Buhari may sign 2023 budget Tuesday- Ahmed Lawan

The President, Major General Muhammadu Buhari (retd.), will sign the 2023 appropriation bill on Tuesday, January 3, 2023.

Senate President Ahmed Lawan revealed this to journalists on Friday after a closed-door meeting with Buhari at the Presidential Villa, Abuja.

The Senate President who arrived at the Villa minutes before 3:00 pm said he discussed Buhari’s recent additional loan request, the legislature’s support to the Independent National Electoral Commission ahead of the general elections, the 2023 appropriate bill and other national matters.

He said;

“We are looking forward to Mr President signing the Appropriation Bill 2023, by the grace of God, on Tuesday.

“This because we signed the documents yesterday, having lost some time because of some anomalous figures we had in the bill presented to the National Assembly.

“But thank God, the National Assembly, in both chambers, has passed the Appropriation Bill 2023 on Wednesday, and I’m sure that Mr. President and his team, on the executive side will work on what we have done. And the first thing on Tuesday, the first official working day of the year, I believe that Mr. President will be signing the Appropriation Bill 2023.”

He lamented that the National Assembly would have passed the bill a week earlier had it not been for irregularities spotted in the bill.

Explaining the delay, Lawan said;

“This year (delay) particularly, is because of the anomalous, very undesirable and unfortunate situation that we had to delay a little bit.”

He revealed that the Independent National Electoral Commission, “lacks nothing” and the National Assembly will support it to deliver credible elections.

Meanwhile, Senator Ali Ndume’s while reacting to the passage of the Budget on Channels TV Politics Today on Friday, said the Senate had been able to sustain the January to December budget circle.

He also said the 2022 supplementary budget presented by the President should have been included in the 2023 budget.Ndume said, “I think my position is very clear now to Nigerians. We kept our agreement on our part and that is returning Nigeria into the budget circle of January to December, but we just passed an extension of the time to implement the budget.

“That means the budget will be implemented in 15 months instead of 12 months. You passed the budget timely but the implementation is delayed. We had to now extend the budget by 90 days. We also had to pass a supplementary budget and that is another issue that I have a problem with.”

Ninth senate has been the most productive since 1999 – Lawan

President of the Senate, Ahmad Lawan has said that the senate under him has been the most productive.

Speaking at the just concluded 3rd Year Ministerial Performance Review Retreat held at the State House, Abuja, Lawan said the prevailing harmonious relationship between the arms of government made the ninth National Assembly the most productive since the inception of the Fourth Republic in 1999.

He further revealed that President Muhammadu Buhari had so far signed into law 84 bills passed by the ninth Assembly, the largest by any Nigerian President.

Lawan said;

“The three arms of government are separate but interdependent, and the ultimate goal of each is to deliver good governance and meet the aspirations of all Nigerians.

“Many Nigerians have come to construe harmonious executive-legislative relations as a sign of weakness or subservience to the executive.

“Nothing can be further from the truth than this misperception, which we must painstakingly work to correct.

“It is not uncommon for some to view the three arms of government as occupying separate and identifiable domains of power and responsibility, with little opportunity or need for interaction.

“However, this kind of dualism is not only untenable but damaging. It is now widely recognised that good national governance depends on core state institutions working cooperatively.

“A constructive relationship between the three arms of government, i.e., legislature, the executive and the judiciary, is essential to effectively maintaining the constitution and promoting the rule of law.

“Timely consultations between all stakeholders can play a significant role in avoiding gridlocks, improving understanding and delivering development to the people on whose behalf we govern.

“The legislature is constituted by the people’s direct representatives and is responsible for reflecting the voices of ordinary Nigerians.

“This cannot be achieved through unnecessary grandstanding, conflict and war of egos. As the cliché rightly states, ‘where two elephants fight, it is the grass that suffers’.

“As one of the longest-serving legislators in Nigeria’s Fourth Republic, I am well aware of the dangers of adopting a confrontational approach to governance issues.

“A lot of energy and resources (time and money) are dissipated over inconsequential issues rather than on dealing with substantive and livelihood-based issues that confront the average Nigerian.

“At the beginning of the 9th Assembly, we took a deliberate position to collaborate with the executive to ensure that the cardinal objective of government (welfare and security of citizens) is met.

“Hence, despite the media bashing and name-calling, I am proud to say that this National Assembly has been the most productive since 1999.

“The achievements recorded are mainly due to a harmonious executive relation and heightened engagement with the executive on proposed policies and laws long before they are formally presented to Assembly for legislative action.

“This strategy has enabled us to surmount many of the traditional obstacles and bottlenecks that confronted previous Assemblies.

“The synergy between the legislature and the executive has resulted in reforming our budgetary process to entrench transparency and accountability, professionalism, greater citizen participation, and strict guidelines and timelines (January-December).

“In addition, we worked with President Muhammadu Buhari to support the establishment of the Executive, Legislative, and Party Consultative Forum headed by Vice President Yemi Osinbajo to promote harmony in governance towards enhancing service delivery to the Nigerian people.

“In the last few years, the National Assembly provided legislative support and approval towards the realisation of this administration’s unwavering commitment to improving security, transforming the nation’s economy and modernising infrastructure, specifically, railway system, roads and power, across the length and breadth of this country.

“The results of our collaboration are clear for all to see. President Muhammadu Buhari has granted assent to eighty four(84) bills so far, the largest by any Nigerian president.

“Many of the Acts enacted have immediate and long-term impacts on all aspects of our national life, including the economy, security, and democratic institutions.

“These include the Petroleum Industry Act 2021, Electoral Act 2022, Proceeds of Crime (Recovery and Management) Act, 2022, Money Laundering (Prevention and Prohibition) Act, 2022, Terrorism (Prevention and Prohibition) Act, 2022, and the Banks and Other Financial Institutions Act 2020.

“Other impactful legislations are the Finance Act, 2020, Companies and Allied Matters Act, 2020; Police Act, 2020; and the Deep Offshore and Inland Basin Production Sharing Contract Act (Amendment) Act 2019, etc.

“The impact of the enactment of these landmark legislations will continue to be felt for generations to come.

Indeed, a clear benefit of harmonious legislative-executive relations is the successes recorded by the 9th Assembly in passing laws that have consistently failed to scale through since 1999.

“Other areas of achievements that are hinged on effective collaboration with the executive include the adoption of legislative measures to cushion the effect of the COVID-19 pandemic on Nigerians, mitigate its consequences, limit its spread and improve the efficiency of Nigeria’s health system to cope with the unprecedented challenges occasioned by the pandemic.”

I won’t appeal judgement that removed me as Yobe North senatorial candidate – Senate President Ahmad Lawan

Senate President Ahmad Lawan has said that he won’t be appealing the court judgement that recognized Bashir Machina as the All Progressives Congress senatorial candidate for Yobe North.

In a statement released on Thursday September 29, Lawan said he has accepted the judgment of the court which disqualified his candidature and participation in the election.

According to him, he reached the decision after due consultations with his political associates, supporters and well-wishers.

The statement read;

“Yesterday, Wednesday, September 28, 2022, the Federal High Court in Damaturu delivered judgment on the rightful candidate for Yobe North Senatorial District for the 2023 National Assembly elections.

“The said judgement disqualifies my candidature and therefore my participation in the elections.

“After due consultations with my political associates, supporters and well-wishers, I have decided not to appeal against the judgement. I accept the judgement.

“I deem it appropriate to thank His Excellency, Senator Ibrahim Gaidam for the leadership role in the APC political family in Yobe State. I also thank His Excellency, Governor Mai Mala Buni for the support and brotherhood.

“To my constituents, I thank you all for your unflinching support, loyalty and unreserved commitment to the course of building our people and Yobe North Senatorial District and indeed Yobe State.

“I want to assure you that I will continue to serve you in my personal and any other capacity at all times.

“We journeyed together for a long time, and this journey will remain a life long journey. It has been a wonderful relationship and it can only get stronger. I am indebted to you all. Alhamdulillah.”

Lawan calls for calm in Yobe community after killing of driver sparks unrest

Senate President, Ahmad Lawan, said on Monday that a thorough investigation should be conducted into the murder of a driver at Garin Alkali in Bursari Local Government Area (LGA), of Yobe State.

A driver was reported murdered in the State last Saturday, an incident that has since caused unrest in Gashua, the headquarters of Bade Local Government of the State.

Lawan, who bared his mind, in a statement by his Special Adviser on Media, Ola Awoniyi, commiserated with the family of the victim and described his killing as wicked and reprehensible.

He said: “I am deeply saddened by the tragic news at Garin Alkali on Saturday and the violent reactions that followed it. The killing of the innocent driver is wicked and reprehensible. It should not be condoned for whatever reason.

My heart goes out to the family of the victim. May Allah console them over their bereavement.

“I urge the authorities to thoroughly investigate the incident with a view to establishing why and how it happened and applying appropriate sanctions to deter future reoccurrence.

“I also appeal for calm and assure the peace-loving members of the community that justice will be served in this matter.”

Buhari didn’t order removal of fuel subsidy – Lawan

The Senate President, Ahmad Lawan, said on Tuesday President Muhammadu Buhari has not ordered the removal of fuel subsidy in the country.

The Nigeria Labour Congress (NLC) has directed all its state councils to mobilize members for a one-day nationwide protest on January 27 over the planned removal of fuel subsidy and imposition of 10 percent excise duty on soft drinks by the Federal Government.

This followed the declaration by the Minister of Finance, Budget, and National Planning, Zainab Ahmed, in October last year that the Federal Government made provision for petrol subsidy only for the first six months of 2022.

Lawan, who addressed State House correspondents after a closed-door meeting with President Buhari at the Presidential Villa, Abuja, said the National Assembly was concerned about the agitations and protests across the country.

He said: “Well, it will be of interest to Nigerians to hear what I have come to discuss with Mr. President among several other things.

“Many of us are very concerned with the recent agitations, protests, and many citizens were so concerned, our constituents across the country are very concerned that the federal government will remove the petroleum subsidy. And for us, as parliamentarians, as legislators representing the people of Nigeria, this must be of interest to us.

And we have just finished our recess, we had gone home to our constituencies and senatorial districts. And will feel the pulse of our people. And I found it necessary to visit Mr. President, as the leader of our government and our leader in the country, to discuss this particular issue of concern to Nigerians, and I’m happy to inform Nigerians that Mr. President never told anyone that the petroleum subsidy should be removed.”