“Dad I’m Gone, Don’t Bother Looking For Me, These Were The Last Words From Our Son” Parents Narrate

A family in Kirinyaga county is in tears after their son left home without informing them. It has been twelve years since he left and they have never set their eyes on him.

According to the father, his son would complain while studying and despite all the complains he always encouraged his son to continue with education and he always took him to a school of his choice.

The father claims his son by the name kinuthia tried to run away from home but he managed to stop him and they returned back home where he later went back to Nairobi and joined a university.

The last time his mother set her eyes on him was when she escorted him to the bus station and booked a bus for him since he was going back to Kampala where he had been schooling.

The father claims, Kinuthia left home in Kampala since they had been living with his son and thought he had gone to school but when he went to his bedroom, Kinuthia had left a note claiming that he was gone and no one should bother looking for him.

His parents have been in all places looking for him but they have never been successful to find him but they are hopeful that their son is still alive and he will one day return back home.

Kinuthia’s parents claims they already forgave him and they love him soo much and he should return back home to wipe their tears since they have not been in peace since he left home.