So what kind of rich folk do you want to be? The smart one or the foolish one?

Trust me , everyone has a story!
Do not tell people your story out of pity, tell them your story so they can learn from your courage. I hate being pitied, I honestly do…probably this is why I hate hearing statements which depicts pity. Who says life can’t be better?

I saw a video recently in which a rich man was recalling memories of his childhood. He narrated how he and his siblings went into the bush to hunt for snails whenever rain fell. During the rainy season, they had hopes of eating meat (snail) and preparing soup far better than they would have prepared on a normal day. This story reflects the level of poverty during his childhood.

Some people have been through worse but it baffles me to see people who have been through hardship , misbehaving once they become rich and successful. At that period of their lives when people begin to pressure them for help, they start to change phone numbers, delete their social media accounts and avoid people. What then should celebrities who get pressured by family, friends and fans do? If celebrities can handle this kind of pressure, why would a non celeb start blocking people just because they asked for help?

I believe helping others isn’t a matter of compulsion. You can’t change the world but you can add your quota to effect change. So, why don’t you help those you can instead of avoiding every single person? Our strength lies in our ability to manage every situation we find ourselves, this includes pressure from folks when we eventually break through!

A typical African man starts avoiding people once he makes it, he believes the witches and wizards in his village will be after his life. The witches and wizards that did not kill him when he was struggling, the same witches and wizards that saw his prospects but didn’t take his life. Hmmm, he avoids his village people because they ask for too much , yet he is the same person who drove a Ferrari to his village during their annual festival. Now tell me, who is the real enemy? The village people or the rich man?

The rich man was the same person who promised to build an health centre for his people in the village and he is the same person avoiding them now. Was he suffering from dementia when he made the promise? You see, human beings can be unnecessarily complicated!

Sometimes when people become rich , they tend to be less intelligent while handling situations compared to how they could have handled it when they were struggling. Of course, wealth, according to some, formats every record of pain in a man’s memory but it shouldn’t format the ability to understand what people go through.

I have mentors but no role model. I learnt a great deal from every mentor I have and there is one important thing I learnt from one of them , which is, ” never promise anything, just suprise them “. The earlier we learn how to behave when we are wealthy , the better for us ! See yourself as a weathly person and begin to envisage things you could do better than other wealthy people who are not doing things right.

People say fake it till you make it but I say stay woke till you make it. What I mean by stay woke is , “never give up!”. If you fake success, you would be deceiving yourself only, what’s the point of pretending to be whom you are not? I believe when real success comes, it will announce itself. You won’t really need to show off your fleet of cars and mansions but the people whose lives you have impacted positively will do the announcement. Why would you promise to do things for people just to show off ? Is it to be praised or treated specially ? I realized that humans like to be treated like gods.

When we have the mentality of not doing things to impress people but rather care about changing people’s lives for better, we tend to be less pressured. Readers get my point, I mean when you are rich but wouldn’t show off, how many people will pressure you? This way you can conveniently assist people without going through the process of changing phone numbers and deleting social media accounts. I feel doing this is simply as a result of lacking intelligence. So what kind of rich folk do you want to be? The smart one or the foolish one?

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