Nigerian born footballer Kelvin Odichukumma Igweani has been gunned down by police in the United Kingdom after a neighbor was found dead in his apartment in an heartbreaking scene.

Nigerian born footballer Kelvin Odichukumma Igweani has been gunned down by police in the United Kingdom after a neighbor was found dead in his apartment in an heartbreaking scene.

There are many Nigerian players playing football in the United Kingdom and other parts of the world with some dreaming to the play for the Super Eagles or the country where they grew up.

According to the report on Daily Mail and UK Sun, Kelvin Odichukumma Igweani was said to have fought with a 38-year-old man known as Richard Woodcock and also held a toddler captive.

Initially, Police wanted to arrest the Nigerian player, but all their efforts were futile and left with no other option than to engage on firing Kelvin Igweani.

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