Kano Assembly passes N58 billion supplementary budget

The Kano State House of Assembly, on Monday at the committee of the whole, passed the N58 billion supplementary budget submitted by Gov. Abba Yusuf.

Speaking after passing the budget, the majority leader, Lawan Hussaini (NNPP- Dala) said that the budget would enable the state government to execute developmental projects.

Mr Hussaini said that the budget would help the administration to achieve its development target and appreciated his colleagues for their contributions toward its speedy passage.

He said that the passage of the supplementary budget had raised the 2023 budget of the state to N326 billion.

He said that the House would monitor the implementation of the budget through effective oversight to ensure that funds allocated to projects were judiciously used.

Similarly, the House also presented a commendation letter and cash reward of N1.5 million to a tricycle rider Auwalu Danbaba who returned about N10 million forgotten by a passenger in his tricycle.

Receiving the money, Mr Danbaba thanked the lawmakers for the gesture.

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