Gov Lalong blows hot, says govt will resist religious crisis in Plateau

Plateau State Governor, Simon Lalong, has vowed that any attempt by anyone to cause a religious crisis in the state will be resisted with all the might of government.

Lalong who made this vow on Monday, described the killings in the state as an act of criminality, and warned that his government would not tolerate any further acts of violence .

Lalong added that the 24’hours curfew imposed on Jos North Local Government Area will remain effective while the dusk to dawn curfew in Jos South and Bassa LGAs, was still in force.

The Governor who was on an on-the-spot assessment of the affected areas alongside the head of the Inspector General Special Squad, DIG Sanusi Lemu, promised to deal decisively with anyone who wants to test his government’s resolve.

We in Plateau want to continue to stay in peace but criminal elements are always working to take us backward in which we as a government would resist,” he said.

Lalong once again, condemned the killings in the state and order security agencies to identify and arrest the perpetrators with immediate effects.

This is a clear act of criminality. All those who perpetrated this acts are criminals; nobody would take us back to the days of religious crisis. As the Governor of Plateau, I will not allow this to happen.”

Lalong also warned trouble makers bent on fomenting trouble in the state to desist as the government will not allow any form of lawlessness to disrupt the peace of the state.

“Citizens must comply with the curfew imposed in Jos North , Jos asouth, and Bassa.

“Attacks on innocent citizens, no matter their backgrounds, will never be tolerated in Plateau State and those who are found to be behind such attacks will be dealt with decisively to serve as deterrence and restore public order.

We would ensure that those arrested are dealt with and made to face the full wrath of the law. We have done a lot to ensure peace in Plateau and we never go back to those dark days.

“The Federal Government has already moved in a team led by a DIG of Police with more police mobilised to the state because we do not want this issue to escalate.

“That is why we are taking all this proactive measures to nip the crisis in the bud.”

Govt should listen to Biafra, Oduduwa, other secessionist groups —Shehu Sani

A former Senator who represented Kaduna Central Senatorial district in the National Assembly, Shehu Sani, has called on Nigerians and the government to listen to the agitations from the progenitors of Biafra, Oduduwa Republic, and other secessionist groups from different parts of the country and address their grievances.

Sani, who took to his Twitter handle on Wednesday to give this admonition, said though he was against the activities of the groups springing up from different parts of Nigeria, as their conducts were infantile misadventures, he feels there is a need for the government to pay attention to their agitations.

Sani, who was a member of the 8th Assembly, reminded the secessionists that disintegrating a country is by far easier said than done.

The secessionists threats and their wild conducts are condemnable, unconscionable, hollow and nothing but infantile misadventures.

“Breaking a country is not as seamless as cutting a cake. However, their grievances should be listened to and addressed, and they shouldn’t be persecuted.”

Lagos Govt makes clarification on alleged hacked website

Hakeem Fahm, the Lagos State Commissioner for Science and Technology, has debunked the news that the state government’s website had been hacked.

Fahm said in a statement on Saturday that the information was wrong and should be disregarded by the public.

“The attention of the Lagos State Government has been drawn to a publication by the Guardian Newspapers on Thursday, 22nd of October 2020, claiming that the Lagos State Government website was hacked.

“I wish to come out to clear the air on the issue. This information is not true. Our website was never hacked.

“Members of the public should always verify issues and get facts and figures right before dissemination.

“For the avoidance of doubt, I hereby confirm that the Lagos State website is up and running perfectly,” he said.

The commissioner said that over the past few days, the flow of misinformation on social media and other channels had been alarming, and this has put the security of residents at immense risk.

Fahm also assured Lagosians that the state government remains steadfast in its commitment to the safety of lives and property of its citizens and that of the state.

Nigeria: Govt Clears Emirates to Resume Flight Operations in Nigeria

Following an agreement between the United Arabs Emirates (UAE), and the Nigerian government, the Minister of Aviation, Senator Hadi Sirika, has announced plan to lift the ban placed on Emirates Airlines from operating into and out of the country.

According to Sirika, the commencement of the airline’s operations would, however, depend on the commencement of visa issuance to Nigerians by the UAE.

“UAE has written to state that they agree to issue visas to Nigerians, consequently decision has been reached to allow Emirates to fly into Nigeria. Commencement of the Visa issuance is condition precedent. Please bear with this unusual situation,” Sirika said.

The minister said he appreciated the understanding of all those who have been negatively affected by the recent policy decisions, which barred some airlines from operating into the country when Nigeria reopened its airspace to international flights.

The Director, Public Affairs, Ministry of Aviation, Mr. James Odaudu, explained in a statement issued yesterday that the decisions were taken to protect the interests of the nation and its citizens who deserve to be treated with respect and dignity – the same way Nigeria treats other nationals.

Emirates Airlines was initially given approval to operate into the country, but the approval was withdrawn following the inability of Nigerians to obtain/use valid tourist visas to enter the UAE.

Meanwhile, South Africa has also lifted ban on air travel from travellers from African countries.

President of South Africa, Mr. Cyril Ramaphosa said the ban was lifted to facilitate free movements of people, goods and services from South Africa and the African continent, noting that travellers from the neighbouring countries are allowed to visit the country.

“Travellers from all African countries are allowed and must possess relevant travel documents, and will also be screened for COVID-19 symptoms.

“To allow ease of travel from the African countries, 18 borders will be opened. 35 border posts will continue to offer restricted services due to insufficient capacity for screening, testing and quarantine. Travellers who present themselves at borders, which are unable to accommodate them will be directed to the currently operational border posts for processing,” the President said in an address.

The President said three airports would be opened and operational for international air travel.

These airports are OR Tambo International (in Johannesburg, Gauteng), Cape Town International (in Cape Town, Western Cape) and King Shaka International in (Durban, KwaZulu-Natal).