Chris Okotie shares cryptic post of celebration after TB Joshua’s death

Founder of the Household of God Church International Ministries, Rev Chris Okotie has stirred controversy with his post celebrating and rejoicing over a certain wizard at Endor, who assumed the name “Emmanuel but has now been consumed by divine indignation.”

Emmanuel is fondly used for the late Nigerian prophet, TB Joshua, who died on June 6 at 57.

In his post, which many Nigerians believe is in reference to the late Prophet, Okotie stated that Jesus our Mighty gladiator has broken the head of the dragon with his mighty blows.

Okotie’s post reads; “Hebrews 1:13… Sit at my right hand until I make your enemies your footstool (Hupopodion/Greek)

“The wizard at Endor who assumed the title Emmanuel, has been consumed by divine indignation. And now his disciples bewail his ignominious exit.

“No marvel, one third of God’s angels followed the disgraced anointed cherub Lucifer!!

“Jehovah-Jesus our mighty gladiator has broken the head of the dragon with his mighty blows. He has descended from the mountain of spices with the fiery sword of his indignation. Glorious in his apparel and traveling in the greatness of his strength, he goes conquering and to conquer the adversaries of his church.”

The death of Temitope Babatunde Joshua, the founder of The Synagogue Church of All Nations, (SCOAN) was announced on Sunday, just days before his 58th birthday on June 12.