She Left Her Family 30 Years Ago Because They Were Poor, See What Happens When She Return

Dreams don’ t come true when you fold your hands hoping that what you desire will fall on your feet without making a move. A Liberian lady narrated how she suffered when she was a teenager and because she could not bear the pain and suffering her family were going through then, she ran away from home.

She shared on social media and it spark a lot of reactions from people. However, she revealed that her family were homeless, no place to rest, the pain and hardship were too much on her family. She thought of what to do then, she left her family with tears running from her eyes because there was no hope and dream.

Though she did not give up because she believed that one day things will turn around for good. As a teenager that don’ t know what life really is, she started hustling for herself. When your future is bright, you experience a lot of things that will make you to give up but it takes God’s grace and determination to achieve what you hope for.

Life is not that easy for anyone, many dreams and destiny has been shattered because there was no hope to move on. She left her family 30 years ago because they were poor but when she returned another thing happened.

However, thirty years later she returned to her family with tears of joy. Though she did not believe that things would turn around for her one day. She’ s now a source of blessing to her family, people around and to her community.

She was not selfish with the wealth she has, she didn’t think about how she suffered which will make her not to help people around. Instead she used her wealth to affect lives, giving home to under privilege people and bless those that did not see food to eat. Also, she gave clothes to those that don’ t have what to wear.

Sometimes everything that happened has a reason and purpose it wants to achieve. God bless you so that you can use your wealth to affect lives, had it been she didn’t take the risk her life and family would have remained the same.

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