Scores feared dead after stepping on IEDs planted by suspected terrorists along Maiduguri-Damboa-Chibok Road

Scores of motorists and travelers are feared dead after they reportedly stepped on Improved Explosives Devices, IEDs, planted by terrorists, suspected to be members of the Boko Haram sect, on the Maiduguri-Damboa-Chibok road on Monday, October 3.

Confirming this incident to newsmen, the Executive Chairman of the council area, Umar Ibrahim, said the number of deaths is yet to be ascertained.

The motorists and passengers were plying the recently reopened Maiduguri-Damboa-Chibok-Askira/Uba road when the trucks conveying them with foodstuff stepped on IEDs planted by the suspected terrorists.

“Yes I received a distress call today (yesterday) that one of my communities, Njilang, was attacked by armed terrorists.

Though details were still sketchy, some callers informed me that three people were killed while infrastructure was destroyed.

Other versions revealed that more than four persons were killed in the unfortunate incident.”he said

Residents also claim the insurgents invaded Njilang at about 2:34am on Monday and opened fire sporadically at fleeing residents, killing three people and looting shops before setting ablaze residential houses without confrontation.

The state police command is yet to react to this development.

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