‘Life has become short and valueless in Nigeria under Buhari’s watch,’ PDP governors reply presidency

Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) governors said on Monday Nigerians have lost trust in themselves under the inept President Muhammadu Buhari’s administration.

The governors stated this in a statement issued by the Director-General of the PDP Governors’ Forum, C. I. D. Maduabum, in Abuja.

They were reacting to the remarks credited to the presidency on the performance of the PDP throughout its 16 years in power.

In a statement issued by the Senior Special Assistant on Media and Publicity to the President, Garba Shehu, the presidency accused the PDP governors of attempting to cover up the failures of their 16-year-old rule with the constant criticism of the All Progressives Congress (APC)-led Federal Government.

In their reaction, the governors insisted that Shehu was not unaware of the plight of Nigerians; because he was holed up in the Aso Rock Villa.

They stressed that the fault lines in Nigeria had been widened because of the government’s mismanagement of the country’s diversity.

According to the governors, life has become short, brutish, and valueless in Nigeria under Buhari’s watch as insecurity continued to ravage the land.

The statement read: ”We are moved to respond to the infantile, ignorant, pedestrian, low quality, confused and rambling response of Garba Shehu, spokesman of the so-called Presidency, an amorphous entity, to the fact-filled patriotic, well thought-out chronicle of the dire living conditions of Nigerians by the PDP Governors in their communiqué of March 23, 2022, for the need to set the records straight.

“Garba Shehu described the communiqué as a fantasy, delusional and fictional. He even derided Nigerian armed forces as ‘phantom soldiers’.

“Perhaps he was dazed by the sheer assemblage of facts, figures and evidence on the existential threat Nigeria is facing as a result of the APC misrule, with respect to the economy, security, stealing of Nigeria’s crude, etc., as contained in the communiqué.

“The PDP Governors communiqué made a comparative sketch of Nigeria of 2015 under PDP and Nigeria of 2022 under APC. The communiqué reeled out the fact that in almost all sectors, things have gotten worse by over 1000%.

“This is reflected in prices of basic foodstuffs, unemployment rate, electricity prices, kerosene, diesel, fuel, aviation fuel and air ticket prices which have all gone through the roof. It reeled out figures on poverty, inflation, exchange rate, debt accumulation and corruption.

“Indeed, all aspects of life in Nigeria are being systematically destroyed by the APC administration. Life has become short, brutish and valueless in Buhari’s Nigeria as insecurity ravages the land. But this is not the problem of Garba Shehu, who is enveloped in the Presidential Villa, totally oblivious of the suffering and agony Nigerians are facing.

“Garba Shehu accused PDP Governors of influencing ethnic and religious tensions. How does pointing out the deteriorating state of affairs in Nigeria inflame ethnic and religious tensions? The Buhari Presidency by all objective accounts is the worst in Nigeria’s history in managing our diversity.

“Under APC’s seven years rule, Nigerians no longer trust one another, ethnic and religious differences are not properly managed. All our fault lines are exposed and exacerbated.

Garba Shehu had the temerity to praise the military success under Buhari as compared to the PDP. That someone in today’s Nigeria can be this tone-deaf to the cheapening of life in Nigeria under the watch of the APC is to say the least, unfortunate.

“The recent events in Kaduna have brought trauma and shame to Nigeria. There can be no better evidence of government adrift, unconcerned, and rudderless — without care about how the economy runs.”

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