Michael Ikechukwu murders his 38-yr-old girlfriend for refusing to leave

A 38-year-old lady, Chinyere Orji, is dead after her 27-year-old live-in lover, Michael Ikechukwu, allegedly stabbed her during a quarrel, last Monday, at their apartment at 11, Abuja street, Alaba Rago, off Mile 2 Badagry expressway.

Vanguard News reports that the mother-of-two was killed by the suspect over prostitution. Michael claimed to have known the deceased as commercial s*x worker at Apapa, for three years and four months , adding that the incident that led to her death occurred during an argument on his insistence for her to quit prostitution.
“When I asked where she was going, she said I shouldn’t ask her. I locked the door, preventing her from leaving. “She started shouting at the top of her voice that I should open the door and that I should not ask her where she was going, since I knew she was a hustler.

At that point, I started calming her down but she insisted on leaving. She said she was going to look for money. She started scattering everywhere, insisting she must leave. Out of provocation I slapped her and told her to re-arrange the room.

In an attempt to scare her, I slammed the standing mirror on the ground and it shattered. Unfortunately, a piece pierced into her right rib and she started shouting that I had stabbed her. I rushed outside to get a tricycle to take her to the hospital. By the time I came back, I met policemen attached to TaskForce, in the apartment.

They held me and informed me that she was dead. They took me to their office, where I spent the night. “The next day I was taken to Ojo Police division from where I was brought to the SCIID. If I had known, I would have allowed her to go and hustle”.

Last year, I told her to stop prostituting because I intended to marry her. She had two children of ages 21 and 9. Her first child is married with a baby, while the younger one lives with her aunt. Yet I didn’t mind spending the rest of my life with her . I never meant to kill her, I only wanted to prevent her from going out that night “, he said

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