India hits milestone, vaccinates 10m people against covid-19 in one day

For the first time ever, India had increased its total number of Covid -19 vaccination in a day as the country vaccinated 10 million in a day.

This is to show their commitment to fighting this pandemic despite their large population and by achieving a 10 million a day milestone on Friday 27th August, 2021, they have been able to beat their previous record of 9.2 million daily.

The Prime Minister, Narendra Modi praised this achievement and tagged it a “Momentous Feat” as the country had really faced lots of death as over 200,000 people lost their lives in May and June due to covid -19 alone and the increased fear of another surge in infections.

Kudos to those getting vaccinated and those making the vaccination drive a success” Modi said on Twitter.

This is indeed a great proof that despite the challenges such as shortages and the people’s hesitation to get the vaccine, the country stands a chance at meeting their target of vaccinating 1.1 billion persons by end of the year.

Bill Gates also hailed India for the “tremendous milestone” as he commended everyone involved in achieving the success.

“Congratulations, India, on reaching this tremendous milestone, the collective effort of the government, vaccine manufacturers, health workers and the research and development community made this feet possible,” he said in his tweet where he tagged India Prime minister and the union of ministry of health and family welfare.

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