmony and under a conducive and peaceful atmosphere to avoid exploitation of the pilgrims.

“While we are not unmindful of the financial situation in some states, however, we hasten to reiterate that the commission will not hesitate to sanction erring states.

“By either revoking its operational license and or withdrawing the 2023 Hajj Allocation with immediate effect.

“Once again, NAHCON wishes to reiterate its commitment to the welfare of our pilgrims and ensure that they have value for money in terms of the price and facilities they will enjoy during the pilgrimage.”

He reiterated that the commission would not hesitate to sanction erring states by either revoking its operational license or withdrawing the 2023 Hajj Allocation with immediate effect.

Oyo Pilgrims Board fixes N2.6 million down payment for 2023 Hajj

The Oyo State Muslim Pilgrims Welfare Board has fixed N2.6 million as an initial deposit for 2023 Holy pilgrimage to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

The board chairman, Sayed Malik, made this known at the Hajj Camp, Olodo, in Ibadan, on Saturday.

Mr Malik specifically said the amount was fixed pending the announcement of the actual fare by the National Hajj Commission of Nigeria (NAHCON).

He said the 150 intending pilgrims, who could not perform the 2022 exercise due to limited seats allocated to the state, would be given priority.

Mr Malik enjoined all intending pilgrims with the state Pilgrim Welfare Board for the 2023 exercise to start paying the stated amount into any of the designated bank accounts of the board.

While informing board members about the critical issues and other important matters relating to the 2023 Hajj operation discussed during the first pre-Hajj visit to Saudi Arabia, Malik said NAHCON had allocated 1441 seats to the state for the 2023 Hajj.

NAHCON, along with states’ chairmen and secretaries of Muslim Pilgrim’s Welfare Board across the country, recently arrived from Makkah, where they embarked on a pre-Hajj discussion with the Saudi Authority.