INEC assures adequate security for corps members on election duties

The Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) has reassured members of National Youth Service Corps (NYSC) of their safety during the 2023 general election.

Professor Mahmood Yakubu, the INEC chairman, said this when he received the Director -General, the NYSC, Brigadier-General Yusha’u Ahmed on a courtesy visit to his office on Thursday in Abuja.

Mr Yakubu said that INEC placed great priority on the comfort, safety and security of the NYSC members.

He said that over the years INEC had continued to work with NYSC to improve the comfort of the corps members while engaged in election duties.

Mr Yakubu said that the commission had also been working with security agencies to ensure the security of corps members during elections.

He assured that no NYSC members would be abandoned at polling units after the election as INEC was making contact with members of the transport union to ensure that all corps members were safely returned to their base after the election.

Mr Yakubu also said that INEC had already made arrangements with NYSC to train corps members in their camps across the country.

He said that the INEC was already working on its schedule with NYSC for the training of the corps members across the country, saying that those in Enugu and Kano would be trained before leaving camps.

“We assure that we will continue to implement the terms of the MOU we signed with the NYSC,” he said.

Mr Yakubu added that INEC would continue to work very closely with NYSC in the conduct of all elections.

“The reality around the world is that no electoral management body conducts elections on the strength of its staff members. All electoral commissions engage ad hoc or temporary staff for election.

“But we are extremely fortunate in Nigeria to have this large pool of young, knowledgeable and patriotic Nigerians in all parts of the country, engaging in important national assignment that when election comes they support in the conduct of the elections in the country.

“I can’t see how the commission can conduct elections without the involvement of NYSC. It is simply unimaginable that we can conduct elections without the NYSC,” he said.

Earlier, Mr Ahmed said that the NYSC would strive hard to ensure that the terms of MoU between the two agencies were implemented to the letter.

He said that the NYSC was already sensitising corps members on the importance of participating in the election.

“You know there are a lot of fears. This will happen, that will happen, but we try to be very clear to them. It is a duty and a responsibility for them to actually do their best and take the responsibility.

“Tomorrow they will be proud that they are part and puzzle of the growth and the development of democracy in this country,” he said.

Mr Ahmed commended the INEC chairman for agreeing to improve the welfare of the corps members, saying that would go a long way to motivate them.

He said that INEC’s constant reassurance of security for NYSC members had continued to give them confidence to participate in the election.

“On our part we will continue to also sensitise them that they are actually secured and everything possible will be done to make sure that nothing happened to them in the course of their duties.”

On training of corps members in camps, he urged INEC to ensure that Enugu and Kano States that were outstanding were done before they leave camps.

“Yes INEC has promised to train these corps members in the camp. That has been done.

“But I think there’s a problem in Kano and Enugu states, the training is yet to take place. Maybe something would be done to ensure that it takes place,” he said.

Corps members to now present fitness certificates at orientation camps

Prospective corps members in the country, will henceforth be required to present fitness certificates from recognized public health facilities at orientation camps across the country.

National Youth Service Corps’ Director, Press and Public Relations of the NYSC, Eddy Megwa said the certificate of fitness will become a requirement for registration at camps and will be effected in the 2022 Batch ‘C’ Orientation Course.

Megwa said the fitness test will help the scheme ascertain the health status of corpers and also fish out those who lie about their medical conditions.

He said;

“In order to avail the scheme credible information on their health status and also protect them from exploitation by unscrupulous persons.

“It is pertinent to note that the NYSC Orientation Camp Clinics across the nation are managed by the National Health Insurance Authority with the supervision of consultants from tertiary health institutions.

“In view of the regimentation and physical demands of some activities of the NYSC orientation programme, the management of the scheme introduced presentation of Certificate of Fitness from recognised public health facilities by prospective corps members as a requirement for registration at the orientation camp.

“The essence is to enable camp officials manage those who are not fit to undertake certain activities in the camp. This has been largely misunderstood, leading to extortion of some prospective corps members by fraudulent individuals in their bid to secure such documents some of which may not stand a test of integrity.“

We’ve discovered that many foreign-trained graduates are unqualified – NYSC DG

Director-General, National Youths Service Corps, Brig-Gen. Mohammed Kaku Fadah has said that they’ve discovered that many foreign-trained graduates are unqualified.

In his speech at the opening ceremony of the 2022 Batch C pre-mobilisation workshop on Thursday September 15, Fadah the 2022 Batch ‘B’ Streams I and II Orientation programmes, field officers uncovered a good number of corps members, mostly foreign-trained, who couldn’t defend their supposed educational qualifications.

The NYSC DG added;

“We expect that, amongst other steps, the institutions will always ensure that only credible officers are entrusted with the task of the handing data of their graduates being processed for mobilization.”

NYSC warns corps members against getting involved in local politics

Brigadier General Mohammed Fadah, Director-General of the National Youth Service Corps, has warned corps members against getting involved in local politics.

Speaking in Gombe State during the batch B stream II orientation camp closing ceremony held at Amada, Akko Local Government Area on Tuesday August 9, Fadah said instead of getting involved in the electioneering process, corps members should engage in Community Development Service which would enhance society.

The NYSC DG who was represented by the state coordinator, Ada Imoni, stressed that management would sanction defaulters who go against bye-laws. He said;

“Your letters of posting to Places of Primary Assignment will be handed to you soon after this ceremony. In this regard, I would like to remind you of your oath of allegiance in which you pledged to accept posting in good faith.

“I enjoin you to perform your duties with diligence and be guided by the provisions of the NYSC Act and Bye-Laws as well as workplace rules and regulations.

In keeping with the objectives of the Scheme, you are expected to integrate into your host communities while also appreciating and respecting their cultures.

“I must, however, emphasise that engagement in their local politics is a no-go-area for you. Furthermore, I enjoin you to undertake personal and group Community Development.”

Also speaking against fake news, Fadah said; “I urge you to avoid using social media for ethnic jingoism, rumour peddling, and the promotion of hatred.

Instead, your activities online should be targeted at self-improvement as well as the promotion of the unity, peace and prosperity of our dear country.

“In the same vein, avoid being speculative on issues affecting the NYSC and, instead, visit our website, social media platforms, and other official channels for clarifications.”

Commenting on incessant accidents and security threats, Fadah urged corps members to seek due approvals while warning against night travels.

Drama as police arrest corp members in Lagos for driving Benz

Officers of the Lagos state Police Command on Wednesday, allegedly arrested three uniformed members of the National Youth Service Corps, NYSC in the state.

According to an eyewitness identified as David @themccoyman on Twitter, some officers whisked away the corp members who were in a Mercedes Benz outside at the venue for their community Development Service (CDS). Eti-Osa Local Government office, Lagos.

He revealed that the dramatic incident happened in seconds, and the officers attempted to drive away with the Benz but were stopped.

He also said they were able to secure the release of two of the corp members.

David, in a follow-up tweet, said that the third NYSC member was eventually released upon intervention from other corp members.

Sharing a photo, he wrote; ”Supposed police officers just kidnapped three uniformed “corpers”, on CDS day, in front of the Local Government Office at Eti-Osa, Lagos. We were able to immediately recover two of them but one is still missing. All of this happened in seconds, in broad day light!

Hours later, he added; Please, this kidnapped corper has since been released. Well done to everyone who stood gallant this morning.

My update is late because my phone died.

Shocking event though. All my fingers are pointed to the Nigerian Police Force and a certain peace-loving Governor.

No, I will not refer to this as an arrest. It was a kidnap.

These corpers were sitting peacefully in their Benz. They were suddenly surrounded by men (in regular clothes) who pointed a gun at them and yanked them from said Benz.

Their offence? “Why is a corper driving a Benz?”

Here is a video that tells some part of the story. A few of these kidnappers tried to leave in the Benz but fortunately, they were swarmed by corpers. Look, there’s a lot of infuriating audacity on display! May God save us all from this country.”

Corp member uses teeth to lift bag of cement multiple times at NYSC camp (Video)

A corp member has wowed his colleagues after he channeled his inner ”Power Mike” during the Mr Macho contest at the NYSC orientation camp.

In a video making rounds online, the NYSC Mr Macho contestant could be seen using his teeth to lift a bag of cement effortlessly.

The incident happened at the Orientation camp in Delta state.

He lifted it a good number of times, like a dumb bell as his fellow corp members cheered him on.

Watch the video below:

Corp members can be mobilised for war – NYSC DG

Director-General of the National Youth Service Corps, Brigadier General Shuaibu Ibrahim, says corp members are part of the national defence policy of Nigeria and can be mobilised for war if need be.

Ibrahim made this known when he appeared as a guest on Channels TV’s ‘Sunrise Daily’ programme on Wednesday while reacting to moves to scrap the NYSC scheme which is compulsory for all Nigerians who graduate before the age of 30.

The NYSC boss said, “Corp members are on reserve. They are part of the national defence policy of this country. So, where there is serious war, our corps members are educated, they are knowledgeable and they can be trained. You see the drill and so on.

“You can imagine within the short three weeks in the orientation camps, the corps members are moulded. They are like soldiers. You see female corps members blowing the army horn, playing with the military band.

So, if not for the knowledge, where are you going to mobilise such young Nigerians to train them quickly to put in their best for the country? So, corps members are on reserve. They are also part of the national defence policy.”

He said the NYSC is concerned about the security of corp members and that is why they had been advised not to move around at night.

Ibrahim argued that the NYSC had become more important than ever in the face of the rising calls for secession.

The NYSC boss stated that he had advised corps members not to travel outside the state or the country without the permission of the state coordinator.

He added that corps members had been urged not to travel after 6pm and they are free to sleep at any corpers’ lodge while travelling.

Ibrahim said corp members had played a huge role in educating children in Internally Displaced Persons’ camps.

The NYSC boss maintained that the insecurity in the country was not enough reason to scrap the scheme, adding that till date, 75 per cent of corp members are still serving in rural areas across the country.