Niger Assembly passes N613.9 billion 2024 budget

The Niger House of Assembly has passed the state’s N613.994 billion 2024 budget.

The speaker of the House, Abdulmalik Sarkindaji, represented by Afiniki Dauda, the deputy speaker, said this at the plenary in Minna on Wednesday.

Mr Sarkindaji said the budget comprised N149.332 billion in recurrent expenditures and N464.661 billion in capital expenditures.

He said the budget should be submitted to the House three months before the end of the year to give room for proper scrutiny and early passage.

Governor Umaru Bago had on December 20 presented the 2024 budget of N613.274 billion to the House for approval.

However, the lawmakers raised the amount to N613.994 billion, an increase of N719,917 million.

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