Buhari granted pardon to Dariye, Nyame because of 2023 elections – Wike

The Rivers State Governor, Nyesom Ezenwo Wike, on Monday slammed President Muhammadu Buhari for granting presidential pardon to the duo of former Plateau State governor, Joshua Dariye and his Taraba State counterpart, Jolly Nyame, who were convicted for corruption.

The National Council of State had last Thursday granted state pardon to the former governors and 157 other persons serving prison terms for various offences.

Wike, who addressed the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) delegates in Kano State as part of his ongoing consultation ahead of the party’s presidential primary, said the pardon granted to Dariye and Nyame was an embarrassment to the Economic and Financial Crime Commission (EFCC) and the Independent Corrupt Practices and other Related Offences Commission (ICPC).

He added that the duo were pardoned because of the 2023 general elections.

The governor said: “This is the same government that complained against the judiciary that it is not fighting against corruption. Now, look at what the judges have passed through; sleepless nights from the FCT High Court to the Court of Appeal to the Supreme Court, everything is wasted.

“If President Muhammadu Buhari knows that he doesn’t want to fight corruption, then, he should disband EFCC and ICPC because he has thoroughly embarrassed them.

“So, all these things he (Buhari) is doing is because of the election coming soon. They want this person in Plateau State to help them and they want this person in Taraba State to help them. But it will not work because Wike will face them in that election.

“So, when his pressman (Garba Shehu) said I was invited to the Council of State, is it because I’m not there, that is why they did what they did?

“If you wanted me to contribute, you would have sent me the agenda. Then, I would have known what I’m coming to do in the meeting.

It’s not when you don’t send me agenda, I come, then you boxed us in, ambushed us, then you said I attended the meeting where they approved it. I will not attend such a meeting.

“When they said my deputy attended and when they looked back they could not see my deputy again. Why would you see her?

SERAP gives reasons Buhari must withdraw presidential pardons for Dariye, Nyame

The Socio-Economic Rights and Accountability Project (SERAP) has asked President Muhammadu Buhari to withdraw the presidential pardons granted to former governor of Plateau State, Joshua Dariye and his Taraba State counterpart, Rev Jolly Nyame, if he (Buhari) is serious about the fight against corruption in the country.

The duo of Dariye and Nyame, along with 157 others serving various jail terms, were granted pardons following the recommendations of the Presidential Advisory Committee on the Prerogative of Mercy at the Council of State meeting last week.

While Dariye was sentenced to 10 years imprisonment for stealing N1.16bn from the Plateau State ecological funds, Nyame was convicted for diverting N1.6bn of Taraba funds.

But in a letter addressed to the President, SERAP urged Buhari to urgently review the process, as well as “proposing a constitutional amendment to the National Assembly to reform the provisions on the exercise of the prerogative of mercy to make the provisions more transparent, and consistent and compatible with Nigeria’s international anti-corruption obligations.”

In the letter dated 16 April, 2022, and signed by its Deputy Director, Kolawole Oluwadare, SERAP said the “impunity for corruption will continue as long as influential politicians escape justice for their crimes.”

The letter, copied to the Conference of the States Parties to the United Nations Convention against Corruption, reads in part:

“The pardon is clearly inconsistent and incompatible with the requirements of the Nigerian Constitution, and the country’s international obligations including under the UN Convention against Corruption.

“The presidential pardon for corruption cases is inconsistent with the rule of law, and the public interest, as it undermines the principle of equality before the law,” the letter reads.

“SERAP is concerned that while the pardon power is routinely exercised to shield influential politicians and politically exposed persons from justice and accountability, ordinary people who have committed petty offences but with no money or influential politicians to speak for them, languish in prisons and are rarely considered for pardon.

While there is no doubt that Section 175 of the Constitution vests wide discretionary power in the Nigerian president to grant pardon, it does not stipulate the conditions under which such power should be exercised.

“However, when section 15(5) of the Constitution is read together with the oath, it would seem to impose some ethical conditions on you to ensure that the exercise of the discretionary power of the prerogative of mercy is not such that it will encourage corruption or impunity of perpetrators.

“Mr Dariye and Mr Nyame should have been allowed to complete their jail terms. The exercise of the presidential pardon in their cases would seem to be unfair and undeserving.

The investigation and prosecution of the corruption cases involving the pardoned former governors Dariye and Nyame reportedly cost over N300 millions of taxpayers’ money. The cases went from the High Court to the Supreme Court of Nigeria.

“The constitutional power of prerogative of mercy ought not to be an instrument of impunity.”

Northern Elders renew demand for Buhari’s resignation over insecurity

The Northern Elders Forum (NEF) on Tuesday renewed its demand for President Muhammadu Buhari’s resignation over worsening insecurity in the country, particularly in the north.

In a statement issued by its Director of Publicity and Advocacy, Dr. Hakeem Baba-Ahmed, NEF asked the President to step down from his position over the government’s inability to secure the lives and properties of Nigerians.

This is the third time since 2020 the group had asked Buhari to resign as Nigeria’s President over escalating insecurity across the country.

The statement read: “The administration of President Muhammadu Buhari does not appear to have answers to the challenges of security to which we are exposed.

“We cannot continue to live and die under the dictates of killers, kidnappers, rapists and sundry criminal groups that have deprived us of our rights to live in peace and security.

Our constitution has provisions for leaders to voluntarily step down if they are challenged by personal reasons or they prove incapable of leading.

It is now time for President Buhari to seriously consider that option, since his leadership has proved spectacularly incapable of providing security over Nigerians.

“Our Forum is aware of the weight of this advice, and it is also aware that we cannot continue to live under these conditions until 2023 when President Buhari’s term ends.”

The NEF decried the killings and assaults on Nigerian communities which have now become a daily occurrence in the country.

“Killers and other criminals appear to have sensed a paralyzing vacuum at the highest levels of leadership, and they grow more confident and acquire more competence in subverting the state and our security.

“Nigerians have shed enough tears and blood without an appropriate response from those with responsibilities to protect us,” it added.

Buhari orders security agents to fish out perpetrators of Plateau attacks

President Muhammadu Buhari on Tuesday ordered security agencies to fish perpetrators of last weekend’s attacks in Plateau State.

Gunmen suspected to be bandits killed an unspecified number of people during attacks on communities in Kanam and Wase local government areas of Plateau State.

In a statement issued by his Senior Special Assistant on Media and Publicity, Garba Shehu, the President assured Nigerians that the perpetrators of the crime would not escape justice.

He charged the security agencies to work with the state government to bring the situation under control and take steps to bring the culprits to justice quickly.

Buhari said: “I urge all our citizens, the people of Plateau State in particular, to expose the perpetrators of such incidents, their sponsors and those who encourage such criminals who carry out these dastardly acts of murder so that the law will take its course. They must not be forgiven.”

ECWA slams Buhari’s govt over corruption, insecurity

The Evangelical Church Winning All (ECWA) on Sunday slammed President Muhammadu Buhari’s administration over alleged widespread corruption in the system.

In a communiqué issued at the end of its 69th General Church Council Meeting in Kaduna, the church expressed concern over the worsening insecurity, corruption, and the near-total collapse of the Nigerian economy.

It also decried the recent attack on Abuja-Kaduna bound train as well as the incessant killings and abduction of innocent Nigerians by terrorists in various parts of the country.

The communiqué read: “The unabated heinous activities of radical Islamic terrorist groups as well the continuous activities of radical Islamic terrorist groups including Fulani Jihadist Militia, Boko Haram, ISWAP and bandits terrorising the North, Middle Belt and other parts of the country are condemnable.

The Council expressed great worry on the conspicuous silence of the Federal Government of Nigeria under the leadership of President Muhammadu Buhari, and its reluctance to descend heavily on the perpetrators of these heinous crimes.”

ECWA also urged the Federal Government to address the demands of the Academic Staff Union of Universities (ASUU) and wake up to its responsibility of making the country a beautiful place for all the citizens.

Buhari signs Executive Order on maintenance of public buildings

President Muhammadu Buhari on Wednesday signed into law the Executive Order 11 on maintenance of public buildings in Nigeria.

The President signed the document shortly before the commencement of the Federal Executive Council (FEC) meeting at the State House, Abuja.

In his address at the forum, Buhari directed all Ministries, Departments, and Agencies (MDAs) to set up maintenance departments in line with the provisions of the new Executive Order.

He said the order gives legal backing to the country’s national maintenance policy, following its approval by the FEC.

The President said: “Since the approval of the policy by the FEC, the Federal Government has consciously started the implementation of maintenance of strategic facilities like the Federal Secretariat in Abuja and federal secretariats in 24 states of the federation, where at least 40 people are now daily employed in each of those 24 secretariats.

The Office of the Head of Civil Service of the Federation has approved the establishment of a Department of Federal Public Assets Maintenance as a vital step in support of the implementation of this national policy, which is unprecedented in our history and approach to maintenance.

“In order to ensure the fullest implementation and impact of the policy, it is my pleasure to sign this Executive Order that ties maintenance directly to our economy.

“By this Order, I expect MDAs to set out and ensure the operation of their maintenance departments and make necessary procurements for their maintenance in accordance with the provisions of the Public Procurement Act.”

‘Life has become short and valueless in Nigeria under Buhari’s watch,’ PDP governors reply presidency

Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) governors said on Monday Nigerians have lost trust in themselves under the inept President Muhammadu Buhari’s administration.

The governors stated this in a statement issued by the Director-General of the PDP Governors’ Forum, C. I. D. Maduabum, in Abuja.

They were reacting to the remarks credited to the presidency on the performance of the PDP throughout its 16 years in power.

In a statement issued by the Senior Special Assistant on Media and Publicity to the President, Garba Shehu, the presidency accused the PDP governors of attempting to cover up the failures of their 16-year-old rule with the constant criticism of the All Progressives Congress (APC)-led Federal Government.

In their reaction, the governors insisted that Shehu was not unaware of the plight of Nigerians; because he was holed up in the Aso Rock Villa.

They stressed that the fault lines in Nigeria had been widened because of the government’s mismanagement of the country’s diversity.

According to the governors, life has become short, brutish, and valueless in Nigeria under Buhari’s watch as insecurity continued to ravage the land.

The statement read: ”We are moved to respond to the infantile, ignorant, pedestrian, low quality, confused and rambling response of Garba Shehu, spokesman of the so-called Presidency, an amorphous entity, to the fact-filled patriotic, well thought-out chronicle of the dire living conditions of Nigerians by the PDP Governors in their communiqué of March 23, 2022, for the need to set the records straight.

“Garba Shehu described the communiqué as a fantasy, delusional and fictional. He even derided Nigerian armed forces as ‘phantom soldiers’.

“Perhaps he was dazed by the sheer assemblage of facts, figures and evidence on the existential threat Nigeria is facing as a result of the APC misrule, with respect to the economy, security, stealing of Nigeria’s crude, etc., as contained in the communiqué.

“The PDP Governors communiqué made a comparative sketch of Nigeria of 2015 under PDP and Nigeria of 2022 under APC. The communiqué reeled out the fact that in almost all sectors, things have gotten worse by over 1000%.

“This is reflected in prices of basic foodstuffs, unemployment rate, electricity prices, kerosene, diesel, fuel, aviation fuel and air ticket prices which have all gone through the roof. It reeled out figures on poverty, inflation, exchange rate, debt accumulation and corruption.

“Indeed, all aspects of life in Nigeria are being systematically destroyed by the APC administration. Life has become short, brutish and valueless in Buhari’s Nigeria as insecurity ravages the land. But this is not the problem of Garba Shehu, who is enveloped in the Presidential Villa, totally oblivious of the suffering and agony Nigerians are facing.

“Garba Shehu accused PDP Governors of influencing ethnic and religious tensions. How does pointing out the deteriorating state of affairs in Nigeria inflame ethnic and religious tensions? The Buhari Presidency by all objective accounts is the worst in Nigeria’s history in managing our diversity.

“Under APC’s seven years rule, Nigerians no longer trust one another, ethnic and religious differences are not properly managed. All our fault lines are exposed and exacerbated.

Garba Shehu had the temerity to praise the military success under Buhari as compared to the PDP. That someone in today’s Nigeria can be this tone-deaf to the cheapening of life in Nigeria under the watch of the APC is to say the least, unfortunate.

“The recent events in Kaduna have brought trauma and shame to Nigeria. There can be no better evidence of government adrift, unconcerned, and rudderless — without care about how the economy runs.”

Shehu Sani faults suspension of Abuja mosque’s chief imam for criticising Buhari

A former federal lawmaker, Shehu Sani on Sunday reacted to the recent suspension of the Chief Imam of Apo Legislative Quarters mosque in Abuja, Sheikh Nuru Khalid, for criticising President Muhammadu Buhari’s administration.

The cleric had on Saturday slammed the President for allowing insecurity to fester in Nigeria.

He also advised Nigerians not to vote for any politician that would not address their plights in 2023.

Khalid was suspended by the mosque committee a few hours later, claimed that his utterances were against the tenets of Islam.

Sani, who reacted to the cleric’s suspension on his Twitter handle, mocked all the members of the committee and supporters of President Buhari over their misplaced reactions on the issue.

He said Khalid did what was required of a sincere religious leader in troubled times.

Sani wrote: “Sheikh Nuru Khalid dusted the mirror the clergies used to show GEJ and he showed it to the President and his colleagues couldn’t stand it. Khalid has demonstrated fidelity to his faith, to his conscience and to his conviction.”

Buhari orders police to end Ogun cult killings

President Muhammadu Buhari on Thursday condemned the cult clashes in Ogun State.

At least 15 people have been confirmed dead in cult clashes between members of Eiye and Aiye Confraternities in the state.

In a statement issued by his Senior Special Assistant on Media and Publicity, Garba Shehu, the President ordered the police and other security agencies to stop the killings.

He expressed concern that the state has been turned to a battlefield by rival cult groups, committing murders, kidnappings and sexual assault.

Buhari said: “What should frighten us is that the deadly cult groups are increasingly attracting lonely, anxious, troubled youth who they trap in unorthodox social practices.

“Parents and religious leaders must come to grasp what is going on and halt the radicalization of our youth.”

APC convention a victory over enemies —Buhari

President Muhammadu Buhari on Sunday slammed skeptics who were poised to celebrate the collapse of the All Progressives Congress (APC) after weeks of infighting in the ruling party.

The former Nasarawa State governor, Abdullahi Adamu, and several other persons were elected into the APC National Working Committee (NWC) at the party’s national convention held on Saturday in Abuja.

In a statement issued by his Senior Special Assistant on Media and Publicity, Garuba Shehu, the President said the successful conduct of the convention put the party on a stronger footing ahead of the 2023 general elections.

He said: “The APC convention hosted this weekend sets the scene for an APC victory in the presidential and general elections next year. It is a victory over naysayers who believed that the party was divided but are now disappointed.”

Ex-BBNaija star, KiddWaya slams Lagos govt for supporting Buhari’s stage with stones during projectscommissioning

A former Big Brother Naija housemate, Teerser Waya aka KiddWaya, has faulted the Lagos State government for poor organisation during the commissioning of some projects in the state.

President Muhammadu Buhari visited the state on Tuesday to commission the multi-billion naira terminal at the Murtala Muhammed International Airport, Ikeja, and other projects in the state.

Kiddwaya, who spoke on the development on Twitter, wondered why the government would use stones to support the stage President Buhari used after arriving Lagos for the projects’ commissioning.

He wrote: “How can the biggest economy in Africa be using stones to hold the stage the President of Nigeria is standing on? As in we no get standard or what?”

Buhari, Sanwo-Olu predict boom in agric sector, job opportunities from Dangote Fertilizer Plant

President Muhammadu Buhari on Tuesday predicted a boom in the economy, especially the agricultural sector as a result of the commissioning of the Dangote Fertilizer Plant, situated in Ibeju-Lekki, Lagos State.

The world-class fertilizer plant was built at a cost of $2.5 billion, with the capacity to produce 3 million metric tonnes (mt) of urea yearly.

Nigeria’s average fertilizer application of 20kg/ha, is regarded as the lowest in Africa, as it lags behind some other African countries, including South Africa and Egypt.

The Dangote fertilizer plant is expected to bridge this deficit.

The plant, which is located at the fast-growing Economic Free Trade Zone, is acclaimed to be the largest of such projects in West Africa.

In his speech during the commissioning, Buhari revealed how the project will ensure the massive creation of job opportunities for the youth.

“I praise Alhaji Aliko Dangote for the project to create job opportunities for economic growth. I am confident that this investment will replicate the group’s earlier exploits in FCMG and other countries.

Dangote is the second biggest employer of labour in the country after the Federal Government. The creation of jobs by the private sector is very important to the development of the country.

In the agricultural sector, we expect a boom due to the availability of agro-chemicals needed for productive food production. Let me assure all Nigerians that our government aims to provide an enabling environment for the private sector to thrive. I commend the CBN and other stakeholders for allowing this project to come to fruition.”

Corroborating the President’s sentiments, the Governor of Lagos State, Babajide Sanwo-Olu noted that this project would trigger the growth of entrepreneurs such as Dangote which will aid the development of the country.

“We are here to commission the largest fertilizer plant in Africa. The President and I discussed in London, how to provide job opportunities to our youth and this is a testament to the provision of such opportunities.

This plant will also cascade into the agricultural sector. Alhaji Dangote was able to achieve this project due to his resilience and love for the country. We need to ensure the replication of many Dangotes in our midst in order to drive development in the country.”

Buhari knew Senate will reject his request on Electoral Act – Shehu Sani

The former lawmaker representing Kaduna Central Senatorial District, Sheu Sani, said on Wednesday he was not surprised the Senate rejected President Buhari’s request for amendment of the contentious section 84 (12) in Electoral Act.

President Buhari had a few days ago written the National Assembly to amend the section which required political office holders to resign their appointments at least three months before their parties’ primaries or conventions if they are contesting in the elections.

The upper legislative chamber rejected the President’s request at Wednesday’s plenary.

After the Senate Leader, Yahaya Abdullahi, led the debate for the second reading of the bill, the lawmakers voted “No” when it was put to vote by the Senate President, Ahmad Lawan.

Sani, who reacted to the development on his Twitter handle, said the President was fully aware that his request would not be granted by the National Assembly.

He said the Senate action was a clear manifestation of deception evident in the country’s polity, stressing Nigerians should not take it as something serious.

Sani wrote: “If you think that the President is not aware that the Senate will throw out the amendment of the electoral act, then you don’t know the art of political deception. The political appointees are now on their own.”

End killings, violence, before Nigeria is consumed, Catholic Bishops tell Buhari

Catholic Bishops of the Lagos Ecclesiastical Province, have told President Muhammadu Buhari to do everything possible to end the killings and violence in Nigeria before the country is consumed by them.

The Catholic Bishops, on Saturday, made the call at their first meeting in Lagos which drew participants from the Dioceses of Lagos, Ijebu-Ode and Abeokuta, urging Buhari to use “every resources at his disposal to put an end to the killings and violence across the country.”

At the end of the meeting, the Bishops came up with a communiqué jointly signed by the Chairman of the board, Revd Alfred Martins and Secretary, Rev Francis Adesina, where they condemned the incessant violence in every part of the country under a President who was a top military strategist.

“The persistent killings and violence in every part of the country is becoming worrisome,” the communique reads.

The continuous senseless killings of innocent people and violence across the country is really giving Nigerians serious concerns. And they are continuing unabated while the President Muhammadu Buhari-led administration is not doing much to curb them.

In the wake of the 2022 New Year, a priest of the Diocese of Abeokuta, Rev. Fr. Luke Adeleke, was killed by gunmen while carrying out his priestly activities.

“Very recently, it was reported that in Taraba State, a Catholic Church was razed to the ground for no reason. These and numerous other cases of violence have been the hallmark of our nation. How long would these be allowed to continue?

“The President should rise up to his responsibilities and stop these killings and violence before Nigeria is consumed by them.

Buhari appoints Olatunji as pioneer CEO of data protection agency

President Muhammadu Buhari has approved the appointment of Vincent Olatunji as the National Commissioner/Chief Executive Officer of the newly established Nigeria Data Protection Bureau (NDPB).

The bureau was established by the Federal Government in a bid to ensure better protection of data and privacy in Nigeria.

The spokesperson for the Minister of Communications and Digital Economy, Uwa Suleiman, disclosed this in a statement on Friday.

Until his appointment, Olatunji was the Director of the Government Development and Regulations Department at National Information Technology Development Agency (NITDA).

The statement read: “The successful implementation of the National Digital Economy Policy and Strategy (NDEPS) for a Digital Nigeria has significantly increased the adoption of data platforms and accelerated the datafication of our society.

“This has increased the importance of having an institution that focuses on data protection and privacy.”

Nigerian govt to honour agreement with ASUU – Buhari

President Muhammadu Buhari promised on Tuesday the Federal Government would honour the agreement reached with the Academic Staff Union of Universities (ASUU).

The President stated this when members of the Nigeria Inter-Religious Council (NIREC) led by the Sultan of Sokoto, Sa’ad Abubakar, and the President of the Christian Association of Nigeria, Rev. Samson Ayokunle, visited him at the Presidential Villa, Abuja.

He also assured the delegation of improved funding of universities and other institutions of higher learning in the country.

Buhari thanked NIREC for intervening in the federal government and ASUU disputes in the past.

The President said: “I challenge ASUU to take cognizance of the fiscal pressures that we are currently facing. Nevertheless, we remain committed to honouring our promises.

I will also like to encourage ASUU to continue to work with us toward finding resolutions to the challenges that confront us.

“My administration is committed to this engagement and dialogue, and I urge the union to stay the course toward a joint resolution in the best interest of our children and nation.

“To show our commitment, several payments have been made over the last six months, addressing several of the issues raised by ASUU details of which the Minister of Labour and Employment can make available to you.

“Funding has also been provided for the development of infrastructure across several public universities and several of them have started drawing down on this facility to improve their level of infrastructure.”

ASUU had last year threatened to resume its suspended strike over the federal government’s failure to honour the agreement signed by both parties.

2023: We did not endorse Tinubu to succeed Buhari – Miyetti Allah

Miyetti Allah Cattle Breeders Association of Nigeria (MACBAN) has refuted reports that it endorsed National Leader of the All Progressives Congress, Bola Ahmed Tinubu for President.

MACBAN said the position of individual members of on who succeeds President Muhammadu Buhari in 2023 should not be regarded as a general one.

National Secretary, Baba Ngelzarma in a rebuttal issued on Wednesday, stressed that the association respects the ambition of all aspirants and was yet to pitch its tent with any of them.

The attention of MACBAN headquarters has been drawn to stories in the media claiming that we have endorsed the presidential aspiration of Sen. Ahmed Tinubu.

“We want to make it clear that the association has not endorsed any candidate. Those who endorsed Tinubu are doing so as individuals.

“MACBAN should not in any way be dragged into the politics of endorsement at this stage,” Ngelzarma said.

On January 10, Tinubu formally informed Buhari of his desire to become the All Progressives Congress (APC) flagbearer.

Again, Buhari assures Nigerians his govt will crush terrorists, bandits

President Muhammadu Buhari, has once again, reassured Nigerians of the resolve of his government to eliminate and crush terrorists, bandits and other criminals operating in different parts of the country before the expiration of his administration.

Buhari, who gave the assurance on Friday at a State Banquet organized in his honour by Governor Nasir El-Rufai at the end of the President’s two-day official visit to Kaduna State, said the deadly and worrisome activities of bandits in the state and other parts of the country would soon be a thing of the past.

‘‘I wish to assure the people and government of Kaduna State and Nigerians in general that the Federal Government is doing its utmost to contain and crush the terrorists menacing our citizens and their property in parts of the country.

On behalf of the Federal Government, I commend the efforts of the Kaduna State Government to respond to the demands of development and its prompt response to the security challenges in the state.

‘‘The relationship between our tiers of government represents an instance of successful collaboration between the national and State governments for progress, peace and prosperity.

“I urge Malam Nasir El-Rufai to push on and not relent in his efforts to accelerate change and progress in Kaduna State,” the President said.

Buhari to attend Gambian President’s inauguration Wednesday

President Muhammadu Buhari will leave Abuja, for Banjul, The Gambia, on Wednesday to attend the inauguration of the country’s President, Adama Barrow.

Barrow was re-elected for another term of five years in December last year.

He was first elected in 2016 after defeating Gambian longtime President, Yahaya Jammeh, in the presidential country’s election.

President Buhari will join other African leaders at the event slated for the Independence Stadium in Bakau.

According to a statement issued by his Senior Special Assistant on Media and Publicity, Garba Shehu, the President will be accompanied on the trip by the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Geoffrey Onyeama, National Security Adviser, Maj-Gen Babagana Monguno (retd), Director-General of National Intelligence Agency, Amb. Ahmed Rufai, and other top government officials.

Buhari didn’t order removal of fuel subsidy – Lawan

The Senate President, Ahmad Lawan, said on Tuesday President Muhammadu Buhari has not ordered the removal of fuel subsidy in the country.

The Nigeria Labour Congress (NLC) has directed all its state councils to mobilize members for a one-day nationwide protest on January 27 over the planned removal of fuel subsidy and imposition of 10 percent excise duty on soft drinks by the Federal Government.

This followed the declaration by the Minister of Finance, Budget, and National Planning, Zainab Ahmed, in October last year that the Federal Government made provision for petrol subsidy only for the first six months of 2022.

Lawan, who addressed State House correspondents after a closed-door meeting with President Buhari at the Presidential Villa, Abuja, said the National Assembly was concerned about the agitations and protests across the country.

He said: “Well, it will be of interest to Nigerians to hear what I have come to discuss with Mr. President among several other things.

“Many of us are very concerned with the recent agitations, protests, and many citizens were so concerned, our constituents across the country are very concerned that the federal government will remove the petroleum subsidy. And for us, as parliamentarians, as legislators representing the people of Nigeria, this must be of interest to us.

And we have just finished our recess, we had gone home to our constituencies and senatorial districts. And will feel the pulse of our people. And I found it necessary to visit Mr. President, as the leader of our government and our leader in the country, to discuss this particular issue of concern to Nigerians, and I’m happy to inform Nigerians that Mr. President never told anyone that the petroleum subsidy should be removed.”