A young British lady identified a Evie Toombes has won her ‘wrong conception’ case against her mother’s doctor.
The 20 year old from Lincolnshire, UK had dragged her mum’s doctor to court for allowing her to be born with a permanent health condition.
The health condition called lipomylomeningocoele (LMM) is as a result of a gap in her spine because it failed to develop while she was in the womb.
Evie whose condition forced her to become a frequent visitor to the hospital to receive tubes into her body, said the doctor failed to prescribe vital supplements that would have averted the problem, WioNews reports.
The compensation will cover her extensive care needs for life At a London’s High Court ruling which held on Wednesday, December 1, Judge Rosalind Coe QC backed the lady’s claim and awarded her a huge compensation for damages.
According to the New York Post, Evie’s lawyers said the amount she is claiming hasn’t been calculated yet but it sure is a big one as it will cover her extensive care needs for the rest of her life.
Judge Rosalind found out that the doctor had truly not told the lady’s mother importance of taking folic acid supplements before getting pregnant.
And if she had been told, she would have delayed conceiving and instead had a different, totally healthy, baby,” the judge added.