Suspected #Bokoharam terrorists sighted at Sabon Gari.

A group of suspected #BokoHaram terrorists was sighted yesterday at 5:55 pm at Sabon Gari.
Sabon Gari is a border town between Biu and Damboa Local Government Areas in Borno state.

As reported it is likely to be understood that they were heading in the direction of Ngulde or Garkida / Gombi areas for an attack that may result in the lives of many innocent citizens of this country Nigeria.

The Boko Haram or suspected Boko Haram has in recent months ended the lives of many Nigerians so please I urge you to stay safe in where ever location you are leaving In the northern part of Nigeria especially the area of the suspected attack mentioned above.

The government will take the needed precautions to protect its citizens from the attack which cause their lives. But for now, just do all it take to stay safe from any dangerous situation and large gathering because of the ground of terrorist most likely attacks a large number of people in one place.

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