There are Two key ingredients important for a successful business. They are good product and good marketing.
Good marketing involves doing both offline and online marketing.
In this post I will be sharing some of the secrets of online marketing with you.
- Online retail platform
You can promote your product online by listing it on online retail stores.
The popular online retail stores we have in Nigeria are Jumia, Konga and jiji.
All online retail shops have terms and conditions you will need to respect and obey.
And All you’ll need to do is upload your product, they list your product on their store and people will begin to see your product which will lead to sales. - Facebook ads
Promote your business on Facebook, it is very effective but you also need to follow their terms and conditions because if you go against it, your account can be banned.
Facebook allows you to use videos, animation, images, slides and text for your ads.
You should try different combinations to see the one that works for you and you can then stick to it. - Instagram ads
You can decide to do Instagram ads only and the different types of placement we have are newsfeed and story.
You can also do both Instagram and Facebook ads together. Both platforms have several tools that can help your online marketing. - Search Engine Marketing
The 2 popular search engine sites we have in Nigeria are Google and Bing.
These two allow customers to advertise on their search engine by making their posts visible to clients searching for keywords related to the post.
The reason you are appearing at the top of the page is because you’ve paid for ads with the search engine company.
Most people use Google ads You can decide to use both Google ads and Bing ads or you can just use Google ads only - SEO
You can also do SEO marketing which is almost similar to the search engine marketing.
In this case your posts will appear during keyword search based on how relevant your site is to the keyword and not because you paid for ads.
SEO also takes more time when compared to search engine marketing.
SEO has to do with popularity and credibility of your website (how other sites are linking to you), this will help the search engines determine how relevant your website is. - Sponsored ads on Blogs and forums
You can also promote your business online by doing sponsored ads on popular blogs and forum
When doing sponsored ads on blogs or forums you should try and get their details because it wouldn’t make sense for you to invest your money in a blog or forum with low or no traffic. - Blogging
Blogging is something every business should try, if you are not blogging yet then you are missing something.
A blog portrays you as an authority in your field and it will attract customers to you. It will give you that leverage of becoming a consultant to your audience.
A blog can be used to share your own opinion about issues and that is why it is so cool because you don’t have to post on topics based on everyone’s opinion, you can actually come up with your opinion about a topic and share it with your audience.
When you use blogging as a marketing strategy then you should try to post on your blog regularly because the mistake a lot of people make is that they publish a post and wait for another 3 months beforee they publish another post. - Twitter
You can use twitter to promote your business online
Twitter also works for businesses as well because tweets also get indexed on Google, so that means if you have a trending tweet, it can appear on Google.
Twitter also allows to promote your account and your tweets, so it is also a good platform to promote your business online. - Digital marketing agency
Digital marketing agencies are around and they can help you manage your online marketing relieving you of the stress of trying different online marketing strategy.
These agencies can help you get the results you need because they have experience doing online marketing and they know what works and what doesn’t work and they can guide you to getting the right result.
Don’t just choose any marketing agency to help you promote your business, you should make sure they have the interest of your business at heart and are willing to help your business grow.
Prosperous business (es) has as its strength MARKETING. Marketing is the heartbeat of every business. For you to grow your business you need to market-advertise it and be consistent.