American reality star who sells fart hospitalized due to severe gas

American reality star and flatulence entrepreneur, Stepanka Matto was recently hospitalized following a reported health scare spurred by gas severity.

The 90 Days Fiance star gained modest notoriety in 2021 when she launched a gassy venture peddling her fancy flatulence to strangers.

The 31-year-old reality star blew away people on social media when she recently announced that she makes more than $50,000 (N20,511,651) a week selling her farts.

According to the Complex, the familiar face in the flatulence space says she’s feeling “better” following a reported health scare spurred by gas severity.

It was gathered that Matto visited a hospital after experiencing body pains that she was worried could have been indicative of a heart event.

Matto said the hospital scare consisted of “a nasty two days” during which she was temporarily convinced a heart attack was imminent.

The self-acclaimed ‘fartpreneur’ also recently disclosed that she earned $200,000 (N82M) from her unique business in 2021.

American Man Who Makes A Living By Impregnating Over 150 Women, Is On Tour In Britain To Impregnate more.

A man who makes a living by impregnating women has expressed happiness as he travels to UK for another round. 

A man who became famous by impregnating women and fathering over 150 kids has said he’s not tired.

Joe Donor who makes a living by impregnating women is regarded as one of the world’s most prolific sperm donors.

He says Christmas has come early after being told three more British women are pregnant with his children.

‘Joe Donor’, from the US state of Vermont, has already fathered 150 kids – impregnating about 10 women a year – and has donated his sperm while travelling across the UK.

Finding out that three more British women are set to give birth to his children in 2021 is the “best Christmas present of all”, he said, adding that the Covid-19 pandemic hasn’t slowed him down.

The 50-year-old, who anonymously donates his sperm and never uses his real name in interviews, has been living in Ilford, north-east London, for the past three months after arriving in September.

Joe said: “Helping women create the gift of life is the best present of all.“I’m always ready to climb down that chimney and give women the dream baby they’ve always wanted”.“Since arriving in the UK in September I have met up with about 15 women”.

“Most of them don’t want to have sex as they say it causes too many issues in their relationship or they’re lesbians but it’s more effective when it’s natural.

“I’d say about three of those women I have met I’ve had sex with and two of those are pregnant.

“But not everyone reports back and lets me know if they’re expecting.

“Since my time in the UK I have travelled to Wales, Hull, Birmingham, Portsmouth and Kent.

“I feel like I’m the luckiest man in the world to be able to help women in their time of need.

“It was lovely to hear the news that three women I met during my time in the UK are now pregnant”.

“There’s no better Christmas present than that.”

Joe said that the coronavirus pandemic hasn’t slowed him down this year and that on average, he impregnates 10 women per year.

He added: “I’ll never know the exact number but it’s definitely in the double figures every year.

“I will use a mask when having sex to help stop the spread of corona virus but you cannot keep socially distanced.

“I love seeing photos of the babies when they’re born as a lot of them do look like me.

“I don’t financially gain from providing my sperm to women, I just enjoy helping people.

“Luckily I run a few online businesses so I’m always available and can provide sperm whenever they’re ovulating.”

Joe has travelled across America, Argentina, Italy, Singapore, The Philippines and the UK donating his sperm.

He added: “I have babies all over the world and although people always worry over incestual issues that is a concern for clinics because mothers and children never meet their donors”.

“I meet mothers in person when donating, and I am happy to meet any child at any time, and keep in touch with mothers who want to keep in touch, so that everyone knows of half-siblings, and this problem has never happened with me or any other private sperm donor.

“I started donating sperm in 2008 and have fathered on average 10 children per year.

“I have always said I wouldn’t father more than 2500 but that would technically be impossible unless I lives until the age of 250.

“I aim to donate my sperm for as long as it works which could be until I’m in my 90’s.”

Joe opts to have yearly medical checks to ensure he’s practising as safe as possible.

He adds: “I have a health check at least annually but if a woman requests more frequent testing, I will have another check on demand.



Coronavirus: US hospital admissions reach record high as cases surge

Houston, Texas, hospital Covid ward
image captionHospital staff treat a Covid patient in Houston, Texas

The number of Americans in hospital with Covid-19 reached record levels on Tuesday, as more than a million new cases were confirmed in November.

There are over 10 million confirmed US cases and 239,732 deaths so far – and the death toll is rising to an average of over 900 a day amid the new spikes.

As of Tuesday, 61,964 people are receiving hospital care for the virus, the Covid Tracking Project reports.

Experts warn hospitals across the country could soon be overwhelmed.

The US has been seeing more than 100,000 new cases per day over the last 10 days in what experts say may be a worse outbreak than those seen in the spring and summer.

States across the US have broken new case records this week. On 10 November, Texas became the first state to hit one million total cases. That takes its case count above that of Italy – one of the worst-hit countries during the first wave in March and April.

The same day, Texas – America’s second most-populous state – saw over 10,800 new cases.

Other states, including Illinois, Wisconsin, Minnesota, California and Florida, have also seen numbers rise. CBS News reports 15 states saw the numbers of patients in hospital due to the virus double in the last month.

Some hospitals, such as in Idaho and Missouri, have had to turn patients away because they ran out of room.

State leaders have been re-imposing pandemic restrictions as a result. Residents of Wisconsin and Nevada have been urged to stay at home for two weeks. In Minnesota, bars and restaurants must shut by 22:00.

On Tuesday, epidemiologist Michael Osterholm, who has been tapped to join President-elect Joe Biden’s virus advisory group, warned of a “perfect storm”.

A California Covid testing site
image captionA queue for testing in California

Speaking to the CBS This Morning programme, Mr Osterholm said there was “no question that our hospitals are about to be overrun”. He noted “the darkest days of this pandemic between now and next spring”, before the vaccine arrives.

Mr Osterholm, who heads the infectious disease research centre at the University of Minnesota, said during the summer spike after the Labour Day national holiday, new cases rose to 32,000 a day.

“Now we’re running in the 120- to 130,000 cases a day,” he said. “Do not be at all surprised when we hit 200,000 cases a day.”

The same day, US infectious disease chief Dr Anthony Fauci offered some hopeful news. He said the new Covid vaccine by Pfizer was expected to go through an emergency authorisation process in the next week or so. Human trials suggest it is 90% effective. captionHow close are we to Covid immunisation?

Dr Fauci told MSNBC: “I’m going to look at the data, but I trust Pfizer, I trust the [Food and Drug Administration]. These are colleagues of mine for decades, the career scientists.”

Amid the ongoing outbreak, the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has updated its research around masks, saying that wearing one not only protects others but also the person wearing the mask.

Previous guidance had rested on the idea that the main benefit of mask-wearing came from potentially stopping an infected person transmitting Covid to others.

The CDC referenced several studies, including one case where two Covid-positive hair stylists interacted with 139 clients – but of the 67 clients researchers tested, none developed an infection. The stylists and all clients had worn masks in the salon.

Another study looking into the outbreak aboard the UUS Theodore Roosevelt aircraft carrier found mask-wearing seemed to have reduced the risk of virus transmission by 70%, the CDC said.

Chart showing cases and deaths in the US. Updated 11 Nov.

Rescue of American in Nigeria, proof of Buhari’s incompetence – PDP

THE Peoples Democratic Party has said the military operation by United State troops, which led to the rescue of an American citizen, who was captured in Niger Republic and was being held on Nigerian soil, was further proof of the incompetence of Nigeria’s President, Major General Muhammadu Buhari (retd.).

National Publicity Secretary of the party, Kola Ologbondiyan, said this in a statement titled, ‘US rescue operation again confirms Buhari’s incompetence, says PDP’, in Abuja on Sunday.

The statement read in part, “It is indeed grossly disconcerting that under our Commander-in-Chief, a general, who had consistently promised to lead from the front, it took a foreign country to come on our soil to rescue their citizen, while hordes of our citizens are reportedly being held, tortured and killed in various kidnappers and insurgents’ dens in various parts of our nation.”

It also recalled that not too long ago, the Chadian President, Idriss Derby, led his troops into Nigerian territory to secure victory over Boko Haram.

In response, the APC in a statement titled, ‘The world remembers PDP government’s negligence in Chibok schoolgirls’ abduction – APC’, signed by the Deputy National Publicity Secretary, Yekini Nabena, said, “The PDP again chooses to play politics with our national security in its tired, baseless and dull attacks of the President Muhammadu Buhari government.

“To refresh the PDP’s memory, former British prime minister, David Cameron in his book, ‘For the Record’, said the Goodluck Jonathan PDP government was sleeping on the wheel when the schoolgirls were abducted.”