She didn’t even know my name – Man celebrates woman who paid his school fees despite him being a stranger

A young Ghanaian graduate has shared a moving story of how a woman came to his aid even though she didn’t know him.

Efo Korku Mawutor, in a post on LinkedIn said the woman personally handled payment of his school fees in order for him to pursue further education.

According to Mawutor, he was able to secure admission to study at the Ghana Institute of Journalism, in 2015 and 2016, but had to forfeit it due to a lack of financial support.

The young man had gone as far as visiting the rector of the school, to personally beg for a chance to pay the fees later and also applied for a Mastercard scholarship at the Ashesi University to no avail.

But luck came his way when one of his teachers, Madam Makafui Aku Akpah, made him aware that her sister, Gladys Akpah, would be able to support him, and based on that, he applied again in the year 2017.

He gained admission into the Journalism Institute and the woman paid his school fees despite not knowing him.

Sharing her photo on LinkedIn, he wrote;

”I got admission to study in the Ghana Institute of Journalism, in 2015, 2016 and 2017.

On the first two occasions, I could not raise the admission fee. In fact, I carried my skinny short but confident self to meet the Rector in 2016, Dr. Dzisah, to beg him to allow me start the school so I pay the admission fees later but it was an exercise in futility.

I had paid my own school fees throughout senior High school cos my parents could not afford it. And I was catering to two of my younger siblings.

In 2016 and 2017, I applied for Mastercard Foundation scholarship at Ashesi University but I couldn’t get in because I had C5 in Core Maths, (my worst grade in the WASSCE)

So, in 2017, based on the confidence from my teacher that her sister would support me by paying the first years fees, I applied to GIJ again. And guys, this woman who didn’t even know my name, nor had ever seen my face, paid my admission fees to enter the university in 2017.

Her generosity is what set me on the path to reaching where I am today.

Today I celebrate Madam Makafui Aku Akpah and her sister, my teacher, Gladys Akpah.

Three quick lessons:

1. Live a life worth recommending.

2. Gold-hearted humans exist in this world, no matter how many dark ungrateful hearts you meet on a daily.

3. God’s Not Dead”

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