I made an error — Lalong apologizes to Catholic bishops over comment about the Pope

Governor Simon Lalong of Plateau state has apologized to Catholic Bishops in Nigeria after referencing the Catholic church and the Pope during his interview on leading the campaign for the Muslim-Muslim presidential ticket of the All Progressives Congress (APC).

Lalong had said that as a Catholic, the Pope has not informed him that it is improper for him to serve as the Director-General of the APC presidential campaign team.

In a letter addressed to Lucius Iwejuru Ugorji, President of the Catholic Bishops Conference of Nigeria (CBCN) and dated August 12, Lalong said he made an error and realised that his comment brought “embarrassment” to the Catholic church, especially to the family of Papal Knights.

He said;

“I have followed with some shock and deep regret, the reactions that have trailed my appointment as the Director-General of the Campaign Council for the Presidential Candidates of our Party, the All Progressive Congress, APC, Ahmed Bola Tinubu and Ibrahim Shettima.

“The appointment understandably was received with mixed reactions across the Christian community who genuinely feel aggrieved by the decision of our party to settle for a Muslim-Muslim ticket.

“While many people commended me for the appointment and saw it as a way of remaining within the system to fight for our interests, others cast aspersions on it on the grounds that our faith had been insulted and denigrated.

“In the course of this, many of my opponents turned the issue into a political weapon with some spreading rumours and questioning the integrity of my credentials as a Catholic and a Papal Knight.

In trying to make my case, I have granted interviews to justify why I believe that the appointment did not in any way undermine my commitment to the Catholic Church.

“During the week, in the course of defending myself, I had cause to make reference to my credentials as a Catholic and a Papal Knight. In the process, I made reference to the Holy Father.

“I now realise that this was an error on my part and has caused some level of concern and even embarrassment to many especially the Members of the family of Papal Knights to which I belong.

“I now understand that I may have overreached myself in the course of trying to defend my personal decision in accepting this appointment and thus, the reference to the holy father was not intended as an act of disrespect to his exalted and revered office.

“Your Grace, by this written letter, I wish to tender my unreserved apologies and ask for their understanding and forgiveness from my brothers in the Catholic faith and, through you, the entire members of the Bishops’ Conference, our Fathers and our Leaders.

My commitment to the Catholic faith to which | belong remains unreserved and undiluted.

“I will continue to uphold the banner of my faith in public life as I have done over the years. You may recall, Your Grace that in the last five or so years, I have been at the forefront of facilitating our dialogue as politicians with you our fathers in the faith. I remain committed to this and pray that you will continue to encourage us as we ascend the slippery slope of politics. While soliciting your episcopal blessings.”

Gov Lalong presents 2022 budget proposal of N106bn to Plateau Assembly

The Plateau State Governor, Simon Lalong, on Thursday presented the 2022 budget proposal of N106billion to the state House of Assembly for approval.

The governor, according to a statement issued by his Director of Public of Press and Public Affairs, Makut Macham, said the budget was tailored towards the completion of ongoing projects and activation of new ones in the state.

He said the sum of N76,263,701,644.62 or 71.4 percent of the total budget was earmarked for recurrent expenditure while N30,543,565,997.50 or 28.6 percent was set aside as capital spending.

The governor said the government hopes to establish a microfinance development fund to assist Micro and Small Scale Enterprises in the state.

Lalong said: “In addition to continuing work on completing ongoing infrastructure projects across the three Senatorial Districts of the state, we intend to break ground on new ones.

Among them is the construction of the British-American Junction Flyover and dualization to Lamingo Junction Roundabout.

“Similarly we shall carry out the design of the Master Plan for some selected urban areas in Plateau State namely,(Heipang, Mangu, and Shendam).

“I also wish to also re-assure this Honourable House and indeed the citizens of Plateau State, that the Legacy Projects will be completed and delivered as envisaged. The government is doing everything possible to ensure that the people enjoy the benefits of those projects.”

Gov Lalong blows hot, says govt will resist religious crisis in Plateau

Plateau State Governor, Simon Lalong, has vowed that any attempt by anyone to cause a religious crisis in the state will be resisted with all the might of government.

Lalong who made this vow on Monday, described the killings in the state as an act of criminality, and warned that his government would not tolerate any further acts of violence .

Lalong added that the 24’hours curfew imposed on Jos North Local Government Area will remain effective while the dusk to dawn curfew in Jos South and Bassa LGAs, was still in force.

The Governor who was on an on-the-spot assessment of the affected areas alongside the head of the Inspector General Special Squad, DIG Sanusi Lemu, promised to deal decisively with anyone who wants to test his government’s resolve.

We in Plateau want to continue to stay in peace but criminal elements are always working to take us backward in which we as a government would resist,” he said.

Lalong once again, condemned the killings in the state and order security agencies to identify and arrest the perpetrators with immediate effects.

This is a clear act of criminality. All those who perpetrated this acts are criminals; nobody would take us back to the days of religious crisis. As the Governor of Plateau, I will not allow this to happen.”

Lalong also warned trouble makers bent on fomenting trouble in the state to desist as the government will not allow any form of lawlessness to disrupt the peace of the state.

“Citizens must comply with the curfew imposed in Jos North , Jos asouth, and Bassa.

“Attacks on innocent citizens, no matter their backgrounds, will never be tolerated in Plateau State and those who are found to be behind such attacks will be dealt with decisively to serve as deterrence and restore public order.

We would ensure that those arrested are dealt with and made to face the full wrath of the law. We have done a lot to ensure peace in Plateau and we never go back to those dark days.

“The Federal Government has already moved in a team led by a DIG of Police with more police mobilised to the state because we do not want this issue to escalate.

“That is why we are taking all this proactive measures to nip the crisis in the bud.”

PDP tells Gov Lalong to apologize to farmers over comments they also carry AK-47

The Plateau State chapter of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) has told Governor Simon Lalong to apologise to farmers and the people of Plateau State for saying farmers also carry AK-47 rifles.

The PDP, while reacting to comments by Lalong that farmers also carry AK-47, counseled the governor to go “back to school and learn how to talk” over comments on farmers/herders clash in the State.

According to the party, the governor lied in his comment and needs to return to school on how to talk properly on such sensitive matters.

It would be recalled that Lalong, during a TV show on Tuesday, had said security reports at his disposal indicated herdsmen and farmers carry AK 47 riffles to protect and defend themselves.

In a reaction on Thursday in a statement by its Publicity Secretary, John T. Akans, the PDP described APC’s defence of the governor as “reckless.”

The statement read in part: “The reckless response of the APC to the genuine concerns of Plateau people on the recent irresponsible comments of Governor Lalong leaves one with no feeling other than that of utter disappointment and disgust.

“We continue to wonder how a sane person or party would condone such shameful and self- indicting comments of a supposedly elected governor against his people before the entire world, describing it myopically as “a storm in a tea cup” Such an idiomatic sense needs recalibration.

The APC in its desperate attempt to do damage control has created more harm to Lalong and its party and have further exposed their cluelessness in governance.

“The writer, in his usual garrulous, uncouth manner, and attempt to divert people’s attention from the colossal disgrace and failures of the APC, failed woefully to address frank and glaring issues raised by the Peoples Democratic Party.

“They have however succeeded in exposing their immaturity in the whole saga.

“What the APC through Mallam Bashir Sati would have done was simply to apologse to Plateau people by acknowledging their principal’s lack of decorum and emotional Intelligence and his blind romance with a superior power outside of Plateau.

The damage control mechanism Bashir Sati adopted further exposes the total disregard for the masses that toiled to bring their party to power.

“On an advisory note, we urge the APC to carry out an opinion poll and weigh the level of regret by those who brought the APC to power.

It will interest Sati and his cohorts to know that intelligent people within that party have times without number hid their faces in shame, hoping and praying for 2023 to come so Mr. Lalong doesn’t continue with this show of shame and disgraceful spree of the beautiful Plateau spirit.

“For the records, the leadership of the Peoples Democratic Party in Plateau State is not aware of any faction as being promoted by APC in the state because any statement released by the APC lacks facts, but always laying emphasis on faction as if they have become a competent Court of law.

Lalong’s desperate but failed attempt to create a faction within our party is known to the world. This has hugely deviated his attention from anything governance to 2023 where he hopes to be APC’s presidential running mate.

“APC on the Plateau should advice Lalong to know that having failed woefully as a Governor, he should stop deceiving himself for any future political consideration.

“Once again, Governor Lalong and Plateau APC should know, that Plateau farmers do not carry AK47″ but hoes and other farming implements, and we have no land for ranching. You lie! Lalong, you lie!.”