NOUN student who set out to write exam went missing and later found dead around Gbagada

Truly, Life is vanity and all that is in it are all vanity aswell, a dedicated and committed student of National open university of Nigeria (NOUN) has just been found dead after missing for a day.

Remember, one thing that all students does not joke or toil with their examination, some student will go as fast as doing night reading all in the name of pass and have good grades. NOUN is currently writing her exam and lot of students are doing all they can to meet up with their exam time, remember NOUN is not like every other university that harbour students around.

Yesterday, it was reported that a 200level student from the department of Business Administration went missing on her way to write her exam. A lot of effort was made to get the little girl, but she was nowhere to be found.

Most of her friends took to their social media platform to tweet and post about her missing. Earlier today, her body was found around gbagada lying lifeless on the floor. She has been murdered by some unknown people.

Many of Fatimah’s friends confirmed that Fatima is a good and decent girl, soany said she is not the type that keep males friend. They have just mudered a girl with a bright and colorful full pictures.

This is indeed a great loss to the parent and NOUN students as a whole, till now, there is no news about those that did this terrible thing to her.

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