Jeff Bezos, the richest man in the world has agreed to back Africa.

Jeff Bezos, the richest man in the world has agreed to back Africa-focused financial technology company, Chipper Cash, making it his first start-up investment on the continent.

His personal venture capital fund, Bezos Expeditions, supported the Series B funding led by Ribbit Capital, which raised $30 million for the San Fransisco-based company

“We are responding to the demand from customers on our P2P platform who also have business enterprises,” Chipper Cash Chief Executive Officer Ham Serunjogi said in the statement.

Bezos’s backing of Chipper Cash will “widen the company’s product suite through inclusion of more business payment solutions, crypto-currency trading options, and investment services,” the company said in an emailed statement.

Chipper Cash enables instant cross-border mobile money transfers in Africa and abroad and will use the funds for expansion into countries it will announce in 2021. The company has 3 million users on its platform across Ghana, Uganda, Kenya, Tanzania, Rwanda, Nigeria and South Africa, and processes an average of 80,000 transactions daily, according to the statement.

Pandemic, security threat to AfCTA, business life, says ECOWAS

The Parliament of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) ON Tuesday said that the COVID-19 pandemic and insecurity are threats to the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) in West Africa.

The Parliament reasoned that despite the gains of free trade, these threats can stall progress and create stumbling blocks to investments that in turn will affect commerce and employment in the region.

It also said terrorism and insecurity increase uncertainty and raise the cost of goods and services.

The ECOWAS Parliament are converging in Cotonou for a meeting of the “Bureau of the Parliament” and a “De-localized meeting of the Joint Committees on Administration, Finance and Budget; Macroeconomic Policies and Economic Research; Public Accounts; Trade, Customs and Free Movement”.

The Bureau is to consider and adopt the draft budget of the Parliament for the 2021 fiscal year.

The meeting is scheduled to run from November 2 to 6, 2020 while the De-localized Meeting of the Joint Committee meet under the theme “African Continental Free Trade Area, How Feasible in the face of Cross-Border Threats” will run from November 3 to 7, 2020.

Speaker of the Parliament, Sidie Mohammed Tunis, who spoke at the opening ceremony of scheduled week long activities of the Parliament in Cotonou Benin Republic said, “Terrorism slows the flow of goods and resources through ports due to greater inspections and safeguard and divert government expenditures from more productive public investment to less productive security activities.

“In addition to terrorism, the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has also affected the implementation of the African Continental Free Trade Agreement.”

Concerning the implementation of the AfCFTA, the Speaker stressed the need for Members of Parliament to gain better understanding its challenges and prospects.

Tunis said the pandemic has led to abrupt fall in commodity prices, fiscal revenues, foreign exchange receipts, foreign financial flows, travel restrictions, a decline in tourism and hotels, and so on.

He said, “Beyond its impact on human health, the pandemic has disrupted an interconnected world economy and border closure have reduced economic activities with following predictions of recession across the continent.

“In the midst of all these, what is at stake is the dignity and well-being of Africa’s farmers, workers and entrepreneurs, particularly women and youths.

“The promise of free trade is prosperity for all Africans, particularly West Africans, because it provides a prospect for the production of value-added goods and services, increase in income and better living conditions for our citizens”.

He expressed hope that the meeting of the Parliament would enlighten on the important issues and provide the Parliament with sufficient resources on the prospects of implementing the African Continental Free Trade Agreement.

He stressed the need for the Parliament to be acquainted with the role it should play in mitigating challenges and facilitating the application of the AfCFTA.

Also, Head of Benin Republic’s Delegation of the Honorable Representatives of ECOWAS Parliament, Sédami Romarique Medegan Fagla, urged member countries to not lose sight of the threats that risk undermining the AfCTA and efforts to achieve objectives especially in the face of insecurity in the region.

She explained that since the meeting of the region with the West, and since the Berlin Conference in 1884, West Africa had lost the quality of spontaneity the freedom of movement and action the AfCTA represents. She encouraged the continuity of hope generated by the creation of ECOWAS in 1975 which aims to help regain the fluidity of movements in the sub-region.

“That is why the Continental Free Exchange has been designed. Its creation aims to strengthen the dynamics of the free movement of people and goods beyond our sub region, and the African entirety.

“Deploying a continental commercial area reflects above all the desire to take possession of our common living space and to carry out activities that can improve the daily lives of our peoples.

“This is an opportunity for African intracontinental trade which, compared to other continents is still insufficient.

Also speaking at the opening of the ECOWAS de-localized meeting, the Minister for Industry and Trade, Republic of Benin, Alimatou Assouman, stressed on how crucial the AfCTA on African integration and the economies of the 26 Countries that are party to the trading rectification instruments.

Minister Allmatou Assouman called for an in-depth reflection during the meeting without laying aside the Pan-African idea.

Kylie Jenner, a big name in the cosmetic world.

According to Forbes, Kylie Jenner was named the world youngest self made billionaire in the world until lateron when controversies began to surface on the internet about her net worth. No doubt, Kylie Jenner is still very wealthy. She is a celebrity and business mogul.

Kylie is an American business woman in the cosmetic world. She started out in a reality tv series with her family titled, “Keeping up with the Kardashians” . Her siblings are; kourtney Kardashian, Kimberley Kardashian, Khloe Kardashian, Rob Kardashian and Kendal Jenner. Her mother a business woman, Kris Jenner never missed a moment to show her utmost support for the brand, Kylie cosmetics .

The young billionaire however did not conclude her high school before launching her cosmetic company, “Kylie cosmetics”.

Today, her net worth is about $900million as the demand of her products is really huge.