Greece continues to battle raging wildfires

Greece firefighters on Monday continue their battle against wildfires across the country, eight days since the first fire broke out near Athens.

Firefighting planes and helicopters were deployed at first light on Monday to all the fire grounds, according to the Civil Defence.

Large fires broke out on the Greek islands of Rhodes and Corfu and numerous other regions of Greece, suffering a prolonged drought.

On Corfu Island, the evacuation of the popular holiday resort of Nisaki began on Sunday night, and already coastguard boats had evacuated around 1,000 holidaymakers and residents to safety, state television reported.

Large fires were also reported on the island of Evia, near Karystos, and on the Peloponnese peninsula near the small port town of Aigio on Monday morning.

Numerous villages were evacuated there as well.No one has been injured so far, the rescue service said.

Similarly, on Rhodes, a major fire raged for the seventh day in a row on Monday, and around 20,000 people from the south-east of the island had been brought to safety as of Saturday.

It was one of Greece’s largest-ever evacuation operations, as the fire, caused by heatwave and strong winds, continues to devour the country.

Greece, Italy promise Turkey aid after earthquake

Greece has offered aid following strong earthquakes that hit Turkey and Syria on Monday morning.

Greece’s head of government, Kyriakos Mitsotakis, said the country would help immediately despite tension between his country and Turkey.

Mr Mitsotakis said Greece had rescue teams with extensive experience in earthquake-hit regions.

The two NATO members had helped each other during major earthquakes in Turkey and Greece in 1999.

The “earthquake diplomacy” ushered in a phase of détente at the time.Italy’s civil defence also offered help, according to the government.

Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni is following the situation in the disaster area, expressing sympathy to those affected.

The tremor hit south-eastern Turkey and north-eastern Syria on Monday morning.

Both countries reported hundreds of fatalities and thousands of injuries.

Greece Golden Dawn: Neo-Nazi leaders guilty of running crime gang

Golden Dawn leader Nikolaos Michaloliakos salutes party supporters in 2017 (file pic)

After a trial lasting more than five years, the leadership of Greece’s neo-Nazi party has been convicted of running a criminal organisation.

Big crowds gathered outside the court in Athens as the judges gave verdicts on 68 defendants.

The criminal inquiry into the party began with the murder of an anti-fascist rapper in 2013.

Leader Nikos Michaloliakos and six colleagues were convicted of heading a criminal group. Supporter Giorgos Roupakias was found guilty of murdering an anti-racist musician and 15 others were convicted of conspiracy in the case.

Some 2,000 police were deployed around Athens Appeals Court as thousands of protesters demanded long jail terms, carrying banners that read “fear will not win” and “Nazis in prison”, Greek media reported.

Tear gas was fired into the crowd as some of the protesters clashed with police and threw petrol bombs.

People gather outside the Athens courthouse, as they wait for the verdict of the trial of the ultra-right party Golden Dawn (Chrysi Avgi), in Athens
image captionThousands of people crowded outside the court building in the centre of Athens

Eleven of the defendants were in the court when the verdict was read out, journalist Dmitris Parras told the BBC, along with 50 attorneys and 50 journalists.

Greek President Katerina Sakellaropoulou said the verdict was an important day for the country’s democracy.

Police officers in riot gear walk past a fire, outside a court, where the trial of leaders and members of the Golden Dawn far-right party takes place in Athens

Hundreds of witnesses gave evidence in the trial, which was delayed this year by the Covid-19 pandemic.

Who was on trial?

At the centre of the trial are Golden Dawn leader Nikos Michaloliakos and 18 ex-MPs who were elected in 2012 when the neo-Nazi party came third in national elections on an anti-immigrant, nationalist platform. Golden Dawn no longer has any MPs in parliament.

Nikos Michaloliakos speaks during a press conference at an Athens hotel on May 6, 2012
image captionGolden Dawn leader Nikos Michaloliakos, an admirer of the Nazis, formed the party in the 1980s

After they won almost 7% of the vote in May 2012, emboldened supporters attacked political opponents and migrants.

Golden Dawn supporter Giorgos Roupakias had already confessed to the murder of rapper Pavlos Fyssas. The musician was chased down by thugs and stabbed in Piraeus in September 2013.

As the verdict was delivered, Fyssas’s mother Magda cried out, “Pavlos made it, my son!”.

What were the verdicts?

The key verdict on Wednesday was that Golden Dawn – Chrysi Avgi in Greek – was a criminal group. Its leadership was found guilty of running it.

They included Michaloliakos and six former MPs – Ilias Kasidiaris, Ioannis Lagos, Christos Pappas, Artemis Matthaiopoulos, Ilias Panagiotaros and Giorgos Germenis. The other ex-MPs were found guilty of joining a criminal organisation.

Magda Fyssa, mother of anti-fascist rapper Pavlos Fyssas, who was murdered in 2013 by a member of Golden Dawn, reacts at the announcement of the ultra-right party Golden Dawn's (Chrysi Avgi) verdict.
image captionMagda Fyssa, the mother of murdered anti-fascist musician Pavlos Fyssas, reacted to the verdicts in courts

The three judges, led by Maria Lepeniotou, were due to deliver sentencing later.

As well as the deadly stabbing of Pavlos Fyssas, defendants in the trial were also convicted of other violent attacks on migrants and left-wing political opponents.

Photo dated on June 24, 2012 of Pavlos Fyssas. The 34-year-old was fatally stabbed in the working-class Athens district of Keratsini early on September 18, 2013
image captionPavlos Fyssas died after he was set upon by thugs outside a cafe in Keratsini in Piraeus

Five Golden Dawn members were convicted of the attempted murders of Egyptian fishermen and four of the attempted murder of communist activists in the PAME union.

Who is their leader?

Nikos Michaloliakos founded the movement in the mid-1980s and was admirer of Nazism and a Holocaust denier, giving the Hitler salute at party rallies.

But he had always denied any knowledge of the Pavlos Fyssas murder. When police raided his home in 2013, they found weapons and ammunition.

Golden Dawn officially denied being a neo-Nazi movement, but its badge closely resembled a swastika, some senior members praised Adolf Hitler, and the clothing of choice at anti-immigrant protests was black T-shirts and combat trousers.

Witnesses told the trial that members were trained to handle weapons and used Nazi symbols.

Last December, chief prosecutor Adamantia Economou prompted uproar, with a call for the party officials to be cleared, arguing there was no evidence they had any part in planning or carrying out the series of attacks. captionMourners laid tributes after Pavlos Fyssas’s death, as Mark Lowen reports

How has Greece reacted

There has been disgust at Golden Dawn across the political spectrum in Greece. The verdict was praised as “just” and “historic” by Prokopis Pavlopoulos, who was president of Greece until earlier this year.

Centre-left political leader Fofi Gennimata said the decision sent a strong message to Europe that “fascism has no place in our lives”.

At the weekend, centre-right Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis wrote of Greece’s “traumatic, painful, and unfortunately, very bloody” experience of Golden Dawn, while ultimately praising the country’s democratic success in getting rid of it both in parliament and daily life.

Left-wing opposition leader Alexis Tsipras was adamant that “members of this criminal gang must go to prison”.

Nils Muiznieks of Amnesty International said the trial had been a serious test for Greek justice but that a “clear and unequivocal message” could help deter future racist violence.

Meanwhile, the Jewish cemetery in Athens was daubed this week with anti-Semitic graffiti and Nazi slogans, prompting condemnation from Greek ministers and the Jewish community