Sokoto governorship tribunal adjourns until August for final addresses

The governorship election petitions tribunal in Sokoto has adjourned sitting until August 26 for the adoption of addresses in the petition challenging the election of Governor Ahmad Aliyu and the All Progressives Congress (APC).

Tribunal chairman Haruna Mshelia adjourned the case after Mr Aliyu, Deputy Governor Idris Gobir, and APC closed their defence in the petition filed by Sa’idu Umar of the Peoples Democratic Party.

Mr Umar, the PDP candidate, presented 32 witnesses to prove his petition. He prayed the tribunal to nullify Mr Aliyu’s election and declare him the winner.

Earlier, the respondents’ counsel, Yusuf Ali and Wole Olanipekun, led the APC assistant secretary in Sokoto, Yakubu Maccido and presented the headmaster of Model Primary School Sabon Birni, Jamilu Yakubu in evidence.

Mr Yakubu testified that Mr Gobir attended his school and presented a school register admitted as an exhibit.

Mr Maccido testified that the election had complied with the requirements of law and prayed the tribunal to discuss the petition.

During cross-examination by the petitioner’s counsel, led by Garba Tetengi, some school documents were tendered through the headmaster, earlier admitted in exhibits.

After a series of arguments and presentations, Mr Mshelia ordered parties to file written addresses and adjourned to August 26 for the adoption of addresses as required by law.

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