8 arrested for invading Fulani settlement in Jigawa over stolen animals.

The Police in Jigawa have arrested eight suspects for allegedly causing the death of a 30-year-old man in Suletankarkar Local Government Area of the state.
Shissu said the suspects, aged between 20 and 40, allegedly mobilized and attacked three persons living at a settlement in Yandamo village.

He explained that the suspects attacked the victims after they allegedly found their stolen animals at the settlement.
“On Aug. 30, at about 1630hrs, a large number of people from Amanga village, Suletankarkar LGA, traced the footsteps of some stolen domestic animals to the house of one Alhaji Umaru Sale of Yandamo Fulani settlement.

“And in the process, the mob attacked Amadu Sale, Babangida Umaru and Manu Babangida, all of Yandamo Fulani settlement whom they suspected to be among the thieves that stole the animals,” he said.
The spokesperson added that the three victims sustained injuries and a team of policemen that rushed to the scene, conveyed them to Suletankarkar primary healthcare centre for treatment.

Shiisu however said that one the victims, Sale, died while receiving treatment.
He added that the Commissioner of Police in the state, Mr Aliyu Sale, had directed that the case be transferred to the State Criminal Investigation Department, for discreet investigation.