Make payments for “in some cases electricity bills” — Mayor of Houston

The mayor of Houston has called for the state of Texas to pay the – in some cases – astronomical electricity bills racked up by residents in last week’s freezing weather.

“The bill should go to the state of Texas,” Houston’s Sylvester Turner told CBS News.

Some residents have reported bills in excess of $16,000 (£11,500) for a few days of usage.

Temperatures plummeted to 30-year lows, hitting 0F (-18C).

Much of Texas, which normally enjoys milder winter weather, was blanketed in snow.

The unusually cold weather across several southern US states claimed at least 70 lives.

Texas is recovering from the freezing temperatures, but many residents still have to boil water due to fears of contamination caused by low mains pressure.

Salvation Army helps out with food during blackouts in Texas, 19 February 2021
image captionVolunteers handed out food to some of those affected by the weather

Millions of Texans suffered power outages. Electricity supplies have largely been restored in the state, but just under 30,000 customers were still without power on Sunday afternoon, according to

Texas has a deregulated energy market allowing consumers to chose between a number of suppliers. Most are on fixed-rate payment plans, but as temperatures plummeted many on variable-rate tariffs were faced with soaring costs.

The Electric Reliability Council of Texas, which oversees the power system for most of the state, is being accused of not being prepared for the shortages.

Dallas resident and US Army veteran Scott Willoughby told the New York Times that he faces a $16,000 bill which had obliterated his savings.

Mayor Turner told CBS that when he was in the state legislature, he had filed a bill to ensure there was “adequate reserve” to prevent blackouts, but it was not considered by the state’s leaders.

The mayor of the state’s fourth largest city suggested the system was not up to the challenges of storms produced by climate change.

“All of this was foreseeable. I wrote about it in 2011. And so for these exorbitant costs, it’s not the consumers who should assume those costs.

“They are not at fault for what happened this week.”

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