NPC insists 2023 census will be credible, cannot be manipulated

The National Population Commission (NPC) has promised to conduct a credible and reliable 2023 National Population and Housing Census.

Pam Dame, NPC Director in Plateau, gave the assurance when he visited the Plateau Chpater of the Nigeria Union of Journalists (NUJ), on Friday in Jos.

Mr Dame, who reiterated the importance of the exercise to planning and national development, said that the commission would deploy technology to ensure that the exercise was done with minimal hitches.

“The forthcoming census will be a bit unique because we have made arrangements for improvement over the previous ones

“We will deploy technology for the exercise so as to curtail chances of manipulation, so as to make it credible, reliable, and acceptable to Nigerians.

“This is why we are putting in the best methodology; and the conduct will conform to global.standards.

“It will be very difficult for anyone to manipulate this census because we will deploy what is needed to make it credible and acceptable,” he said.

The director, who said the commission started preparing for the exercise in 2014, noted that the visit was to seek media support toward the success of the exercise in the state.

“Media is an important community to us, because no matter how good your product is you must market it, and so publicity is key.

“We cannot do without the media, because we believe you will help us sing the song or else the investment of government in the forthcoming census will be in vain

“So, we are here to intimate and update you on what is expected of Nigerians in the forthcoming exercise,” he said.

Mr Pam, who said that the exercise was slated to hold between May 3 to May 7, called on residents of the state to support and cooperate with NPC personnel during the exercise.

Responding, Paul Jatau, NUJ chairman in the state, thanked the commission for the visit.He assured that journalists in the state would support the commission toward the success of the forthcoming national exercise.

Mr Jatau, however, advised the commission to conduct proper training for its officials to avert challenges experienced during the just concluded general elections.

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