Sudan denounces attacks on churches, diplomatic missions

Sudan Ministry of Foreign Affairs has denounced the attack on worshipers by the rebel Rapid Support Forces (RSF), saying it grossly violated human rights and international law.

This is contained in a statement by Mohamed Abdelmannan, the Sudanese ambassador to Nigeria, released on Wednesday in Abuja.

“The ministry denounces the barbaric behaviour of the rebel RSF and calls on the international community to condemn it in the strongest terms.

Such irresponsible acts also call upon the international community to designate the rebel RSF a terrorist group,” the ambassador said.

The condemnation is against the backdrop of terrorists’ acts by the RSF on the Episcopal Anglican Church of Sudan, All Saints Cathedral, Khartoum, Sudan, on May 14, 2023.

The church is the second worship centre attacked after Margis Church in the Al-Masalma neighbourhood of Omdurman.

The envoy decried the continuation of terrorist behaviour, infringement of international laws and norms and armed attacks carried out in many other places by the rebel RSF.

According to him, such places include headquarters of the diplomatic missions in Khartoum, embassies of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, South Sudan, and Somalia and the premise of the Military Attaché of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

“The attacks resulted in the looting of these properties, robbery of valuable items, including computers and diplomatic vehicles, official documents, and damage of the premises’ furniture and belongings,” explained Mr Abdelmannan.

He added,

“The group should be held responsible for its criminal and terrorist acts before international, regional and national justice.”

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