Why I didn’t stay at home after sack from Buhari’s govt, says ex-power minister, Mamman

The former Minister of Power, Sale Mamman, has reacted to reports on his absence from home since he was sacked from the Federal Executive Council (FEC) by President Muhammadu Buhari.

The President sacked Mamman and his Agriculture and Rural Development counterpart, Sabo Nanono, on Wednesday.

Reports in some sections of the media claimed that the former minister landed in the hospital after he received the news of his sack.

However, in a chat with the Hausa Service of British Broadcasting Corporation, Mamman said he had been receiving treatment for an undisclosed illness since last weekend.

He said: “Even before the sack was announced, I have been seriously ill. I had not even gone to the office since earlier in the week.

So, on Wednesday and Thursday I also went back to the hospital for another round of check-up, and the doctor instructed that I needed some rest. So I remained at one place to rest.

“I found a serene and quiet environment to rest and take medication as recommended by the doctor. I didn’t stay at home because sympathisers are trooping to console me. This would prevent me from resting and convalescing on time. But I was also not hospitalised, and I didn’t faint as reported.”

The ex-minister revealed that President Buhari called him on Monday night to inform him of the sack.

He added: “Whether I am fired or not, I must step down in two years away.”

Buhari’s govt, not Ortom spreading hatred in Nigeria – PDP

The Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) said on Thursday the Benue State Governor, Samuel Ortom, is not guilty of stirring hatred among Nigerians contrary to claim by the Presidency.

The governor had in an interview with Channels Television declared as unconstitutional President Muhammadu Buhari’s decision to approve the review of 368 grazing reserves in 25 states in the country.

He also promised to drag the President to court if he pressed ahead with the planned review of the grazing reserves.

The Senior Special Assistant on Media and Publicity to the President, Garba Shehu, in a statement issued on Wednesday night, criticized the governor for making divisive remarks about a particular ethnic group in the country.

The statement read: “The PDP recalls how the Buhari Presidency has been planting seeds of discord in the country with hate language, divisive tendencies and unconcealed nepotism, to the extent that our nation has become widely divided along all fault lines.

“Nigerians have not forgotten how President Buhari, ahead of the 2011 general elections declared that ‘if what happened in 2011 should again happen in 2015, by the grace of God, the dog, and the baboon would all be soaked in blood.’

“Moreover, Nigerians can recall how Mr. President tagged those whom he believed did not vote for him; how he described citizens as ‘dot in a circle,’ as well as the hate language that attracted sanctions by Twitter.

It is rather alarming that instead of taking steps to address the killings in Benue State as well as the worsening insecurity, carnages, banditry, terrorism and imminent humanitarian crisis in the country, the Buhari Presidency is thinking of Rwandan Genocide while exposing its deep-seated detestation for Governor Ortom.

Governor Ortom is a highly principled and forthright leader, who is loved not only in Benue, but also across the nation. The PDP urges Nigerians to hold the Buhari Presidency responsible should any harm come to him or his family members.

“As a party, the PDP demands that the Buhari Presidency should come clean on its handling of insecurity in the country. This is particularly

“It is against the backdrop of its manifest failure to battle and rout out terrorists, bandits, kidnappers, and marauders that have taken over our highways, forests, pillaging communities and killing Nigerians on daily basis.

“Under President Buhari’s lethargic regime, bandits and terrorists have become so emboldened that they now attack military formations, including the Nigerian Defence Academy (NDA) where they killed and kidnapped officers for ransom.

The PDP calls on President Buhari to rein in his aides, wake up from his slumber and decisively address the worsening insecurity in the country under his watch.”

Sanusi’s statement confirms our position on Buhari’s govt – PDP

The Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) said on Wednesday the recent comments credited to the deposed Emir of Kano, Sanusi Lamido Sanusi, on the mismanagement of the nation’s economy by President Muhammadu Buhari’s administration confirmed its position on the poor performance of the government in the last six years.

Sanusi, who spoke at a colloquium to mark his 60th birthday in Kaduna last Sunday, said the current administration had erased the country’s economic gains in just five years.

The PDP, which reacted to the ex-Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) governor’s position in a statement issued by its National Publicity Secretary, Kola Ologbondiyan, said Sanusi’s declaration directly reflects its position and that of the majority of Nigerians on the All Progressives Congress (APC).

The statement read: “The dire situation is now beyond politics. The PDP calls on more stakeholders to speak out irrespective of ethnicity, creed, and political party affiliations, so as to save the nation from a total collapse.

“The Buhari Presidency and the APC have, in the last six years, only succeeded in destroying every sector of our national life with their manifest incompetence, unbridled corruption, treasury looting, impunity, exclusionist and restrictive economic policies that have brought our nation to her knees.

“Nigerians can recall that the PDP handed over a robust economy, rated the largest hub in Africa and one of the fastest-growing in the world with Fitch B+ rating and Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of $574 billion to President Buhari and the APC in May 2015.

Sadly, in the last six years, the Buhari-led APC administration has reduced our productive sectors to complete wreckage with alarming 33.3 percent unemployment and 17.38 percent inflation rates.

“Over 60 million hitherto flourishing businesses folded up and the naira crashing from N167 to a dollar in 2015 to N512 under the APC corrupt and directionless watch.

More depressing is that the corrupt APC administration has practically erased all the gains of the debt repayment achieved by the PDP, returned our nation to a beggar state and mortgaged the sovereignty of our country with reckless borrowing and accumulated N33.107 trillion.

“Life has become so unbearable in Nigeria under President Buhari and the APC, that more than 82.9 million Nigerians are no longer able to afford their daily meals and other necessities of life, with our nation now ranking as the poverty capital of the world and 98th out of 107 in Global Hunger Index.

Today, under the APC, a litre of fuel that sold for N87 under the PDP now sells for N165, a bag of rice that sold for N8,000 now sells for N30,000, a measure of garri and beans which sold for N150 and N250 now sells for N600 and N800 respectively; a measure of maize and guinea corn which sold for about N150 now sells for N400, a kilo of meat which sold for about N800 now sells for about N2,300 while a 12.5 kg of cooking gas which sold for N3,000 now sells for over N6,000, all thanks to the incompetence and corruption of the Buhari-led APC administration.

“Furthermore, the compromises of the APC administration have led to the escalation of terrorist activities, banditry, kidnapping, killings, bloody agitations as well as other acts of violence that have turned our nation into a large funeral parlour, with no hope in sight.

Indeed, this is not the way our nation should go. The PDP, therefore, urges more Nigerians to speak out to rescue our nation from this fast descent to a failed state.”