Shame On Nigerians Who Supported Joe Biden, He Has Threatened Us With Gay Marriage”- Fani Kayode

For some months now, the United States senate have been fighting hard to either charge Donald Trump for mobilizing his supporters to riot in the Capitol, or to be acquitted which will enable him contest in 2024. Some hours ago, it was all celebration for Donald Trump’s supporters and followers as he was declared free from all charges in the US Senate.

Meanwhile, Nigerians have been very angry with Joe Biden administration for forcing the nation to accept the gay law. This will legalize homosexuality, same-sex marriage and other LGBT rights.

The former Aviation Minister, Femi Fani Kayode has blasted Nigerians who supported the 46th President of America, Joe Biden who swept Donald Trump off his feet during the November elections. Femi rejoiced because Trump has been acquitted and now granted the opportunity to run again in 2024. He also mocked Nigerians who supported Joe Biden, saying that he has now threatened us with the gay law.

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