When Igboho realized they wanted to kill him, he entered a room and disappeared – Aide

One of Sunday Igboho’s close aides, has narrated what ensued during the raid on the Yoruba freedom fighter’s Soka residence by operatives of the Department of State Security, (DSS), and army.

He described the raid as a commando operation and disclosed how Igboho, sensing the mission of his assailants was to kill him, entered a room and disappeared.

While speaking with Vanguard, the aide, who craved anonymity, said the operation was like a movie scene in the early hours of Thursday, as operatives of the DSS and army descended on the building with a mission not known to the occupants.

According to him, the unexpected visitors, who dressed in army camouflage and military attire, entered into the compound to meet their hosts unprepared.

He said the assailants came in five army branded Hilux vehicles and forcefully gained entry by killing one of the bodyguards of Igboho, named Adogan.

In his words: “When they arrived at about 1:35 am on Thursday, they scaled the fence and opened fire. We just heard sporadic gunshots all around the main house during which they killed one of the bodyguards of Sunday Igboho named Adogan.

“Sensing the gunmen had gained entry, he (Igboho) himself engaged them in a shootout when he realised they had already killed some of his boys.

“Before the gunmen made their way into the inner rooms. There was a lady in a mask who led them in. She was calling occupants of the house by their names. That is to show that an insider gave them the information they relied on.

The lady started shouting the names of close aides of Igboho, she asked them to kill every living thing sighted on the premises. They killed his Alfa while praying.

“They took away about N3m from his (Igboho’s) room as well as his jewelry. The assailants killed five persons and took away their corpses. Some ladies, who are wives of chief’s aides, were also taken away. They took away the CCTV box so that we won’t playback.

“While Igboho escaped, out of the hanger, they whisked away one of his wives and 13 other aides including one of his bloggers named Lady K.

When Sunday Igboho found out they were there to kill him, he had to enter another room and disappeared. We can’t tell his whereabouts as I am speaking with you. The gun duel lasted an hour.”

Gov Matawalle to join APC Tuesday – Aide

The Zamfara State Governor, Bello Matawalle, will complete his switch to the All Progressives Congress (APC) on Tuesday, his aide said.

The governor’s Director-General, Media, Yusuf Idris, disclosed this to journalists in Gusau on Sunday.

He said: “All is now set for our governor to move from the PDP (Peoples Democratic Party) to the APC.

“All the committees that are charged with responsibility for a smooth transition of the governor have reported from their various committees that things have taken shape for the event which is scheduled to hold at a grand reception in Gusau on Tuesday, June 29.”

Idris said the governor’s defection to APC would further strengthen the party in the state.

The aide added: “Let me emphasise to you that Zamfara politicians have always been a single family and even as a PDP governor, my principal, Governor Bello Matawalle has always related very well with those in the opposition parties.

Many people from high and low have followed the governor into the PDP in order to offer their positive advice for the growth and development of the state. Some of such persons were given top government positions and responsibilities which they held very well too.

“Under this new development which will be witnessed by 18 APC governors, the governor will come along with all the National and State Assembly members as well as the PDP executives from all levels of the state.”

According to him, Governor Matawalle will be received by the Chairman of the APC National Caretaker Committee, Mai Mala Buni.

Buhari leads the “best democratic govt” in Nigeria —Aide

The Senior Special Assistant to the President on Media and Publicity, Garba Shehu on Friday said President Muhammadu Buhari operates the best democratic government in the history of the country.

“People should be free to say whatever because this country is under the best democratic government that we have had since the fourth republic, ” Mr Shehu said in an interview on Channels Television’s Sunrise Daily in Abuja.

He said that the Buhari-led administration place premuim on freedom of speech as a fundamental human rights.

Mr Garba stressed that his principal is focused on tackling the security crisis and the unity of the country.

“The President will not lock up people, there is no assassination by state actors under Buhari and so, therefore, people can say whatever they want to say. They will go home and sleep very soundly.”

“This President is focused on securing this country, he is focused on the unity of this country and he will preserve it,” he said


The New York Governor has said he is “so sorry” for making women uncomfortable but denied touching anyone inappropriately.

Three women have recently come forward with accusations of sexual harassment against Democrat Andrew Cuomo.


In his first public comments on the allegations, Mr Cuomo said he felt “embarrassed” that his actions made the women feel uncomfortable at work.

Mr Cuomo asked the public to wait for the “facts” before drawing conclusions.

The New York attorney general has opened an investigation into the allegations and will file a report on the findings.

The governor said he would not resign, despite calls from within his own party for him to step down.

What is Cuomo accused of?

A former top-level aide to Mr Cuomo, Lindsey Boylan, claimed the governor touched her without consent and frequently made inappropriate comments about her appearance.

In an essay published last month, Ms Boylan accused Mr Cuomo of kissing her on the lips and asking her to play strip poker while on his private jet.

A second former aide, Charlotte Bennett, told the New York Times that the governor peppered her with personal questions that were clear overtures to a sexual relationship.

“I understood the governor wanted to sleep with me,” she said.

In a statement following Mr Cuomo’s press conference, Ms Bennett’s lawyer described the governor’s statement as “full of falsehoods and inaccurate information”.

Debra Katz disputed Mr Cuomo’s claim that he was unaware he had made any of the women uncomfortable, saying Ms Bennett reported the “sexually harassing behaviour immediately” to the governor’s chief of staff and chief counsel. “We are confident that they made him aware of her complaint”, Ms Katz said.

A third woman, photographer Anna Ruch, said the politician touched her face and asked to kiss her at a wedding. The exchange was captured on camera.

AIDE campaigns against imported products, urges indigenous patronage

Ambassadors Initiative for Development and Empowerment (AIDE) has unveiled a new campaign against internationally manufactured products imported to Nigeria, an initiative propelled to magnify local patronage.

According to the Executive Director of AIDE, Mr. Chimene Samuel, the campaign tagged #BuyNaija2GrowNaija, was created to promote the manufacturing and patronage of locally manufactured products and indigenous services in Nigeria.

“To offer spotlight and promotions for local manufacturers, thereby expanding their customer base by bringing their products closer to consumers.”

He also noted that the organization is committed to contributing to the growth of the country’s economy, while he called on the government to implement policies that will encourage the manufacturing of local products.

Also speaking at the event, the former chairman of Federal Road Maintenance Agency (FERMA), Dr. Jide Adeniji, described the importation of goods by FG and Nigerians as “a pathetic situation”.

“We have the greatest forestry in the whole of Africa – sufficient timbers, iroko trees – but unfortunately, Nigeria imports toothpicks. There is no mineral that Nigeria does not process, but today, they are being exploited by Indians, Chinese.

“The source of gold in Nigeria is in a village called Ilesha. The Chinese have taken over the place. There is also gold in Zamfara state, but some self-centered people exploring it for their own selfish interest. The Nigerian situation is very pathetic,” he concluded.

Dr. Adeniji went further to emphasize on the galore of Nigeria’s natural resources and endowments, stressing that every part of Nigeria is fruitful and productive, while he noted that the country needs to be united in its diversities in order to utilize the resources for the benefits of all Nigerians.